You need to have sex

You need to have sex

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why? is it really that good?

that's a real tattoo btw, she shared it on an instagram story yesterday

I'll head over to the sex store and get right on that thanks

He's lying, don't trust him

Terrible tattoo... but I’ve seen worse

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>supports fags
>no longer christian
>probably not a virgin anymore

it's not a real tattoo you incels

actually i’m a volcel

based and redpilled

it's her best single since 1989 era, prove me wrong

but still it's barely 3/5 for me and if it'd been on Red or 1989 it would've been a filler

She needs to do more rhythmic sing-talking during her song's verses. She doesn't do that enough.

Actually I have sex but only with church girls because they're more likely to do anal

Also that song sucks

>probably not a virgin anymore

user, I...

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>Probably not a virgin anymore
That filthy, degenerate whore has probably had 10 penises inside her body at the same time in the past.

>only with church girls
So, as it stands, you're going to hell, and you're taking them with you.

Hell is a social construct, goy.

Say that to Jesus.

Say that to Phil Mephnesh

he still believes in fairy tales grow up brainlet

Jesus is a faggot, and fuck your god

It's not wise to say such things, anons. Repent tbqh

Who is this person

Taylor Swift

15year old spotted
