Boomer albums

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>hurr hurr good music sucks, i like bad music because it's whats marketed to me

Fuck you faggot, when I was growing up N*Sync was the biggest band, I didn't accept it just because it was fucking modern and trendy. You zoomers are pure cringe with your "I only like pop and rap that's spoon fed to me because it's challenging to really get into music" bullshit, put a bullet in your bisexual tranny fucking skull.

The libtards come out of the woodwork once again. I tell ya, not a free thinkin bone in their bodies. All ya gotta do is question them.

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Physical Graffiti
Let it Bleed
Electric Ladyland
What was this post trying to convey?

boomers only like black album metallica

And Load/Reload
James was literally boomer meme personified in that era

Real boomers hate that shit, mini boomers like it. That's when Metallica crossed over from the dirty headbanger crowd to the football bro crowd.

Holy shit

Load/Reload era makes me mad, and not for the reasons it makes most people mad. I don't give a shit that they cut their hair or changed styles. It's just the hypocrisy of it all that lets you know ALL "elitists" are really just jealous pricks

Metallica were the poster boys for shitting on the more mainstream side of the 80's metal scene for caring about image, writing accessible music that could fit a radio format, having expensive music videos, and just in general buying into the trappings of what does Metallica do? All of the above. And to this day they'll still act like they're above all of that shit even though they did all of it. Metallica is one of my favorite bands, but they sure exposed the phoniness of "scene" culture and elitists more than anyone else in history, everyone wants the money, the fame, and to be a cool rock star...period, some are just mad they haven't made it or lack the confidence to think they ever will

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