Electronic guitar music

I can play guitar fairly well and I've got some mics.
I'm thinking of getting into music production.
What kinds of electronically-made music can be made with a guitar and a computer?
Could you link some recommendations please?
Not necessarily electronic genres. It can be anything, as long as it's produced electronically.

Thanks in advance.

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If you have to ask that, you're not going to make anything original and might as well quit electronic music


Karl Bartos, leaves Kraftwerk, works with Bernard Sumner and then makes an album that sounds a bit New Order-y. Everything on this is electronically generated besides the guitar and the vocals.

>if you ask questions about electronic music on a music board you should quit electronic music
The absolute state of Yea Forums

You can make any kind of music you want with a computer.

>you can make analogue music with a computer

if op has guitar and mics he can do anything he wants. and analog/digital aren't genres.

Guitar fits really well with Synthwave and alike genres, and Still shows up as rhythmic elements in most pop music forms as well as textural elelemnts in EDMs.

>"You can make any kind of music you want with a computer."
>"analog/digital aren't genres."
>kind of music
Different things kiddo

Daily reminder that you can't make analogue music on a computer

Yes I can.
There are plenty of sample pack and multisampled digital instruments that allow me to get those timbres entirely within the box.
Sure, I won't have the same degree of control that I'd have with an actual synth (where I can actually control the socillator instead of emulating it with a sampler), but fuckheads who care about "analog" aren't smart enough to care about anything else, so it's not a problem.

Also, there are emulations like u-he Diva, which sound pretty nice and will fool 99.9% of people.

Lmao the fact you're talking about fooling people proves that you can't do it

Again, you can't make analogue music on a computer

I advise you to go away and do some googling kiddo

>Lmao the fact you're talking about fooling people proves that you can't do it
Random ass arbitrary statement that means nothing.

>Again, you can't make analogue music on a computer
Just because you can't doesn't mean nobody can.

>I advise you to go away and do some googling kiddo
I advise you to read this:

Just accept it dude. The money you spent on all that useless gear could've been spent elsewhere, but you decided to waste it on placebo.
I'm sure you could recoup at least part of it if you resell it to some other retard.

>random ass arbitrary statement that means nothing
Lmao do u hear yourself? You talked about fooling people into believing you can do something that I'm saying you can't, which leads one to believe that the reason you should choose to rely on deception is because you can't actually do it

Also it's not a question, you can't make analogue music on a computer

They are literally THE two different kinds of music you can make: analogue and digital music

>Just because you can't doesn't mean nobody can
To reiterate for the third (and please god let it be the final) time: You can't make analogue music on a computer.

>I advise you to read this
Okay I'll read that (irrelevant) and you can read these:





>The money you spent on all that useless gear
I don't own any gear

You are literally missing the point

Analogue and digital are two different things

You can't make analogue music on a computer

why are you letting the method of recording dictate what kind of music you want to make? like you can make electronic, metal, rock, etc. in analog or digital, who gives a fuck? this analog vs digital argument doesn't have anything to do with the OP anyway.

Are you retarded?
Was this discussion about semantics all along?

Let me rephrase then, sicne you can't infer it from the more than obvious context:
You can make ANALOG-SOUNDING music that sounds EXACTLY the same as what you can make with real analog equipment.
Happy now?

Dude who knows just make something up based on the music you’re into
Also be into interesting music

Jesus Christ the absolute fucking state of this board

When you say electronic, metal, rock etc, you're talking about genres, which are types of music

While it is true that all genres are types, not all types are genres

Analogue and digital/computer music are two different types of music

Here user says that you can make any TYPE of music with a computer

But you can't make analogue music with a computer

Learn to trace an argument back to its source

>It took him this long to realise his careless error
Finally *leans back and sighs*

This is a level of autism that I've not been trained to handle.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

Sure, but I want to know which kinds are more suitable for the combination of a computer and a guitar.

Thank you.

I'm into rock music, which is what I've been playing with my guitar, but I want to branch out and see what other options I have.
Maybe there's some genre or type of music that uses (or benefits from) guitar that I don't know about and I may like, so I'm asking you guys for recs.

>he accuses others of autism

Here I say you can't make analogue music with a computer

Here you say that you can

We were beyond semantics and yet you failed to understand

Let this be a lesson to you kiddo

Here (my first post) I very clearly talk about using samples recorded from analog gear and plugin emulations, so OBVIOUSLY when I said "analog music" I meant "music that has the analog sound", and not "music that's made with analog processing".
There's literally no other way to understand this ost, but you somehow misunderstood it as me thinking that a computer can do the same thing that an analog synth (or gear in general) can do, which is absurd and doesn't make sense with what I said.

check out sweet trip. majority of their stuff is electronic/guitar/vox. most of the drums are just midi

Again, like I said and you mistakenly disagreed with:

You can't make analogue music on a computer.

Fuck off retard.

>What kinds of electronically-made music can be made with a guitar and a computer?
Literally all.

>I want to know which kinds are more suitable for the combination of a computer and a guitar
Just plug your electric guitar into the audio interface, route it through the millions and billions of effects you will find for free for the DAW of your choice, play something cool and unique, learn how to automate those parameters and do this again and again, putting layer upon layer. You can literally do anything you want with a guitar and computer.

Thank you.

I know what can be done.
I'm just curious about HOW people have done it.
It's more of a stylistical question than a technical one.