How did someone with no theory knowledge or musical background become one of the most prominent music reviewers in the...

How did someone with no theory knowledge or musical background become one of the most prominent music reviewers in the world?

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He riddles his reviews with buzzwords, that's how.

In what world do music reviewers typically have theory knowledge or musical background

He plays bass.

Also theory isn't a prerequisite for becoming a successful reviewer. It's not even a prereq for being a successful musician desu

Music theory is more important for critics than musicians tbqh

>not even a prereq for being a successful musician desu
Id usually call you a brainlet for this but seeing as you used the word "successful" instead of "good", i'll agree, it's all about marketing and nepotism the music biz and a lot of successful """musicians""" hire a team of ghost producers and composers

This - and "zany" humor that covers up that he doesn't know what he's talking about

>no theory knowledge or musical background
that is entirely untrue

Farty synths isn't music theory

He likes music and he has an entertaining personality, he's not fake or anything

soaring synth arpeggios

>He likes music

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Is it just me or did he become more and more unlikable after the Fader thing

>you didn't go to taste school? well then how can I trust your judgement in food

this is how dumb you sound

Knowing music theory doesn't make you a better critic or musician.

In fact, it makes you worse.

How the fuck does it make someone a worse musician? they won't be able to make a song that isn't in C Major or A minor

not true, and at any rate people who focus on that and are good at it are obviously too busy with their own shit to care about being a critic

quality content and consistency

love how he attacked people who said Igor was mixed like shit

As a critic, musician, and theorist. I would say it depends on the type of criticism you're doing. Criticism like Fantano is less analytical and can be very useful when deciding what you want to listen to. Critical analysis can be really great for diving into music you are already familiar with

I saw literally 0 impact in his reviews. He stopped doing meme reviews, which was a shame, but in terms of criticism, I don't think it changed him

I can't tell if you're trolling or an idiot. Please explain your position so I can prove you wrong

Because pop music isn't musically or structurally interesting and you don't need to know anything about music to comment it. Pop music doesn't change the sonority (doesn't exactly follow technological, acoustic or instrumental advancements and/or experimentation, at best with latency) or musical language (nothing new, it's the same old timbres, chords, melodies and rhythms), it only switches between emphases on sonority due to massification of taste.
Give these people a musically more interesting piece of music to review and they won't say anything relevant at all. Not to mention that even when they do review pop music, it's garbage anyway. Fantano is awful.
Retard alert.

pretty sure he does know some music theory and he plays music and used to play in a band...

He stole Yea Forums's impeccable taste. he would be nothing without this board.

Yeah Bach and Beethoven turned to shit when they started studying the works of their predecessors lol

Literally everybody who regularly listens to or performs music knows some music theory, they just might not be able to transcribe it into coherent thoughts or use the correct terminology.

He's not a reviewer, he's an advertiser.

you don't need any background to review things, you can critique games without having made one you know. They're completely different skill sets
[spoiler] fantano still sucks though [/spoiler]

any TRAP FLAVOURED DRUMS in this thread?

imagine using Fantano to decide what to listen to

the same way every other faggot who did the same thing did

>the critic is the true artist

music theory sucks the soul out of music so i don't see why that'd be relevant, but yes, his knowledge is extremely limited.

pop music is better than classical if you're not a soulless robot.

why do you think he has like 2 million subs, lots of people rely on him for that stuff

What is wrong with that? Is it any different than getting recommendations from mu, youtube or rym?

good timing. he was the first person to really occupy the 'video music reviewer' space on the internet/youtube. it's an incredibly niche space to fill, which is why any other music reviewer on youtube has failed to come close the anthony's success.

t. guy who thinks anthony is a hack with nothing to add to the discourse of music and it's history within pop culture.

Mostly because people made fun of him

Horrible bait, try harder.
Oh look it's another one of these brainlet clueless posts.

Music theory lets you have a decent understanding of what you're doing and can give you more ideas for when you're in a rut. People who insist it's actively bad to know this are just intimidated by the idea of practicing. Theory itself is neutral, it exists in every musician with or without their knowledge. It's like math. And it's rarely only the chord progression and it's not just knowing your major and minor scales and you're done for life. It's a lot of elements at once. It's the gesture. It's the arrangement. It's the development. It's the form, the structure. It's the way the harmony and melody come together. It's the choice of instruments. It's the lyrics, even, and the rhythm, tone, texture and colour. It allows you to reverse engineer things, which is a very useful skill to have. The only way to break the rules knowingly and accordingly is to know all the rules first. This has been proven time and time again by classical composers who analysed works of their predecessors and most of them have been a part of institutionalised education.

The idea that theory could be a negative knowledge comes from a bullshit romantic notion that good art is purely unconscious or emotional and that systematization and logic are antithetical to it. Intuition alone could never result in the monstrous feat of borderline engineering that is a great symphony.

The theories of psychoacoustics, biomusicology and so on indicate that there are certain musical and sound qualities we find pleasing regardless of cultural bias. A trained musician would be much more familiar with these and thus able to subvert and play with them. There's a reason classical music is much, much more interesting than the various folk musics of the world.

Not a new or unique phenomenon. That's what critics have always been. Know-nothing parasites. Stop paying attention to them.


Why did everyone here start hating him once he became popular?

Because of that. If normise knew about Scaruffi, Yea Forums would hate him too.

I hate him because how inconsistent he is with his reviews, this is a man who gave DAMN a 7 and Billie Eilishes album an 8

was he ever not popular?

pandering to teenagers by reviewing the latest (c)rap albums

He turned from an apolitical centrist into a poptimistic SJW twitter schizo after The Fader published a hit piece on him.

Sounds pretty based to me. /pol/scum always need to be kept in check

I don't like Scaruffi regardless of his popularity.

centrism in the us is hardly apolitical... it means you support the status quo which means you support capitalism and white supremecism and patriarchical power structures. he deseres to be called out

Having a spine of gelatin and walking back everything you say in penance to the court of public opinion invites aggression and disrespect. It basically tells the world that you have no beliefs and will say anything if subjected to enough abuse.

He explained (several times maybe) that he doesn't include music theory in his reviews because the vast majority of people wouldn't understand it or else don't care about it. Which is a shit reason.

>let's beat obnoxiousness with obnoxiousness

Because he reviews albums from musicians with no theory knowledge
But he does have a musical background, no matter how obscure.

Picking up a bass and playing some little diddily doos every once so often isn't a musical background.

damn famn tbqh desu

Yeah he's a pseud who uses fancy phrasing to describe parts of songs as if he has synthesia

he just wants to fit in

theory knowledge is completely irrelevant to a review. whether or not the music sounds good can be conveyed in a much more efficient and sensical way without feeling the need to bring up the theory. reviewers who do harp on theory are pretentious faggots who'd rather show how much knowledge they have than actually leave a quality review.

That kind of person is an existential threat to the human race.

I dunno bro, Rick Beato says more about the average dadrock song than Christgau has ever said in his entire career.

Descriptive language and attention whoring.

does that make his reviews better tho? rick beato is hardly even a reviewer.

Late reply but why is the bar so low that a critic doesn't have to be at least a bit analytical?

What is zany humor?

how do you review an album without descriptive language. fucking mental gymnasts

Because the entire music reviewing industry is aimed at non-musicians. More often than not it's closer to fashion and culture critique.

exactly this. fantano makes reviews for people who dont know if somethings worth their time. the more theory heavy types make reviews for people who know somethings worth their time.

His language is very hamfisted and not very descriptive. People like him, who eat too much Taco Bell and sweat too much and wear tanktops as a fuck you everybody, are mad at the world because they can't speak in a way that's understandable. They're always giving you the gist of it.

Interesting post that actually gives thoughtful reasons on why music theory is necessary, thanks user.

I kinda like asshole Fantano. When he bitch slapped Boogie on Twitter I got a good laugh out of it. He should cyberbully more fat attention seeking retards.

Music is about how you feel listening to it. Some people require high class composition to enjoy a piece of music, Fantano doesn't, and preffers when the effects of the music on its own, without needing you to understand "music theory", affects you in some way.

I agree with this train of thought, as my favourite albums contain some semblance of emotion-packed experiences rather than sitting down and Dissecting in which notes and what type of arpeggios a musician is playing in.

People who preffer more technical details in their music, hate fantano, cus he gives no fucks about your average prog-technical band, while praising hip-hop, which mos of these assholes don't consider to have technical abillities, and that's just fine, is their fucking opinion, and Fantano's opinion differs from it.

TL;DR fantano rates emotional experiences higher rather than technique when talking about music, and you're stupid if you think he should change that.

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>how do you review an album without descriptive language.
Excellent use of punctuation. To answer your question, you simply state what you like or don't like about said album. Fantango uses terms like "trap influenced beats" to bring another level of complexity to the music review. This way the audience who has no music background can completely relate.

He has so little conviction in the things he says, despite refusing to move, I don't think he really knows anymore. He kind of reminds me of Destiny.

>Food and music are both created by people so they're exactly the same
This is how dumb you sound

That was a good attempt, but nah.

>musical background
he played the bass nigger, he still does in let's argue intros

They ain't playing shit.


he's a meme creator on youtube, nobody ever takes his opinion on music seriously, at least not since that fader article popped up

NPCs who need to be told what to think

based on that video, no wonder he's a music critic not a musician

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Theory is a way of describing music, it's not like you can't use it if the composer didn't use theory to write it.

and yet he's better than all of the "professional reviewers"

That's been the case for every prominent music reviewer. And I'd bet he knows more about the technical side of music than Christgau, Bangs or Scaruffi, not that that makes him better at the job.

you're either retarded or underage

he focus too much on the recording techniques and production methods, so much that he thinks his favorite genre is dead just because we have new technologies available

They all are shit because they have a consumerist mindset towards music. They're the kind of people who will knock a point off of a track if they disagree with some subtle musical gesture, but also lack the vocabulary needed to point it out. It's such a vain thing to look at the world through the filter of what you feel at a given moment. They'll never truly be adults.

>le a s s t h e d i c k pic
def underage

A reviewer doesn't need to be good or bad, just consistent.

Something Fagtano is not, it's like he uses 0-10 on Google RNG and uses descriptive words based on what number he gets, remember that he gave DAMN the same score as a Lil Pump mixtape ffs

I agree. Fantano isn't a good reviewer, but it's not because he has no musical background.

consistency. the guy’s been making reviews since most of his current audience were 8 years old. personally don’t see anything wrong with his career/channel but i get that some people would rather have more in depth analysis.

>with no theory knowledge or musical background
Isn't that most critics?


this is a good post, especially the part about romanticizing the creative process.

Yes; Beato, no matter how dadrocky he is, is a thousand times more interesting to the average person who is actually interested in music, specifically composition and what makes a certain song sound the way it does, than those faggot social studies music "reviewers".

He looks and sounds like his target audience ie retarded burger hipster trash

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It's pasta but it's completely spot on. Anybody who shits on music theory has literally no idea about the intricacies of music, the artistic/creative process and probably can't play a note on an instrument.

>musical background
>bass player
Pick one

>he's not fake

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