How is this acceptable?

how is this acceptable?

Attached: white face.jpg (1200x678, 89K)

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why not

Looks like a Bogdanoff

well it seems hypocritical that black face makes blue checkmarks have a mental breakdown yet they're completely silent about white face

Same with Donald Glover showing up to that award show with white face on like it’s no big deal.

>what about if the roles were reve-
well they're not, so...

Because white face does not exist race baiting retard

the same type of people who complain that black people shouldnt be offended by black face are now being offended by white face

are you retarded? that wasnt my argument, im just pointing out the double standards

Maybe we've all just been convinced by manufactured media outrage that certain acts surrounding race and sex are morally wrong and deserving of social shaming but aren't actually morally wrong. No, that can't be it.

Proof that there's no reason to really be offended by a dude wearing face paint.

>im just pointing out the double standards
you asked how it was acceptable, i asked why it wouldn't be, and you still haven't answered.

>y-you're the one that's offended even though we started this moral policing outrage game

and then they wonder why the snowflake rhetoric is pushed right back at them. stupid. what a dumb fucking world we live in these days.

you seem pretty offended

not by face paint, just by moralfag hypocrites

i didnt say that black people should be offended by blackface, im pointing out that OP is scraping to find something to be offended by when he likely looks down on black people for the same, as do you clearly.

whatever you say

cos it's a n*gger

If it isn't acceptable for a white man to be in black face, then it isn't acceptable for a black man to be in white face. l2logic.

>i asked why it wouldn't be,
you didnt
it shouldnt be acceptable because black face isnt acceptable, either both are acceptable or neither

you're braindead morons that completely missed the point. The issue is in double standards, not this nigger doing a whiteface itself

who dat boy?

also we weren't talking about blackface
also no one said blackface was unacceptable

>you didnt

(That's not logic.)

the whole reverse racism thing is so contrived and forced. of course it's a double standard but that because we all know what evokes actual fear and shame from it's target and it sure as hell isn't the word "cracker"

if you think whiteface is unacceptable, you need to provide an actual reason why. if you're just complaining about a double standard, then you should have asked "why isn't blackface acceptable?"

>my issue isnt that he's doing whiteface, its that hes doing whiteface
sure bud, anyway theres no double standard, blackface was socially acceptable for a while and now its not, maybe whiteface wont be in the future, either way its clear youre searching for a reason to be offended instead of really regarding what blackface meant when it was socially acceptable

maybe there is some kind of historical and cultural context at play here

>blackface evokes fear and shame in black people
what a retard

i didnt know you were that user behind first post, i was referring to your other post alone
anyway, i answered here

Why? Because logic. I understand that you lack logic, so don't think about it too hard. Your retarded opinion can't possibly be this uneducated. Are you truly such a recluse that you don't understand the lack of social acceptance of wearing black face?

American "culture" is a joke, it has been since the people on the television started setting the public's standards for what to be outraged about since television was invented.

(You're a retard.)

love me a good music related thread on Yea Forums dot org forwardslash mu


blackface was historically used specifically to demean and dehumanize black people. like saying a holocaust joke to a Jew is generally considered worse than saying it to someone that isn't jewish.

>lets continue doing racist public stunts and only contributing to increasing racial tensions
>then lets continue victimizing ourselves and crying about racism
niggers of 21st century everyone

Its a lazy bait thread using a 1 year old video.
Op is probably some smelly mestizo larping as a white person.

Most /pol/tards are spics, it's really weird

Tyler literally loves white boys and nothing about his content is racially divisive. Nothing about that music video was targeted towards white people. It was just an interesting visual, and that's okay because people putting on white makeup has never been used in an awful way and doesn't have that connotation.
You are nuts.

you certainly sound very invested in decreasing racial tensions

please tell me what exactly he was going for with that white face then?

Both should be acceptable, but blackface isn't, and therefor neither is whiteface. Think, user. Use that noggin of yours.

>why is this acceptable
>i didn't mean it's not acceptable guys!!!

Such a retarded argument I see constantly. People aren't complaining about the whiteface itself, they're complaining about the hypocrisy of the people who would be outraged by blackface but not whiteface.

So you're question should have been "why isn't blackface acceptable?"

youre gonna have to strawman harder


Why is OP's double standard acceptable
And anyone respond to my question, I didn't mean exactly what I said

>they're complaining about the hypocrisy of the people who would be outraged by blackface but not whiteface
it's not hypocritical to take context into account

it obvious why blackface isnt acceptable, it carries a racial hatred intent towards blacks. Same way white face can be regarded as racial hatred motivated message towards whites

So the question is "why is there a double standard"
The answer is "blackface has an extremely racist history and has been used across America specifically to demean black people, while whiteface hasn't. Therefore people are not okay with black face and don't really care if someone puts white makeup on. At the same time most people would find it weird if a black guy did that at a Halloween party or something. In the context of the music video (art) nobody cares."

>there is social, cultural, or historical significance to blackface, it is therefore equivalent to whiteface.
>whiteface is just as racist as blackface
Back to your storm drain, chud

The context is "we've established this double standard over decades of being outraged by things that don't matter to enforce our race relations paradigm through social shaming propaganda."

>it obvious why blackface isnt acceptable, it carries a racial hatred intent towards blacks. Same way white face can be regarded as racial hatred motivated message towards whites
you just said both should be acceptable

ayo canigetuhhhhh picture of arnold schwarzenegger from the simpsons with the "thats the joke" caption

im white but okay, have fun trying to convince your self youre not racist while spewing racial slurs and that black people are looking to be offended while youre looking to be offended
okay fair point, the reason that black face is seen as racist and white face isnt is that black face was and still is punching down, or is at least seen that way. back when it was more socially acceptable, blackface was used to mock black people while they were still segregated, or to fill in the role of a black character while not having to pay black actors (see othello). its offensive because it serves as a reminder that black people are still seen as an underclass in society, or at least it reminds them that they once were and those effects can still be felt in showbusiness today. white face isnt offensive because generally speaking its punching up at rich white americans who obviously have more power than the black working class, or even rich black americans
the reason you see that argument so much is because its annoying to go through that whole history lesson every time. if you arent willing to educate yourself on why things offend other people and why maybe theres history societal reasons for it then what else can i do but try to speak your language, and say "you know how you think black people are looking to be offended? youre literally doing that"

>white race can be regarded as racial hatred motivated message towards whites
why though? why do you take it that way? Is there any documented widespread use of whiteface as a means of demeaning white people?

why not just start a thread of the Top 10 Al Jolson Songs

Lmao are you serious?

this isnt whiteface lol
im white and im pretty sure and i didnt even think of it like this. did you even watch the video?

I did? I dont think so but thats what I think, yes
My problem is not with blackface but with leftists setting a double standard

a state sanctioned hate crime

Attached: s-l300.jpg (216x300, 23K)

>this double standard is okay because something something history and descriptions of history are infallible and unbiased

Every fucking time

>I did?
see>My problem is not with blackface but with leftists setting a double standard
yes, so once again, your question should have been phrased "why isn't blackface acceptable," not "why is whiteface acceptable."

because xface is now tied to the history of blackface which carries a racial hatred message


othello is a film you can go out and buy, you can look up minstrel shows using blackface, youre now being willfully ignorant to justify your argument

Why are you so upset that you can't say nigger? Just do it and see what happens.

>accounts of history and historical contexts are never wrong so I don't have to actually give reasons for why this is wrong now


denying history is a very convenient debate tactic

It's not denying history, it's denying that your account of history is relevant to the modern double standard.

i addressed that it still is punching down to do blackface, and that doing whiteface is still punching up. in the video, tyler the creator is (i think) making a joke about wanting to be white so white boys will fuck him, or maybe about being white because he thinks theyre hotter than he is because hes black. in white chicks, they play white rich socialites. in dave chappelles' reparations skit, hes making fun of a rich, white, racist newscasters. if you did a bit about obama or some other powerful black person in blackface youd probably get a laugh, but blackface is almost always used to punch down on black people, not up at them, because theyre seen as easy targets. also, your entire argument being that history is wrong so youre right is dumb, you havent explained why black face is okay
>inb4 because whiteface is okay
actually im choosing to ignore the fact that whiteface is okay, so dont rely on historical facts like that in your argument
not me, but yeah it is convenient
actually its not you doing that at all, you said
>>accounts of history and historical contexts are never wrong

Your entire argument is "this was seen as wrong historically, therefore it's wrong." How stupid is that, you fucking hypocrite? "Punching down" or "punching up" is irrelevant too, class based arguments don't justify stances on race issues. Making fun of poor people is acceptable anyway. The only reason race-based humor is unacceptable when it's about black people is a phony moral standard established by blanket media propaganda to instill it as a social shaming mechanism. There's nothing wrong about it.

Based and nonracist

Just say nigger and see what happens you dumb faggot, people have been having the same argument for years. It's a free country, just say nigger.


There you go now you don't have to cry injustice when I call you a cracker

This thread is idiotic. Of course blackface doesn’t inspire fear in black people in 2019 but growing up seeing only negative caricatures of yourself In media does actually inspire shame in people

If you care about facts and based logic you are never going to make it

Let me guess. It would be generally considered worse if I made a holocaust joke to you?

fucking this. amazing how nobody else ITT pointed it out.

>hannibal lecter skin mask stapled to head
This board is borderline retarded

Crackers mad

Yes Chaim, only Jews died in the holocaust.

Not it wasn't you fucking idiot, niggers just weren't good actors back then to play nigger roles so kikes used face paint instead

But that was supposed to be a character parodying Michael Jackson

do you close your eyes while posting all the time? or just on Yea Forums?

Whitoids are the niggers of gender

the answer is I want to have my cake and eat it too

how is blackface not acceptable is the question you should be asking

imo it should be, and it will be
in like a 100 years

So do you not have a clue where black face comes from? Its a historical thing retard. In film and stage, they would paint their face black with overexagerrated features of blacks while parroting demeaning stereotypes. It was also seen in how most cartoons at the time drew blacks and the way they showed them was as retarded apes, tribesmen or submissive.


Honestly, who the fuck cares? Whether it's black face or white face, it doesn't matter

>oppressed white male

Attached: upset.png (211x239, 8K)


is that pic supposed to be you?

shhhh, just go with the accepted (retarded) narrative or you'll be called a racist. you wouldn't want that now would you?

here's were the rest of the single digit IQ's hangout, have fun

>itth artful cuth heth mixthed he doesn have a thtrong rashul iden'ty
>itth artful cuth heth gay black boyth aren allowed t' be twinks or bottom
>neva bin dun befo
>also uh just forget goblin happened and was briefly popular okay?? he totally isn't a walking embarrassment don't imply that please
i fucking hate this kid
awful thread by the way