Why do soibois and zoomers call him overrated when he's clearly the G.O.A.T.?
Why do soibois and zoomers call him overrated when he's clearly the G.O.A.T.?
Why is he the greatest?
tupac is underrated on Yea Forums for sure
Biggie was better
because he made what'z ya phone #
Basedmales both underrate him and overrate him. The true redpill is that he was a talented rapper who released a ton of shit music in order to get out of a shitty record deal.
this is true
Good assessment. Funny how K-Dot idolizes him and basically did the same thing
>dude let me shout down the mic
>dude emotions
>Dude a brainlet
>dude cringe and retard-ism
He ultimately was very shallow while trying to appear as deep and thoughtful.
Cringe and bluepilled
icy p and the funky bunch >>>>>>> tupac
No truly great albums I guess. Go tell a zoomer to listen to fucking All Eyez On Me and ofcourse they're going to go "w8 this is it? ayo wait hol up lol i gtta snap this xD"
I'm one of his biggest fans (I've got 140,000 scrobbled in last.fm and lot of more in real life)
but I really do not think he's the greatest out there... there are much better rappers than him life MF DOOM, Rakim and more.
2Pac is a talented and good rapper but not the greatest ever
>seething retard and ignorant roastie
>MF DOOM, Rakim and more
fuck off with your spiritual lyrical miracles 2pac's better than them. the only rappers better than pac are the actual artists like biggie, kanye, and jay-z who actually care about their output.
Prove to me hes not a rapist
because suge knight paid the woman to lie. it was all part of his master plan.
lolwut? 2pac is lyrical too
man how can people handle Kanye voice? god... -_-
and jay? man I don't like people who not writing their own music
>lolwut? 2pac is lyrical too
2pac is lyrical but that wasn't his only focus, unlike doom who rhymes for the sake of rhyming, which makes his music much better
>man how can people handle Kanye voice? god... -_-
kanye has a unique voice and production that complements it perfectly
>and jay? man I don't like people who not writing their own music
are you retarded? jay is famous for writing all his verses in his head
>man how can people handle Kanye voice? god... -_-
>and jay? man I don't like people who not writing their own music
Prove me he is absolute brainless cunt
he raped
no he didn't the woman was paid off by suge knight
take it to court
How did he do the same thing?
By today’s standards he probably raped thousands of women
>2pac is the greatest rapper to have ever lived
in terms of just rappers, he's up there. like i said, he's only beat by the ones who meticulously craft their work to be the best it can be
Biggie was better the west is gay and the only good things to come out of it was eazy e not this no shirt fag
Dude he fucking sucks man admit it. We’re anonymous on here no black people are gonna get mad if you admit he sucks
He actually is, so many quoteables and had actual charisma on the mic unlike whatever boring ass rapper Reddit told you to like
yeah you're right, 2pac sucks and lyrical wokeness tha don from cleveland ohio is waaaay better
Pleb: 2pac
Contrarian: Nas
Patrician: Biggie