How the fuck do I get into classical
How the fuck do I get into classical
must impregnate
Do you mean get into like you are trying to like classical or get into like you want a chart.
>That delicious bulge
Go to the closest classical concert, don't look at your phone, read the concert notes if required. It's easy to underestimate the power of acoustics.
Both I guess
Just new to the genre and want to start listening to it idk what that entails
Visit your local symphony hall. Live classical music's fucking mind-blowing. No other genre even comes close to matching the amount of sheer musical talent on a stage. 70-100 world-class musicians who have dedicated their lives to their instrument playing with precision unmatched in other genres, in buildings architecturally designed for classical acoustics.
Though I suppose if you're American you wouldn't have access to decent symphony halls or decent orchestras.
I live in a major city (Philadelphia) so it shouldn't be too hard
Crank your speakers to 11. Roll a fattie. Put this on. Enjoy.