What are some more good incelcore/NEETcore/depressioncore albums? This is the best I could come up with.

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Incels dont listen to nigger music.

That is a normie core trait

how the fuck did you forget pinkerton OP?

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Put some prog on there, no prog fans will ever get laid

weak bait

depressive suicidal black metal

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he didn't ask for teencore

I'm a prog fan and your mother would beg to differ.

being an incel is more than just not having sex you can have sex but still be an incel.

>only teenagers can be depressed
you have to go back

Didn't say that, however metal is for teens and anyone over that age listening to it and it exclusively should be ashamed

white rappers but also randomly like schoolboy q

elliott smith, whos lyrics they take exclusively at face value

here comes the indian

do you understand what celibacy means

Nope, it's real MEN'S music, for strong and wise grown ups. You stick to your teen pop, rap and indie now.

This is cringey doomer sadboi faggot music, not incel core

Metal is for nerds, go listen to christian music instead like a real man

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christian music is for weaklings such as yourself, little boy.

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The bends - Radiohead
Pwcepatlpitw - Andrew Jackson jihad
Come over when you’re sober part 1 - lil peep
Little dark age - mgmt
The ooz- king krule
Carrie and lowell- sufjan Stevens
Swimming - Mac miller

I've never listened to it.

Go away.

The Apostle Paul literally murdered Christians until he grew up and became one, I suggest you do the same weakling

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It's not bait, I need more music to listen to.

Schoolboy Q? How?

>Little dark age - mgmt
Not even close.

Christianity will be kicked out of Europe soon. It's not native, it's a desert religion.

Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill

Without Christianity you'd all be dead and suffering in the hell you claim to love so much, rethink your words heathen

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I would argue that little dark age is a depression core album. It’s not that the songs are depressing, but you can tell that they were written coming from a place of depression. Like tears of a clown.
Also the electronic overproduction on many of the songs is pleasing to autist ears

That's fair enough, I suppose. I should've put Surf's Up on the chart in the OP pic.

This. It should be dominated by prog albums

This. The amount of times all of them talk about getting laid is unfathomable to an actual virgin.

this anime ost's

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wrong. fuck off /pol

literal incelmusic

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lol thats normie music. incels listen to avant teen shit or autistic shit like metal or idm or prog

>the album begins with a track about getting too much pussy

I'm an incel I listen to that "normie" music. I don't mean music that incels listen to, I mean music incels can relate to.

greg ginn is the god of incels

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incel fantasy

post volcel music


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We really need to filter the word like we did with basedboy already

he isnt wrong. incels dont like black music

What the hell?

Bedwetter - Flick Your Tongue... and I guess Oblivion Access
Dystopia - Human = Garbage
Vomit Arsonist - Meditations on Giving Up Completely
Navicon Torture Technologies - I fucking hate you all and I hope you all fucking die.
Blacklisted - No One Deserves To Be Here More Than Me
Johnny Hobo - that beloved split I don't remember the name of
Lifelover - Pulver
GG Allin - Suicide Sessions
Hoax - Hoax
The Body - pick something, I like Christs, Redeemers
Rectal Hygenics - Even The Flies Won't Touch You

That's a nice popular mix of all kinds of related frustration and negativity directed both inwards and outwards. Or just get really into goth music.


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Pinkerton is definitely a weeaboo album, but not an incel one. There's a track about sleeping with lots of fangirls and having an abusive girlfriend. It's more of a >tfw no 3.14 japanese qt kind of album

You. I like you


>elliott smith
Please expand

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>Johnny Hobo - that beloved split I don't remember the name of
Split with Mantits :)

I was listening to a lot of stuff like this right before I came out and transitioned.
Really captures the hellishness of male anger and sexuality.

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>he thinks having sex stops you from being depressed

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