>like artist's music
>found out he's gay
>delete entire discography
Like artist's music
>not only listening to soothing femanon eurobeat vocals
This but with me founding out about Thom Yorke's eye sag.
This because you probably a 3rd world product or a 'murican really new country where all that racism and phobias are a real struggle.
In Europe we don't have such high rate of homophobia, being gay is common and widely accepted, learn2become at least an 800 year old civilization, you're doing it wrong.
Another thing is trollin' le fags like OP being always a huge one.
Wow, so you don't have anything done by Queen?
What about Bowie, does he get only half his shit deleted because he was fucking dudes and women?
You know Bowie and Jagger fucked, so you can toss the Stones into the bin too since your at it.
Based. I'll always appreciate having one less retard in our discussions.
>You know Bowie and Jagger fucked
nuh uh
I don't listen to any of those anyway cause they're trite as fuck and hugely overplayed so I've already heard more than enough for a lifetime on department store radio etc.
Yuh huh
>imagine being this retarded
stones and queen are overrated boomer rock
bowie was legit great though