John Lennon = Pewdiepie
YouTubers are modren rock n rollers
holy shit
Pewdiepie is the John Lennon of The vidya
Does he beat his wife?
agreed that someone should shoot this annoying faggot
fuck off he’s the best mainstream youtuber
he was annoying back then when he was a gamer tho
>both popular
>both can get away with anything
so far checks out
Very fuckin true
wow lol
>both said the n word
>both said the N word
kill yourself
hes even more garbage now than he used to be when he screamed like a retard at shitty horror games
We should treat the Beatles like Youtubers, good entertainers but garbage artist
HOW does a garbage artist entertains you?
Is that even a question?
he is the nigger of the men
Assuming that you mean how can a poor quality artist be as entertaining as a good quality artist, imagine buying furniture from ikea. Practical but unimpressive. The opposite would be ordering handmade artisan furniture that would function in the same way as ordinary furniture, but would inspire awe every time you saw it. The Beatles and pewdiepie are competent entertainers, but in 500 years their content will be long forgotten.
>the Beatles will be forgotten
Nigger in 50 years pop music will primarily be jingles written by machines for selling coke and condoms. The Beatles don't stand a chance against time
>the most successful band of all time will be forgotten
Based nigger
Ice Poseidon is the Howard Stern of YouTube
Am I a joke to you?
kill yourself summer fag
reported for underage
Pud pie will be forgotten in 5, a footnote on the wiki page titled “Jackass”
everybody type user is a stupid nigger