Kpop general

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Other urls found in this thread:

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blackpink bad

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holy shit nigga megan can get it

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Why do Koreans say their birthdays is their "Name day"? So childish
Also, don't these weirdos count time differently so someone is already born 1 year old or whatever?


Attached: 1557590963685.webm (1920x1080, 2.02M)


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this except chaeyoung

Jennie is a lucky girl.

We'll tolerate gays and trannies, but we will not tolerate fatties.

i like BP but if i had to choose between them and Twice i would choose Twice honestly

bp suck

Attached: 1532176455076.jpg (783x1200, 154K)

i never thought it was weird
and yes they count one year since birth

Attached: .webm (820x1440, 2.93M)

>wonder if they scored molly at coachella
I don't think they ever have to 'score' anything. These entertainment companies are usually well connected and supply their tools to hearts content. We're talking about YG here after all...

Attached: QUEERED.jpg (640x427, 69K)

you can even be born 1 and then turn 2 the next day

Attached: 1537658120207.jpg (934x942, 64K)

happy chewy day

Attached: D88y6-PUEAQDVao.jpg (1600x2255, 598K)

finally an ugly girl

Attached: IMG_20180718_024723.jpg (411x614, 51K)

>he thinks only twicefags hate blackpink
Their music is the most generic roastiepop garbage and they can't perform worth a shit. Plus they're all busted as hell.

post her butt

ugliest tranny

Attached: 1464184523148.jpg (1800x1200, 201K)

And I thought Japs were weird

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Same here except for the liking blackpink part.

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Attached: Nancy.webm (810x1440, 2.79M)

wtf no we won't. get outta here faggot nobody likes you

finally another ugly girl
finally more ugly girls


silent seulgi poster confirmed doing God's work

there is no greater power in the universe than love

get his diabetic, drain on our obamacare dollars ass

gooks and japs have the right idea making special taxes for fatties

Cute cheeks

Attached: [K-LOG] 우주소녀(WJSN)의 일본 출장 Get Ready With Me! _ K-LOG Ep.1 @KCON2019JAPAN.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

Lewdest Busters

Attached: DigitalOrangeHo.webm (480x720, 598K)

>finally an ugly girl

Attached: bsye72ywta63.jpg (1200x1800, 217K)

saerom looks like she was a mistake and her parents hazed her for her whole life about being born by accident

>A 'law' is an opinion issued at gun point.
>I post with this level of retardness

Jesus fucking christ I wanna play drums on her ass cheeks

>marrying an uggo like slug

word he should've said tranny

post the attractive fromises not this lizard looking bitch

Attached: 1547802825745.jpg (1000x1500, 249K)

ridiculous. absolute ghetto. just like this whore.

Attached: isa.webm (1400x1080, 2.35M)

finally an ugly japanese tranny




Bootlicking /pol/ack

Attached: binnie butt.webm (1080x1836, 2.95M)

blackpink is the revolution

any sharkman in

it's not their fault but the US education system

gooks are ignorant, biased, and pathologically judgmental but at least their parents and teachers try to leave them with a modicum of rational understanding

Attached: yoohyeon thoughtful.jpg (800x1200, 142K)

that's exactly what they look like

Am I an "uncle" if I'm 25?

face it, blackpink are pure and don't use drugs no matter how much you want to believe they do

that's a man, baby

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ugliest shit

Jeongyeon's thighs

>somi isn't even top 5 on melon
Not lewd enough. She deserves the flop.

Attached: 1556076705196.webm (640x458, 162K)

better than being bitter and alon like you

Attached: binnie p.webm (608x1080, 2.4M)

tecnically yes, but you could get away with it if you look young

get his ass binniebro

debut fuckin when

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jang wony

Attached: 1559988971913.webm (1200x674, 2.86M)

she actually must get it

so Somi already broke Izone's debut MV 24h youtube views in a bit more than 12 hours.
she probably won't beat Itzy but it's still pretty good

literally th day after i turned 27 i woke up with a voice in my head saying, "now i'm an old uncle fan."

if i am 46 what am i called?

eat the carrot you fucking wh- cutie

Attached: binnie carrot.webm (830x800, 2.93M)

>sehun mullet

oh my thighs comeback when?

if you're married you're an ahjusshi fan

if you're unmarried you're still a samchon / uncle

July but I don't think there's a set det yet

Attached: DxlNM99WsAAGf7h-orig.jpg (1200x1800, 235K)

why did somi post a reaction video from some white guy on her instagram story? letting him know she watched his video

Attached: bona carrot.jpg (1788x1350, 492K)

finally some high quality content here

Attached: DzEDbWWUYAA9V0M.jpg (1333x2000, 206K)

What’s that

they look futuristic
just blasted to this, underrated song

freaking beautiful

chanyeol's undercut is actually pretty sick

Attached: undercut .jpg (576x1024, 77K)

Please don't. The last few days were too exhausting.


Attached: 1557965703859.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

don’t samefag slugroastie

>replying to filtered posts

post the new oogies


for real though what did somi mean by this?

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what a girl

the betrayer of daegu

A creep

so boring in here without itzybros


>that fapping motion

Attached: me and my wife.jpg (1000x500, 107K)

She peaked here

Attached: 1551007508755.webm (700x1050, 2.94M)
this isn't even the best blackpink thing that happened today

Attached: 1553537796065.webm (480x600, 2.95M)

is saerom really that ugly

Attached: 1559947019452.jpg (1242x1242, 140K)

is this a teaser?

God somi is made for fucking, but the only thing getting fucked is my eardrums

this except jisun

Attached: D8-gAaAU4AAZ50e.jpg (1280x720, 171K)


it’s w magazine


Attached: D2WpUJXU4AAHmw9.jpg (1333x2000, 501K)

i'm half memeing

it's a faggot reacting to her mv
she is trying to creat youtube clout so they promote her from now on
btw, this guy has a weird obsession with olivia

Watching dubu's Dahyun Day Vlive I noticed how idols are boring.
30 minutes doing fuck all

she want white cock other than her dad's

That's a cute and talented girl

Attached: 0fe7d377f374c3a72a1aecd546acb0a8.jpg (564x970, 54K)

discord DOT gg/mrcx3HQ
Share music!

don't samefag slugroastie


Attached: D8-Y6qSU8AAFR1w.jpg (1396x2048, 495K)

jiwaru days makes me fucking cry bros

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I'd LMAO if on the left pic the top of the carrot would pop open and cover her face with small squirts of carrot juice.

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it’s what they’re going to look like hopefully

>ugly prostitutes trying to act cute

he's 100% memeing

Attached: D87yJJ0U0AUkkOR.jpg (529x794, 51K)

bitch looks like jungkook

>he's doing it again

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Jungdookie wishes

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just fucking kill me dude

Attached: rrTDWMm.jpg (1080x1080, 636K)

sometimes i see it

Attached: D3UJAalV4AA10MR.jpg (1200x800, 70K)

would d* her with the force of a thousand suns

you know why....

They're spending their youth as mindless puppets whose every step is directed by someone. It drains your soul fast.

Attached: 1556663107817.jpg (1304x2048, 398K)

shes a literal goddess

Attached: DvW9DZmVAAAm0TE.jpg (800x1200, 98K)

Attached: D880khAUIAMTx7h.jpg (1333x2000, 267K)

Not even trying in the slightest to hide how much of a thot she is

What makes you say that?

ugly tranny

Her leg gap. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucck

finally a beautiful girl

post her feet

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what a woman

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don’t samefag slugroastie she’s the ugliest shit

i am not a creep my waifu is yiren from everglow not wony

well imagine having to entertain people for 30 min while doing regular stuff at home, you can't be supper happy bubbly 24/7 for the fans that "love you"

Attached: dubulook.jpg (682x632, 41K)

post flat bums

Attached: 1499600985222.jpg (800x1200, 151K)

who's this pure and caste girl?

world's prettiest racist homophobe

Attached: wendy peace 0.jpg (2048x1365, 471K)

>4k office lady jisun
god damn it korea you know what i want

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i love them so much did you hear jisoo's english?

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imagine this but you're poking her with your erect penis


obviously he likes young girls with huge titties. i can respect that

Chaewon tapped that


It may be flat but it's big enough to fill my heart
She really is

Attached: 1559344187669.webm (572x746, 446K)

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imagine sucking their toes

Attached: cd4bb945890d844ad3835d785aa1afc8216fa13b.webm (652x800, 2.91M)

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Attached: 190609 우주소녀(WJSN) 팬사인회 출근길 당황한 설아 안돼안돼안돼! By.JJaGa @노� (720x716, 2.91M)

Youtubers do It

bit rude

Attached: Hyejoo 3.webm (1080x1920, 2.5M)

yeji's feet

finally an attractive girl

i know this guy he's an eunhafag

the cutest retard

Attached: hayoung18.webm (748x574, 139K)

I did she also tried to mimic rosé's accent it was extremely cute
her english has improved a lot

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Attached: 0a98dfeb78b1871aa342c7bbf124e0b295cf1b53.webm (722x1080, 2.71M)

I'm a huge footfag but I'd never suck anyone's toes, unless I'm thrusting in heat reaching climax maybe.

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it's chaste and kim minjoo

Attached: DsMxSHfUwAAF72p.jpg (1536x2048, 391K)

megan, the princess of the can get it kingdom

holy fuck

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Attached: D8sXrwlWwAANL6j.jpg (1364x2048, 283K)

Heart Shaker was peak twice. Can't go up from that, only down

rosé(pointing at bp): "those are my guardian angels"
jisoo: "i'm human"

that is mega cute, the best thing about the concerts has to be the interactions
and i love these concert pictures

Attached: 1537784461361.jpg (1500x2250, 438K)

Attached: tumblr_owxtqsl1NT1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1000x1500, 224K)

Made for it

somi, the princess of flop kingdom

heartshaker is shit


korean soldiers’ uniforms make them look like communists

Attached: 3.jpg (500x496, 24K)

>won't suck toes
what do you even do?

is sana gay?

See through bangs + Light Makeup + First Love Beauty = Visual Explosion

"When you look at her First Love image, "Shalala" starts playing in your ears"


Attached: 1553757264440.png (553x772, 598K)

true chad

Attached: exogroup.jpg (1080x565, 82K)

yumm pits

Attached: 1507477046931.jpg (750x1000, 103K)

'Yes or Yes' was probably their best composed song and the last of their initial success run. From now on it's only downhill. Inevitably. Idols get dropped after 25 anyway.

Based only listened to one song bro

soldiers are pretty hot..

Minju can get it

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why is haggy wearing a suit?

i feel like there are still so many cute jisoos i haven't seen yet and please don't be sexual

Attached: 1548525743588.jpg (416x538, 27K)

also i was relieved to see jennie looked a lot better i hope she continues to eat well

Attached: 1550491365555.webm (480x752, 831K)

for pure, yes

Attached: 132504#2.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

>soldiers are hot
>army are hot

Attached: 1490281094.jpg (481x640, 100K)

Why would you say that about someone?



Attached: [설아] 전지적 설아 시점{119274}-12.webm (702x632, 2.04M)


post jisoo bending over


Attached: ed0273ed125d5f3faf67938d0987e28de8e02de5.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

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>'Yes or Yes' was probably their best composed song

Attached: images (6).jpg (384x384, 10K)

there is such a thing as too cute and this is it

i can't believe people were saying jennie was lazy when she actually just didn't feel well in macau, people who aren't fans just wouldn't understand

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i'm so proud of him

Attached: chanyeolbaekhyunxiumin.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

based kookchad

Attached: DnCOykZU4AAn2WQ.jpg (1200x1800, 413K)

because she's the only sticc in fromis

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Attached: 181002 JTBC.아이돌룸.E21.우주소녀.IPTV.1080i.H264.AC3-IOIis사랑 (2).webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

and if jisoo was that close to me i would probably just die

Attached: 1537837908642.jpg (900x1200, 173K)

your boss IU just promoted you to her personal toilet congrats!

Attached: fDWm4i6.jpg (1600x2400, 268K)

how do fansites get in the base?

I just greatly enjoy the aesthetics and I like to touch them, maybe kiss them too or rub them against my face, but taking something in your mouth that is literally on the ground at all times is asking for disease. I mean of course I'd like it in the unrealistic scenario that I'd get them completely free of hard skin (which is basically a sponge accumulating bacteria, stink and fungi) and well washed.

not related to bona

bts confirmed bropop

Lookin at gowon in the back

Attached: D869YwuUEAAiMQf.jpg (1080x1920, 225K)

it happens to everyone but only the most famous and successful get criticized for it

Attached: 1541433946025.png (1193x672, 776K)

my mouth

yesterday was the training graduation ceremony so family and friends got to visit

Attached: 33.jpg (1242x1239, 222K)

post footsluts trying to pretend they don't know exactly what they're doing

Attached: w5R0uYM.jpg (1440x1428, 645K)

true, it's almost like they are envious

Attached: 1536000596390.jpg (724x724, 31K)

Can BTS outlive the Beatles?

Attached: SW.webm (720x720, 668K)

we all are

Attached: 1559620582247.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

semen demon

Attached: 1540056448387.png (540x332, 151K)

global rule 13

>that blink seamonkey schizo

is that bl*nk replying to himself

Attached: 15037823571189.jpg (853x1067, 80K)

They wanted to disband earlier this year but didn't, their contracts are tied with BigHit

Attached: D7MuoUXUIAAXmVM.jpg (1536x2048, 605K)

Attached: D8RxDnuXoAASK9s.jpg (2048x1245, 367K)

Post more qt Choi Yena

Attached: D827GwaUcAAl4tH.jpg (1200x675, 74K)

It's is though. I'm not talking about your or my specific taste, but the progression and production of the song. It doesn't have any harsh tempi changes and progresses with a continuous underlying theme which is set perfectly into the melodic frame of the song. Nothing stings, nothing is harsh, everything is well rounded and catchy from start to finish.

Also: your mother

us blinks can't even talk amongst ourselves without someone getting upset

Attached: 1535450373500.jpg (742x630, 50K)

Attached: DtdgeUmVsAAeFst.jpg (540x539, 26K)

Did you not watch the MV

Attached: 1559642978156.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Ahins teasing sends me into a frenzy, thinking about that pool pic...

the beatles wished they could reach kpops modern day levels

Attached: SHJ_5381_.jpg (2000x3000, 569K)

probably, army are crazy

Attached: 1555306453244.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

>it's just one guy!!!

Attached: 1552704426446.jpg (430x303, 27K)

they have rm so yea

Attached: .jpg (2048x1536, 392K)

>implying any kpop group lasts that long
maybe sm but still

>can guys in their 20s outlive guys in their late 70s

yeah, i'd say that's a safe bet

my favorite

the most popular group in the world has more than one fan? unconceivable

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daegu's purest guitar player

Attached: 61867304_103023880907763_5414776330130439241_n.jpg (1080x1350, 136K)

Attached: h1VXwrH.jpg (1080x1080, 178K)

>it's just one roastie

i meant the duration as a group
kpop seems more niche so i don't see it happening

they all renewed because they like money


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ugly shits

when is ksoo enlisting?

she looked so happy today

Attached: 1558705036505.jpg (680x680, 46K)

the song is really bad, I didnt make it that far

i play blackpink in the car with my friends and they actually like it
they mostly listen to 90s rap too

Attached: 1541332892786.jpg (1200x800, 157K)

my wife on the right

>the less likeable twice song is actually the best because it doesn't has any "harsh tempi changes"
You're are literally the only person that thinks that way. No twice fan would put Yes or Yes as "their best composed song". And literally nothing is catchy about Yes or Yes. You're just a pretentious faggot trying to sound smart.

Attached: JYPETWICE-1078703078461779968-20181229_012349-img2.jpg (960x721, 111K)

Attached: D2pBwU_VAAAC9LK.jpg (1000x1500, 270K)

luoyang... shenzhen... hainan.....

they don't do shit other than record end edit themselves to look good, i prefer idols being a little authentic for once.

Attached: lewd.jpg (749x559, 33K)

she was too happy to even cry, that's true happiness

she absolutely knows

Next month

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slug feet on my cock, joy feet on my face

Attached: 1559061311508.jpg (1080x1349, 342K)

don't worry about it

Attached: DWEHuVuVoAAOrtc.jpg (1000x1500, 172K)

ugly too

what the heck how is that lewd

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Attached: 1529406905619.png (818x1024, 1.18M)

i would put yoy on my top 5 twice song desu

Attached: 12321324355.webm (1920x1080, 725K)

"Hahaha, giggle giggle, what a coincidence your feet are exactly positioned in this way so the camera has a good view on your arch and sole hahaha giggle giggle bla"

Attached: Chae-Young-Son-Feet-4156937.jpg (717x1453, 264K)

e3 is over
fuck you all


I needed this pic man

Attached: IMG_9009.jpg (1000x1500, 899K)

now that's an old meme...

blackpink have the best memes for sure and that's going straight into the memes folder

Attached: 1533845245021.jpg (1500x2250, 418K)

sei can get it

i'm beginning to think they all do

Attached: 1539617319553.jpg (2000x2654, 1.34M)

when is pristin 2.0?

You know what I like Blackpink now.

Doing Somi a solid like that is based.

not sure if i'm ready for eggy to stop being on exo's albums..

july, i hope he and xiumin can meet up

Attached: 32.jpg (1200x1600, 287K)

yes or yes is the best twice title that isn't TT. anyone who disagrees is a faggot

Attached: 1560114423465.jpg (1280x1920, 536K)

I heard that was fake which just makes me even angrier

xiumin is gonna be is instructor

I don't know if it's all the lackluster music coming out lately but the new lovelyz album sounds much better now.

they're the most lovable group out there


but at least baekhyun and chen will hard carry the vocals and when they enlist ksoo would already be back

is that actually possible? would be based


No it's not even close.

more feet next thread

TT is shit
