Student demonstration time

>Student demonstration time
What the FUCK were they thinking?

Attached: Surfs-Up.jpg (820x820, 81K)


They cut out of 4th of July and that Dennis song(a time to live in dreams?) for this shit


probably trying to shake there reputation as a carefree starry eyed silly pop act. but i would have went over fair better as a single

no, what the FUCK was MIKE LOVE thinking

Mike wanted to say something about protests but he didn't know what

That will always make me mad

Mike Love is a trump supporter, so expecting him to have any kind of taste or intelligence is asking too much.

YAAASSSS!!! Slay queen! #Resist

i personally don't mind it too much. the album does such a good job of relaxing me up to that point that i might just fall asleep without it.

of course, if i'm not in the mood it does come across as a sharp left turn but it's not (in my opinion) the worst some on the album [spoiler]that would be take a load off your feet[/spoiler]

>that would be take a load off your feet
kill yourself


the title track has to be the most overrated song of the beach boys career


i'm sorry, it's just too fucking much
he rubs them with avocado cream in the bathtub
they twinkle when you fall in love
i gotta walk on grass to take care of them

i'm a huge beach boys fan but it just goes way too far in the whimsy naive childish burnout direction and it just feels like im listening to babytalk. i cant do it.

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i'm sorry, do you guys like music or do you just come here to circlejerk and yell at people?

name your top 5 favourite beach boy songs pre-pet sounds



Let Him Run Wild
Your Summer Dream
Don't Worry Baby
She Knows Me Too Well
We'll Run Away

i get around
don't worry baby
when i grow up to be a man
girl don't tell me
california girls



No Kiss Me Baby?