Rank the Top 5 Prog Rock bands. I'll start:

Rank the Top 5 Prog Rock bands. I'll start:

1) Pink Floyd
2) Genesis
3) Yes
4) King Crimson
5) Jethro Tull

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KC > Yes > Pink Floyd > Jethro Tull

never heard Genesis before

Van der Graaf Generator>all

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1.The Mothers of Invention
2.King Crimson
3.Mahavishnu Orchestra

1. King Crimson
2. Genesis
3. Yes
4. Jethro Tull
5. Pink Floyd

Pink floyd shouldn't be called prog

Just throw them under psychedelic

I have a hard time categorizing them. Albums like WYWH, Animals, and The Wall are very much not psychedelic.

Jethro Tull


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OP here. Genesis might actually be number one. Selling England is a goddamn masterpiece.

"Classic" prog IMO

King Crimson > Pink Floyd > Gentle Giant > Rush > Yes > ELP

Haven't heard enough Genesis or VanDerGraaf to rate them

Prog metal

Opeth > Porcupine Tree > Tool > BTBAM = Leprous = Riverside = Haken > Dream Theater > Coheed and Cambria

DT might be higher but as they have been shit for a while can't rank them better

What do you have against Genesis my nigga?

Nothing actually, haven't bothered to listen to them.
Should i start with The Lamb Lies Down?

Personally, I would recommend starting with Foxtrot. Then going through Selling England into Lamb Lies Down. But I don't think Oder really matters. I really like Genesis but Yea Forums seems to be pretty mixed.

I meant order not oder.

1) yes
2) king crimson
3) genesis
4) gentle giant
5) rush

Is Gentle Giant really better than Pink Floyd? Or are you not counting Pink Floyd as Prog?

Not him but I also feel like gentle giant has a much stronger signature prog rock sound.Not to say Floyd is bad but me personally I've listened to octopus more times than all the floyd albums combined when I felt like listening to prog.

1. Can
2. The Mothers of Invention
3. Talk Talk
4. King Crimson
5. Faust

1.) King Crimson
2.) Yes
3.) Genesis
4.) ELP
5.) Jethro Tull (TAAB is a masterpiece but a lot of their output isn't really prog)

Honourable mentions to VdGG, Egg, Banco, PFM, Camel, Goblin, England, UK, Wakeman solo, Squire solo, Gentle Giant, Renaissance

In what universe is ELP better than Floyd?

1) King Crimson
2) Magma
3) Jethro Tull
4) Genesis
5) Fruteria Toni

Mahavishnu Orchestra is prog?

Is primus prog, experimental rock or their own genre?

The universe in which Pink Floyd are not fucking prog, i.e. the one we live in.

They're better than Floyd anyway, as it happens, "music critics" only turned against ELP because they took themselves so seriously musically, thereby undermining the rebellious and unskilled nature of rock and roll. You can just see in Christgau's endless seething how much he fears being replaced by someone who actually understands music theory.


Christgau is a wannabe intellectual who manages to be pleb

Area>>>everything else

>Pink Floyd are not fucking prog

Then what the fuck are they? Saying 'art rock' is a cop out as that term is way too vague. And if you say 'psychedelic rock' I am going to laugh.

They're harmonies are usually blues based, which pretty much automatically precludes music from being prog. Ditto Rush, by the way.

Pink Floyd > all

>ranks modern prog
>doesn't mention Pain of Salvation

no idiot you're a plebeian

Less difficult than one would think. Being prolific and making several top tier prog albums is a distinction a only handful of prog bands actually have.

1)Soft Machine
Ultimate canterbury band and prog pleb filter.
2)Univers Zero
Don't have a single bad album, even the newer releases.
3)King Crimson
No prog list cant have KC.
Beats all other symph prog by a large margin.
5)The Blue Effect
Easily one of the best east european bands ever

Very honorable mentions:
Zeuhl is a great contribution to prog.
Great albums, less prolific than the other greats here.
Unassuming but their later albums are absolutely underrated

KC > Rush > Gentle Giant > Yes > Genesis

Prog is just a collection of rock mixed with different sounds and prolific song writing
Pink Floyd may not have been prog to start but were definitely prog after meddle
Rush may not have been prog until caress of steel, but if you don’t believe 2112, farewell to kings(greatest prog album ever) or hemispheres aren’t peak prog, you are stupid and haven’t a clue about what prog is

Guess not but jazz fusion would give prog bands a serious run for their money.

Return to Forever, Jean Luc Ponty, Allan Holdsworth and Pekka Pohjola have discogs rivalling the best prog bands.

Finally another person on Yea Forums who understands prog is well executed and complex genre fusions with rock.

Pink floyds most 'prog' effort is Atom Heart thanks to that orchaestra. Their other efforts are psychadellic or poppy space rock.

Id actually find Rush hard to class as prog too. They have all the meme elements of prog: time sigs, long epics and sci fi lyrics but unorthodox hard rock alone isnt enough to be prog. Blue Oyster Cult was a pretty unorthodox hard rock band too after all. Their new wave deeply mixed with hard rock material is their most progressive if anything.

Ill add that Rush and Floyd doesnt need to be excluded from prog conversations but Pink Floyd seriously belongs on a top classic rock list instead of a top prog list. Why waste a slot on a band that barely touches upon how quirky and unpredictable prog can get?

crimson > floyd > genesis > yes > jethro

Damn dude, Yes and KC easily top the other three

1. King Crimson
2. Genesis
3. Egg
4. Gentle Giant
5. Yes

>mahavishnu orchestra

It’s just pop

That list was pretty shit for having Radiohead actually.

Yours is better just for replacing lesser entry level choices with GG and Egg instead.

>Anything ranked above Yes

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Not every Genesis album is Invisible Touch user.


they had like 3 good Albums and released nothing worthwile after Gabriel's departure, definitely not enough to be ranked in the top 5.

Yes has 3 good albums.

>trick of the tail

Yep. Trick of the Tail is Prog. Crazy, I know.

RUSH has more top ten albums than KC, Yes, Genesis and ELP
For example
More traditional prog, hemispheres, caress of steel, 2112, farewell to kings
More new wave, signals, moving pictures, power windows, permanent waves and grace under pressure

I dont think Genesis' output is that anemic but I totally agree that they are far far from top 5

Lets all agree that Trick of the Tail was the last Genesis prog album.

Even Drama and Going for the One would be stellar albums in any lesser prog bands discog.

The Yes Album, Fragile, and Relayer


Go Lamb, Selling England and then Trick Of The Tail

Maybe if we liked hard rock as much as you do, we would agree. Rush isn't anything amazing once prog finally takes you out of that hard rock mindset. Youll look back upon this phase with fondness yet humility.
And KCs output is definitely what top ten prog albums should be like.

Prog is different for literally every band, that’s why it’s prog
Yes and KC sound eerily similar, that’s not prog

Prog is a shittily defined genre. It shouldn't even exist.

>Yes and Kc sound smiliar

Complex, eclectic genre fusions with rock. Its pretty simple actually.

KC and Yes aren’t even rock which automatically eliminates them from prog rock

So any band that uses instruments other than guitars, bass and drums is prog?

Weak bait. No one can unironically not know what rock is to this extent.

>guitars and lyrics make rock
Rock is a subset of blues which includes driving riffs, heavy beats, and simple rhythms

Have you ever listened to a Yes or King Crimson album?

Yes, they aren’t rock at all
It’s just classical

Using atypical instruments to rock helps but its not that simple. Look at some of the major styles of prog: Symphonic rock, jazz rock, folk prog, Krautrock, Canterbury (basically psychadellic jazz rock), Zeuhl (opera jazz with classical influences) and Rock in Oppositions (insanely eclectic).

See a pattern?

Ah yes and is that why modern post grunge music is devoid of any blues influence and powerful riffs?

These are styles of prog? These are independent well defined genres.

Prog is anything that defies the traditions of a genre?

1. King Crimson
2. Yes
3. Genesis
4. Van der Graaf Generator
5. ELP

Others are not so important or not actually prog.

>Ah yes a Symphonic rock band such as Yes and Elp arent prog, theyre in their own genre!
Genres can have their own substyles user... what is jazz? Look at how many substyles it has.

Yes this is also a huge defining trait of prog rock; defying the conventions of commercial rock music. However, prog and even avant prog is still recognisably rock as opposed to some of the genre subverting avant and art music out there.

Jazz has improvisation as one of it's defining elements. What has prog?

See my other posts

And a band like hatfield and the north or soft machine themselves have jazzy improvs. As I said, eclectic genre fusions. Mixing rock seamlessly with at least one other musical style/genre.

Then a fuckton of bands qualify.

Yes. There are alot of prog bands. Feel free to debate the progginess of post rock, black metal, jazz fusion or noise rock etc. too.
However, alot of other genres wont be so eclectic with their genre influences and certainly wont integrate elements of other genres so deeply. Thats why I said COMPLEX genre fusions; after all even pop music loves to borrow elements of different genres.
Id consider jazz fusion complex enough to be prog if it werent for the fact that fusion is more jazz than it is rock.

So i've been thinking...
What's Yea Forums opinion on Supertramp?

1. King Crimson
2. Van Der Graaf Generator
3. Genesis
4. Gentle Giant
5. Jeff Wayne
honorable based mention


crime of the century maybe the best recorded album of all time
not the best album mind you, but best recorded album
i like their other stuff they're alright

Jethro Tool?
I think not.
Better than PF Prog.

Based and van der pilled this is the peak of prog rock

1. genesis
2. king crimson
3. pink floyd
4. jethro tull
5. yes

>Jeff Wayne is better than Van Der Graaf
He's good, don't get me wrong, but VDG have much better structure in their compositions.

>He hasn't heard a trick of the tail

Nor wind and wutthering /Duke

The right opinion

Pink Floyd > Kansas > Boston > Yes > ELP

Van de Graaff Generator
King Crimson


I have and it's nothing special, especially compared to their older stuff or bands like KC, Tull, VDGG, Yes or even Gentle Giant.

Doesn't help that I hate Collins voice/vocals.

Van der graaf generator
King crimson
Gentle giant

Attached: vdgg-pawn-hearts-insert.jpg (400x300, 25K)

1 pnik floyd
2 pnik floyd
3 pnik floyd
4 pnik floyd
5 pnik floyd

Gentle Giant is pretty entry-level though?

KC > Yes > JT > Genesis > PF

Pink Floyd don't do prog that well, which is why ASOS and Ummagumma are their best albums.

Good, not very prog but very above average 70s rock.

Really? Im surprised this opinion seems so popular.

Entry level but not first-bands-you-check-out-in-the-genre entry level. More likely GG is part of second wave of prog bands that is checked out (which already many people never actually reach.)

1. Gentle Giant
2. KC
3. Genesis
5. Mothers of Invention
If we're talking about the big ones

>thinks Pink Floyd don't do prog that well and Syd Barrett era is their best (lol)
>still places them in the top 5

i'm ranking OPs list dumbass, also animals is a pile of wank.


prog is a meme genre

KC > Genesis > Yes > Pink Floyd (PF were better as a psych band) > Jethro Tull

1. Genesis
2. King Crimson
3. Rush
4. Yes
5. Jethro Tull