Why do people tend to ignore Bowie’s funk/soul phase when assessing his legacy and mainly discuss his glam era and...

Why do people tend to ignore Bowie’s funk/soul phase when assessing his legacy and mainly discuss his glam era and the Berlin trilogy?
I don’t see much discussion of his funk and soul songs on this board, yet he wrote arguably the best soul song of all time in Young Americans and arguably the best funk song of all time in Golden Years. I’m not memeing. He wrote contenders for the best song in both genres. They’re both incredibly tight masterpieces with amazing vocal performances despite Bowie literally just dipping his toes in this kind of music during a brief phase. Yet for some reason this is mostly ignored because of muh glam and muh Berlin and muh 90s meme shit

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it's alright, but golden years isn't even top 50 funk songs, and young americans isn't even top 500 soul songs.

Utter pleb

arguably one of the best gnome songs of all time

Because they don't know much about funk or soul

Right is one of my all time favourite Bowie songs.

nah, you're a rockist genre tourist.

I listen to more soul than rock, and only marginally less funk. But still a lot.
>a white guy moved to America for a couple of years, did a load of coke, and made better songs than most of his contemporary black musicians in two black genres

Would be one of his best if it wasn't for that godawful cover of Across The Universe.

Are all of Bowie's songs about gnomes? Gnomes going into space, tranny gnomes, gnome rockstars fallen from grace, Golden Dawn gnomes, gnomes moving up to London and getting mixed up with the wrong crowd, gnomes getting clean in Berlin, fascist gnomes, drum and bass gnomes?

yeah, no.



The dude ripped off Scott Walker and made a massive career out of it. He had three good albums, mostly aided by Brian Eno.

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Young Americans [RCA Victor, 1975]
This is a failure. The tunes make (Lennon-McCartney's) "Across the Universe" sound like a melodic highlight, and although the amalgam of English hard rock and Philly soul is so thin it's interesting, it often overwhelms David's voice, which is even thinner. But after the total alienation of Diamond Dogs and the total ripoff of David Live, I'm pleased with Bowie's renewed generosity of spirit--he takes pains to simulate compassion and risks failure simply by moving on. His reward is two successes: the title tune, in which pain stimulates compassion, and (Bowie-Lennon-Alomar's) "Fame," which rhymes with pain and makes you believe it. B-

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Fame is literally the pimp anthem. Probably one of the most funky songs ever.

he looked really cool around this time and doesn't get enough credit for his wardrobe

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he gets plenty of credit for his wardrobe.

referring to soul era

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I'm sure Scaruffi rated YA a 1/10, right? :^)

They're called Eidolons

>yet he wrote arguably the best soul song of all time in Young Americans and arguably the best funk song of all time in Golden Years.
>I’m not memeing

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Because it's just not good.

Funk is pure sex, it sounds like it belongs in a porno but it’s still great

Fame* lel

original post still makes sense