Now that the hype has died down

we can all agree on this, right? EP1 > both, obviously

Attached: TheTruth.jpg (1400x900, 320K)

>have 4 god damn albums named American Football
>have yet to make a song called American Football
Come on

Their entire discography is literally and unironically shit.

their first album is good. not amazing but idk how you can call it shit. I like a lot of toe songs more than af but toe puts out mediocre albums.

It's just mediocre. Generic and derivative.

derivative of what

Midwest emo in general.

Get specific. Which artists/releases are they ripping off to the point that they're not worth listening to because they're so similar?

All emo is generic and derivative

they didn’t sound emo at the time at all. in fact they’re the least sounding emo band of the 90s, they’re more just indie rock. every band that did something with emo sprinkled in some post-hardcore or at least upbeat songs.