just how based were they Yea Forums?
Just how based were they Yea Forums?
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pretty frickin based
I never find out til I'm head over heels
They were really good songwriters, but they embraced the tackiest, most poorly-aging cliches of their era. It's testament to how good their songwriting was, that they're still so beloved despite the shortcomings of their dated sound.
So, I guess that means they're pretty based.
I feel like there's sort of a microgenre of "smart synthpop" that's pretty much just them, XTC, and The The
>pretty much just them, XTC, and The The
laughs in your direction
I like them but they were kind of lame they were try hard trend hoppers to be honest youtube.com
They suck big time.
This album sucks.
Donnie Darko Sucks.
No one liked them during their heyday.
U2tier political shit but worse.
Main singer sounds like he has marbles in his mouth.
>pretty much just them, XTC, and The The
is this bait? it's very good I like it
i like donnie darko still even though popular opinion has totally turned on it.
I enjoy the hits but hard pass on everything else.
your opinion is your opinion, but they were massively popular when this first came out in 86, it was #1 in many countries including USA and UK.
>level 42
now here is a consistently based band
Why wasn't The Working Hour ever released as a single? It might be the best song on that album:
And then no one immediately fucking cared.
They are at county fair level tier.
Free mall grand opening tier.
No one gives a literal fuck about them.
They are a flock of seagulls or the romantics level.
Stop shilling them, the one poster who shills them, because one writer from pf wrote up this album as a masterpiece, when every other music rag ignored it for 30 years because it truly is garbage, then and now.
>Why wasn't The Working Hour ever released as a single? It might be the best song on that album:
it's my favorite too user, it might have been too long for radio, who knows.
lol this fucking schizo
they came to my city a while ago and played a pretty big venue.
massive retard
does it feel good to be so musically ignorant?
You're literally a fag if you don't think mother's talk is some good shit
>Yea Forums suddenly hates Tears for Fears
what the fuck happened?
sick of their bullshit
it's just one sperg itt