I've been binging The Divine Comedy solid for the past week, is there anything else out there like it? Neil's songwriting on literally every record is god-tier.
Divine Comedy
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I haven't found any more of that sort of baroque pop that I've considered any good. It's not dreamy or wistful/nostalgic like, say, WIld Nothing. Maybe a bit of Hidden Camera? He Falls to Me is a great track somewhat along those lines, although I can't find a video copy anywhere to embed here that's not live.
I'd love to know myself.
early scott walker
Yeah I listened to Scott 2 and it's sorta similar, though it doesn't have a fraction of the humour or that catchy, feel-good sound.
obviously it won't be exactly the same
Well the humour and catchy, feel-good sound is really what I'm after. Stuff like Becoming More Like Alfie or I Like
What do you think about the new album Office Politics? I think it's decent but has a lot of filler and some tracks like Queuejumper, the one about synths and the one about Philip Glass and Steve Reich are just stupid
Disappointing in all honestly, pretty much meme-core
I fucking love the divine comedy and it's hard to find something that fills the same gap, the kind of witty irreverence that is simultaneously effortless and trying, cool and uncool, cheesy but not. Nothing is exactly the same, Jens Lekman probably comes closest on night falls over kortedala. Aim and Ignite by fun is also similar, but your capacity for camp has to be a little higher.
Honestly I expected to hate it but I'm actually quite fond of it. I don't mind Queuejumper and really enjoy Philip & Steve. There were a few happy surprises like You'll Never Work in This Town Again, though obviously nothing reaches the heights of say Casanova.
It actually made me revisit their post-Absent Friends albums which was a great thing because I never realised how good they were. Bang Goes the Knighthood in particular is a fantastic record I'd put up there with the best.
>the kind of witty irreverence that is simultaneously effortless and trying, cool and uncool, cheesy but not
Yes, this articulates it perfectly. I'd add that so much of Neil's own personality goes into this you can really get a sense of who he is, and yet at the same time he plays a 'character' in pretty much every song. His work is full of paradoxes like that.