Post your vocaroos in the thread below, all levels of singers are welcome, any participation whatsoever is well appreciated.
Vocaroo Singing Thread
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"look at me!" as covered by a white boy
This is pretty great my guy
hey thanks senpai, i appreciate it
I really like this song
This is great man, I love the guitar especially the beginning
It Ain’t Me Babe, more Cash than Dylan. A couple of fingerpicking mistakes, apologies.
Very nice guitar work and beautiful vocals, top notch user.
kings this is a voice memo done w a loop pedal and some casios and a drum machine, live recorded
All the Best by John Prine. Sorry I’m not using Vocaroo, not at home, these are all one take unedited recordings though.
not much of a cover guy, but love this song too much.
That's fantastic, this one is probably my favourite Dylan song, I wish I could play it too :(
Thanks very much user. The chords are quite easy, if you can play guitar at all you can have a stab at it (check
I can only play the ukulele unfortunately, since recently, I can play all the chords of this song but strumming them doesn't really sound good and neither does any of the fingerpicking patterns I try to come up with
Also if you've recorded yourself playing any other Dylan song I'd give it a listen
put out a vid of me singing dfa bass guitar noises today
I know what you mean, it took me a little while to find something that worked. Rather than using the weird D add 9 chord try it as a standard D, C then Bm Am for the verse.
Deleted first post, last two links were wrong!
Cheers user, have posted these from best to worst (last two are from when I had only been playing guitar for a year, still hadn’t found my ideal keys for singing).
>Girl From the North Country (my favourite)
>When the Deal Goes Down
>High Water
>It’s All Over Now Baby Blue
Any good online resources for learning to sing better?
Thanks user, I enjoyed listening to those. You seem to have improved quite a lot, any advice for someone like me who's just starting out?, my singing is obviously beyond crap but I figure that if I practice enough it'll get to some acceptable level, but I was wondering if you have any specific tips?
Glad you enjoyed! I’ll greentext some tips.
>Learn songs often and keep practicing them
>Record yourself and listen back. Don’t be afraid to share online
>Work out what keys suit your voice. For example I am most comfortable in B - E
>Don’t strain your voice, if it hurts or irritates your throat you’re doing it wrong
>Don’t try to imitate the artist or put on a voice, become confident with your own one
>For songs you are struggling to sing play in a different key with a capo or transposing where it’s feels more natural
>Play live at open mics when you feel confident enough to, this makes a huge difference to how you sing and your self-confidence
did you make the vid yourself? shit's high quality
How did you make the video? How long have you been animating?