>male artists sings about being "depressed"
Male artists sings about being "depressed"
Unlikely because depressed men normally kill themselves
A depressed woman would try for attention, do a bad job on purpose, and then come back, sing about it, and feel good again
>depressed woman: baby why'd you leave me? i gave you all my love and you threw it away. why love anymore?
>depressed man: why even make fucking music this is a waste of time do you honestly think anyone gives a shit about this disposable pop trash you were born to serve the capitalist machine you fucking moron your life is more of a commodity than your shitty guitar strumming and when you die you will be replaced by someone better
unlikely? are you serious? at least half of Yea Forums core is men singing about being depressed
i'm so ridiculously depressed i've given up all hope
You think it's depression but it's just terrible anxiety and angst.
Depressed people don't even have feelings to sing about. They probably make shitty EDM.
same thing for female artists though. see who gave being sad about an relationship ending as en example of "depression".
>depressed man
we're just horny and lonely and want to kill ourselves
>depressed woman = woman who says she's depressed
female artists depression
>having the weight of society on your shoulder because of unpayed labor
>constantly has to perform emotional labor on males
>patriarchy holding you down from your dreams and goals
>misogyny everywhere you go, getting harassed, objectivied, talked down upon
>scared for your life when alone in the streets at night
>constant threat of violence even inside of your own home
>monthly cramps from periods
>male politicians constantly deciding about what you are allowed to do with your body
>anxiety from financial dependency, having to raise children alone
>constantly silenced and humiliated by men
male artists depression
shove a dildo up your cunt whore
Depression is entertaining though.
Either to empathise or laugh at.
>constantly has to perform emotional labor on males
Women cry when they get angry lmao
no one is going to fuck you, just give up
go to bed, dude.
>depressed man
You mean cringe 16 year-old having his first realization about the ""system"", right?
gender non-specific depression
>feeling as though you have made many mistakes in your life but lack the willpower to change things
>observing that the number of fulfilling and financially sustaining activities available to you is near zero
>becoming "successful" but realizing that many people around you only like you when you are rich
>losing a loved one (not necessarily death) and feeling you are at fault
>sympathizing with others about a serious social issue that you feel powerless to change
male specific depression
>being ostracized by your peers for being gay
>handling the fallout of being taught as a boy to be stoic and cold
>feeling disgusted by the demon that is testosterone and male sex drive that lives inside you
You are an idiot to try and divide people along the lines of gender.
you will never be women, trannies.
>this is what feminazis actually believe
It's literally impossible to be depressed when you are handed the resources and appreciation women are.
Red Peter Griffin don't respond.
red peter griffin is based
>feeling disgusted by the demon that is testosterone and male sex drive that lives inside you
a normal person doesn't have this. seek help. before you get out of control and hurt somebody.
>depressed because they're crazy
>depressed because women are crazy
maybe just obey men like god intended?
i agree
This is true, I can never write a song about my feelings besides loneliness cause I don’t really feel much, not even that lonely, just a theme that’s easy and can find plenty to rhyme
And yeah I started making shitty beats even though I play guitar much better
Um yeah sure, pre-mid-2010's paradigm shift this was true
Male depression
>stacy won't love me
>i won't set my standards lower so i cant find love
>never tries with women
>porn addiction
>how to get an art hoe gf?
>must be the (((jews)))
>every single song is now duplicated in my music library, again. It's done it before you know.
>depressed men normally kill themselves
Most depressed people don't attempt suicide, and most people who do fail, men and women.
Women cry over the weather lmao
Have you ever tried to make a girl cry it’s so fucking easy I can do it in 1-2 sentences
Stop roleplaying
What’s the role I’m playing?
This is true, fuck Yea Forums sometimes man.
What do you expect from 4chans faggiest board
Higher percentage of women fail because they ain't about that life
>girls show interest and I think I'm straight but I'm too lazy to even make the most incremental step towards being with them
>spend all my free time doing drugs and listening to music
>hold a good job to buy drugs with
>waiting for my mom to die so I can kill myself
Why are you laughing at yourself op. You're not a woman, no matter how hard you try
Why do a lot of men on here think that women aren't? It's not like Yea Forums is some hidden place for men only now.
Any woman that browses Yea Forums is only here because tumblr isn't edgey enough anymore
fuck off
I can relate to this
mad as no gf and wont do anything to improve himself
You know you're a tranny user. Either that or a regular faggot
Have sex femcel
Only people who regularly look at tranny porn would only have trannys on the mind when they think of women.
based and redpilled, fuck incels like elliot smith
wow that really proves men are the depressed ones
>Science proves men can be depressed
>Science proves that women can be depressed
Why do people still not accept this on Yea Forums?
But elliot smith had a gf and she killed him
because they have porn addiciton and no art hoe gf
>male depressed artist: Humanity is a petrified fiction hiding from zero, a purgatorial imprisonment of dissolution, but to be stricken with sanctity is to bask in death like a reptile in the sun. God is dead, but more importantly, God is Death. The beginning of the secret is that death is immense
>female artist: Those were the days, when we were all at sea. It seems like yesterday to me. Species, sex, race, class; in those days none of this meant anything at all. No parents, no children, just ourselves, strings of inseparable sisters, warm and wet, indistinguishable one from the other, gloriously indiscriminate, promiscuous and fused.
>Women are 5 times more likely to attempt suicide than men
>Men are 5 times more likely to succeed a suicide attempt
When a woman attempts suicide, a lot of the time it’s a cry for help.
When men attempt suicide, it’s real shit
Men in here really trying to flex that theyre sad lmao
Why's Weird Al laughing at me?
We just have much more emotional depth than women, idk
You expect women to able to do anything right? LEL
Imagine being a cishet woman...yikes.
IMAGINE being a huwite cishet woman...BIG yikes...
because men do bold shit like suicide by cops or jumping off a building while women just take what's in their medicine cabinet
It's a common struggle among men
Oh god this is my life.
you know what? i'm just gonna say it.
this thread is great
>male specific depression
>being ostracized by your peers for being gay
you know that lesbians exist?
>handling the fallout of being taught as a boy to be stoic and cold
This is a total bullshit lie made up in the last 20 years. as a guy, most men's problem is that theyre too allowed to express the emotions that they should turn into constructive impulse, hence why most abusers are men. read why does he do that and learn something about how reality works
>as a guy
Yeah being a guy totally qualifies you as an expert on the subject. Idiot
It's like I keep walking to quickchek to see what gets stolen from my house when I'm gone
this album YOTS deceives simple first person vocabulary
I've been doing this since day 1 but it's a test
I think some people will fuck and artists will get mad because my every action is a test
Same could be said for all the men saying that women can't have depression
>you know that lesbians exist?
I said gay not homosexual genius. What gay men deal with is different from what lesbian women deal with, that's all I was trying to say.
>This is a total bullshit lie made up in the last 20 years. as a guy, most men's problem is that theyre too allowed to express the emotions that they should turn into constructive impulse, hence why most abusers are men. read why does he do that and learn something about how reality works
Allow me to elaborate because I think we agree. Young men are not often given opportunities to discuss emotions in a constructive environment. They ought to have a time and place to learn about redirecting emotions to achieve their goals instead of bottling it up. I do realize it has become more socially acceptable for men to express their emotions but for the many men that did not grow up with that being the case it is still an everyday problem.
The only discuss worth having in this thread.
>This is a total bullshit lie made up in the last 20 years.
Give me a fucking break. I doubt there is any man at all who hasn't been told repeatedly since childhood to "grow a pair, man up etc" whenever he shows weakness. I'm not talking about high school jocks either, parents are the first ones to do that, that's how deeply ingrained this attitude is in society.
if a man attempts suicide and fails he’s a pariah
women actually have an emotional support system to fall back on
why don’t people understand this
theres like two topics that turn men into a feminist for a second and both are related to the problems of men. very weird coincidence. almost as if you have no empathy for and knowledge of women and their problems at all.
both men and women have their problems. neither gender really has more then the other. if you can't realize that, then you're just stupid.
>neither gender really has more then the other.
based retard