Is Yea Forums ever going to evolve from indie and rap music?

Is Yea Forums ever going to evolve from indie and rap music?

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fuck off felipe


>he thinks literally every woman is a trap nowadays
Yea Forums has really fucked your mind, didn't it?

he literally is though

but he is

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cute smelly feet


Post more trap feet, so good

God I hope so...

Why are Brazilians so cute?

her name is Sayuri, bigot

Is indie even a real genre?

No, it just means music that is made more independently. So unless Yea Forums starts being a hotbed of regurgitating popular culture they will probably continue to enjoy "indie" music until it doesn't even sound like the "indie" stuff we listen to today.

Who is she?

Sayuri Mattar


Yes, she. The correct pronoun.

No, but even then, modern indie is literally just soft rock with extra reverb and effeminate voices.

i think nu/mu/ likes muse now

Just put on a dress and look at your own feet.

he has a penis

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She's too cute to be addressed by "he"

it's name will soon be 41%

would love to play with that weenie.

girls can have penises too

That's her feminine penis