Attached: [AFTER SCHOOL CLUB] WJSN's sweet and brutal lie detector game! (우주소녀의 달콤살벌 � (1920x1080, 638K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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The yard is just another imaginary area that exists in one's heart.

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Somi's new song is pretty great

This is the ideal kpop idol. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

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taking one for the team

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I'm sad Somi flopped

dahyuns face is obviously not great but im an easy going guy so i dont pwn people that like it. what i cant ignore is when people compliment her body: her legs are shorter than her torso and that is foul..

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literally the ugliest shit

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OL gyuri

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my beautiful wife Irene and our kids Seulgi, Wendy, Joy and Yeri

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can you guys post a bit slower please?

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cute naky

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i want to cherish and protect megan forever

beta faggots

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can you finally STFU and stop talking about your fake minju?

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small waists dont count when you have a torso like an eel. there is so much vertical space for her organs to go that she doesnt need much horizontal

I also love her so damn much

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dont do that

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momo is cute


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that is creepy

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took one for the team too by forgetting her safety shorts

Attached: [AFTER SCHOOL CLUB] WJSN's sweet and brutal lie detector game! (우주소녀의 달콤살벌 � (1280x720, 2.76M)

based han seo hee

what a woman

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Ugly, beautiful. Despair, happiness. Failure, success. They are all two entities that exist on the brink of one another, like a desert by a sea. The thing is, no one existence is on either side. You think you've reached the mighty ocean, but you're trapped in a blue mirage. You think you're being chased by the dust storms, yet you find yourself swimming in a wave moments later.

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look at her face, so cute and adorable
she is even more adorable in videos, especially that where she made a cake, man that was so cute i was smiling the whole time

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all of fromis_9 are completely stunning, by far the best girl group

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good on irene for pulling 3 kids at THaT age

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Sad newfag appropriating the fedor meme. It's only valid in kpop for the chubby girls like Nancy


Wanna see her perform AOA mini skirt...

shame about the brain.

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do they get naked in there? why the pillow shield?

but what does reddit think about the yg thing

cringe monster

Yeonwoo is brown and fat and not that tall

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My wife and my girlfriend

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>not getting a job as her nurse to help her get though life

how do you go from this

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it just makes her cuter

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We love YG and Blackpink here

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doesn't matter. han seo her is our girl now


Attached: WJSN 우주소녀 개별 190609 BY 147Company 철이 - 인가 퇴근길 직캠 fancam .webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

niggress hair noo joysbros nooooooooo

At what point does your persona become more "you" than your "true self?" Is it based on exposure time? Is it based on what's physical? One might say your actions, not whatever sincere thoughts, make up the present reality's version of you. Another might believe that your persona is what's forced upon you, but what happens when it's you who's capturing the moment and taking the picture?

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wait which one is your wife?

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where was this posted to?

I'm up for the challenge.

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do you think wendy called her the n word

why does he keep taking pics from this angle doe

Momo is so cute, can you guys please post her more

it's applicable because lisa is the most successful idol ever

my wife, my girlfriend and our dog

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How did Wendy allow this

pure cringe

Lucky you. Here your photo from picnic.

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do we like itzy here?

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where was this taken?

her smile is so precious

I think the fancafe, her birthday is coming and she was having a good time in Busan with her aunt

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fromis girl double mogged

she legit can get autism bux and that's good thing.

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Attached: [안방1열 직캠4K] 우주소녀 루다 공식 직캠 'Boogie Up' (WJSN LUDA official fa (810x1440, 2.7M)

Well... I guess I can, seeing as how you have such great taste and all.

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sorry i meant the ugliest and most retarded shit

only yuna lia and chaeryeong

the funniest part

only yeji

to this

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I love that woman

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look at her

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you may not like it but...

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cruella de vil looking bitch

rip her last brain cells

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yujin is not in fromis

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is there a better angle and quality of this? or the good ones are being kept by those shits?

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i'm most definitely looking there (the shoulders)

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*brainmogs rm*

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ive said it before but ill say it again
i sometimes feel bad for fans of other groups because jiwon and the rest of our girls are so much prettier and more talented then everyone else

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objectively speaking

yujin > jiheon > wony

I dislike it when idols say they like spicy food because it causes really nasty shits and it ruins my image of them as an idol imagining them unleashing a filthy capsaicin filled poop

the ugliest shits

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objectively speaking it's the other way around

hell yeah

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goodnight my dudes

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word i think about this every time my girls eat or talk about tteokbokki

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gugudan are the prettiest girls in kpop to be honest

ceo-nim literally fucked his brains out

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stop looking there (the shoulders)

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This one.

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but that is reverse slamability order. it makes no sense

cya bro

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so han seo hee fucked all the oppas and played yg. any trainee more based than this

aunt spiker...

yujin's face is too manly

Sweet dreams

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gay af

she is probably the most based idol ever

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momo bullying dubu

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there she is

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where is elris

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>knew this would happen so started the black label to protect his girls
Based Teddy

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if i was gay i would be into manfaces, like you

>be momo
>oink oink
good webm

sluggy mommy

I mIsS iTzY sO mUcH bRoS

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han seo hee is the true queen of yg

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>he doesnt find low intelligence in girls attractive
absolutely unbased, get some taste

is sohee a drug dealer and slut?

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I want a dumb gook to take care of me

no stop conflating people

that's a pretty nice pit

thinking about that rat

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Why the fuck are seamonkey like this?
Do they actually think their idols enjoy such behavior?

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is it okay to like eunha?

She's hot, yes, but not cute

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everyone is saying she is

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well she is perfect from head to toe

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shes very relatable


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none of those people are real anyway, it's all special effects


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sniff sniff

based yunachads saving the thread

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which kpop idol would u 'fuck'

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>keep your chin up we got your back keep your head up just keep on dreamin'

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nice dog

i missed p̶i̶t̶z̶y̶ yuna so much bros

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the one that would be the best wife and mother, so _________ of course

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Fuck you, you just made me buy another Kia.

yeah it's shitzy the group for teenage girls

whats her name?

ayy lmao

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fuck right off back to hell nigger

why did you already have a kia

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good taste

yuna's pits
my tongue

keep your chin up, buddy

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Itzy made me do it.


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My girlfriend is so cute

I remember this, didn't chaeyoung or someone sit next to her right after?

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anyone watched the hannah montana black mirror episode

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wtf those nostrils are hairy and have bogeys. idols are meant to be pristine.


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freaking cute

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couldn't bear to finish it desu. that bitch is vile

literal succubus

how old is yuna again? asking for a friend

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yuna lips

my ...

All the girls in Twice are total losers.

I think it’s why they’re so appealing.

yuna is the perfect ____

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cute rat

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jiwon of fromis_9

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what a feast

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thinking about yuna's pits

you guys heard outta my head? it is a banger


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semen demon

fuck off incel, we don't listen to kpop, we just blast to autistic korean girls

i would post my opinion on this matter but im not allowed to

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semen angel

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I find niggers almost as attractive as gooks.

Juicy girls

my wives

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wony, jiheon, yuna

I'm not interested in anyone else

nice shes my 2nd next to jisun

you can't say that word

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I respect that, jisun is great as well

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dead fish eyes

sakura mogging


RM will age well

i need more pitzy in my life. a lot more

add ahn yujin there and it's the perfect harem

yena and hitomi are mine

sakura's short little legs lmao

nice for your wives to be hanging out with my wife, hyewon, and our daughters wonyo and yujini

that's hot, homo


you forgot busters jisoo

only girls care about leg length

that is mean we like somi and her new songs here

>day 2
>birthday is already charting worse than dalla dalla
That woman will be kicked from YG too, she's the epitome of flop.

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that dumbass smile

>sunny girls 2.0
what petition do i have to sign to make that happen?


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yes they're nice but they look a bit funny in comparison to the nearby lanklet

fucking racist gooks


cutest drug dealer in kpop

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Is not night

why is she in the middle of forest?

that's whay you get for releasing 'music' that is indistinguishable from full white roastie songs

it's cute

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>2001 06 18
3 days

Attached: 1548839582473.jpg (1950x1300, 345K)

dropping somi for ella

I give her more 3 days until she's not even top 80.

photo of seulgis feet with focus on her toes

she's in aokigahara

ella looks full azn

this is her best hair and eye color combo. black hair is pretty good too


she's filming her first black metal music video

wow, she's pretty hot

labels never drop artists for flopping

reminder that we love gugudan

based blindbro

the good azns like nips or chinks. obviously she's too attractive to look full gook.

what does that mean

she is not a drug dealer and i want to cum on her face

So that's why NCT's still around....

Crayon Pop

lia knows what men want

Birthday #26
Dalla Dalla #42

I'm not saying it isn't a flop but it will take more time.

sorry cutest alleged drug dealer

the drug dealer is han seohee, the elris girl is kim sohee

Blackpink thread next

especially sally

poop poopy

horse thread next

why is no one giving me (you)s anymore

especially her legs

she's great

her sister is the drug dealer?

just listen to happy happy

that song makes me cry

I am sorry. I am Hyewon's husband. Not you.

then try breakthrough

menchildren here and we want a twice thread

that song makes me fap


>replies 15 minutes too late
i win this time bro. just be quicker next time the topic comes up. farewell