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Other urls found in this thread:

wow im surprised my bona thread didnt get nuked

Attached: IMG_20190514_113245.jpg (800x1200, 100K)

we shouldn't discuss the ethnicity of idols

Attached: 1548025896645.jpg (1000x1250, 112K)

cubros get in here

Attached: 1555544318436.jpg (4200x2800, 1.74M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190425-231514.png (2160x1080, 1011K)

The threads collide

Attached: file.png (736x1173, 1.38M)

Attached: 6194.jpg (500x662, 66K)

Attached: Heejin10.jpg (2730x4096, 2.14M)

literal succubus

Attached: (Weeklyidol EP.249) TWICE.webm (1280x720, 878K)


no one would be able to do that with bona on the op

heejin looking pretty ugg here

Attached: DnOKMNtU0AApO9v.jpg (721x901, 75K)

Attached: feed the kang.webm (866x720, 1.44M)

sehun is a hottie

My future girlfriend is very sweet

Attached: ipXAhYT.jpg (1365x2048, 329K)

Attached: 1529991132605.webm (702x800, 1.8M)

I'm in abroad I'm okay
I'll be back to Korea in 2 days
Don't worry
I didn't know my name went out to newspapers this quick
True I'm afraid
But I'll be alright
No need to worry
I wanna say something
I've been doing guilty of a liberty
Acted the way I want
Spoke roughly to people
I admit and reflect on myself
But please you must be watching this case separately from my behaviors
I know I'm unlikable person to you and I also know brought that myself
However, this is different issue
Please don't focus on me
For real
I beg you

not sure how accurate this translation is desu

Attached: 61757253_2400619080209773_8681612198671208291_n.jpg (1080x1349, 149K)

Attached: D8N4BdkVsAEALCu.jpg (1800x1012, 488K)

Attached: arin butt170518 오마이걸 아린 내얘길들어봐 천안 백석대 4K OhmyGirl-[01.15.008-01.19 (390x1080, 1.36M)

Where's fromis on the charts


you forgot the most important part, naming the author

our unintentionally lewdrin

Attached: 1516390817927.jpg (720x960, 115K)

>I didn't know my name went out to newspapers this quick

Attached: arinjump.webm (626x360, 564K)

It was posted on Jackson Instagram. He said they hacked his phone or something like that

maybe Somi joined YG to get weed

our intentional slutrin

superman kai

Attached: D87R-XGU8AEO9Tm.jpg (700x876, 126K)

Twice would be so much better without Cub

Attached: 1540161698517.jpg (1280x1920, 211K)

Jennie is a lucky girl.

what is the point of withholding the name, baiting for you's?

For the longest time I believed dubu was the purest twice. But now I know the truth

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Attached: 123213243445.jpg (1245x1920, 549K)


ksoo is a lucky boy

Dubu is a good christian girl!

dubu is a good slutty whore

Attached: D7vHOlKUEAAKKzJ.jpg (2001x1125, 602K)

it's seohee you mong

our intentional lewdshia

When weed is so hard to come by in your country you need to become a teen idol to get some

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Attached: D2OeEzBWsAAyRXi.jpg (775x720, 67K)

they look like clones wtf

Attached: empress chewy is not pleased.jpg (512x873, 83K)

thanks, now i don't care at all

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Attached: 1556981617793.jpg (343x436, 12K)

Goodnight blinks.

Attached: file.png (736x981, 1.68M)

help Somi patch her pants, buy a single album or something

Attached: c8d97bcd25c3828b51ca430bf84d00ab.jpg (1155x1732, 273K)
they added subtitles

Attached: D87bcfUVUAAPMqI.jpg (782x1024, 149K)


Attached: 1560430854.gif (530x530, 2.91M)

she’s got her mouth wide open ready for some warm creamy protein

that's tomorrow, same as my mom and I haven't bought shit yet

Attached: Twice_Breakthrough_Teaser_Tzuyu.jpg (1920x1080, 193K)

dubus a secret slut, the purest kind

Attached: 19 aaa.jpg (632x1565, 631K)

post jisoo

literally a black man yikes

why do you guys lewd the pure girls like dubu, arin, joy, and cub?

or don't, she has nice legs.

Attached: 33df7d5bd3d583021aa9e39607e3e0b3.png (475x770, 547K)


t. seething white boi

happy tzuyu day

Attached: hdheh73636.jpg (1500x1000, 103K)

here is a digital painting of chaeyoung reading oh boy magazine

Attached: akcn123.jpg (1400x1320, 994K)

Attached: 1560289659.jpg (1080x1292, 461K)

Seconded, Jisoo is my sweet sweet qt3.14, post more of her please. Fuck niggers. I just can't get enough of her, she is my angel. She is my everything.

i love being white

>pure girls

word seo jisoo is the best

Happy chewday brother

Attached: 1560287567273.jpg (1000x1500, 231K)

The allure of my wife and the girls

Attached: HBD-4.jpg (1000x1500, 884K)

I wish dubu was pure, i really do. Its so depressing that the ones looking like cute angels are turbosluts too

im gonna marry chewy one day

Jesus, you are such an incel, just off yourself already.

Attached: 5a826aff82fa586dfdea3981e35cf68e.jpg (1000x1504, 53K)

why doesn't she shave her arms?

Attached: DyJqkBMU0AAfqlj.jpg (1538x2048, 208K)

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Attached: cute slut.webm (914x720, 483K)

when did poopy autotune voice go out of fashion?
haven't heard anything that obvious for a while.


Attached: D80C-ybUYAAos8t.jpg (540x895, 65K)

Nothing really wrong with this tho, she doesn't need to

all these girls are big sluts nowadays

post jisoo already


Top visuals the group

Attached: 1548206922232.webm (860x482, 2.87M)

asneeze's latest noisy garbage romp is full of autotune

Attached: D8m2egbUYAISF47.jpg (960x541, 100K)

any sharkman in

Attached: file.png (500x500, 461K)

Racist YG made Some flop willingly to keep the whites in line

Can you give me just a few million dollars after you become a taiwanese billionaire?

>throat is dead because of coffee and plaster dust
kpop for this?

Attached: D8YjIcYUwAEm_Ws.jpg (1000x1500, 250K)


and youre delusional
whats that mean?

gf just sent me this

Attached: 64765304_1580208362110409_4653742048114850358_n.jpg (1080x1350, 78K)

it's ok, just imagine you're her rich chaebol husband who comes home to see this, it's almost as good

Attached: 2018-07-14_MBC_쇼_음악중심_미니팬미팅-WhiteBean_Dahyun_Fan-04.jpg (1800x1200, 256K)

Yeri mogging

Attached: D7AmtFqUcAE4mP2.jpg (1365x2048, 272K)

GUYS have hairy arms
girls (especially K-idols) should shave

can we post jisoo here?

Attached: 2019060914122256500.jpg (530x863, 69K)


43 is the number of men she slept with so far this month

Attached: file.png (500x500, 441K)

Attached: D66jk67VUAAvYSE.jpg (800x1320, 164K)

just woke up
wow it's shit

afraid not.

Attached: D6w3-eCUYAIIziC.jpg (1366x2048, 213K)

I can't tell who that is. The picture and the girl are to dark.

your life? yeah

Attached: binnieface.jpg (473x415, 37K)

do you feel lucky, punk?

Attached: rocknroad.jpg (500x750, 83K)

fuck you got me

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Attached: D3y9u_QV4AAHuuJ.jpg (1000x1500, 231K)

dubu told me that she doesn't even know where babies come from

Attached: 1560065143316.jpg (1335x2000, 263K)

I gots to know...

Attached: D2z6A9kU8AEkuu3.jpg (1334x1334, 183K)

Attached: 62350524_2744944982189633_7929803379978319082_n.jpg (1028x1284, 61K)

>EXO’s Xiumin Completes Basic Training + Gets Promoted To Assistant Instructor In His Army Division
absolutely fucking based


Attached: Dd3PUICVwAAIR_0.jpg (1000x608, 97K)

What happened to the Yiren poster?

Attached: 1559516820146.webm (566x800, 2.93M)

Thats probably a bit high, but its definitely 2 digits

Attached: file.png (1275x1275, 3.37M)

gonna trick her into rawdogging it
expect good news, 9 months from now

Attached: c44cc6f5e984185f084c20c92fce584a.jpg (849x870, 170K)

Thats just makes me want to kys myself

she has to get abortions all the time because she prefers that men finish inside of her

our girl

Attached: D8mXw7TUcAA2k5U.jpg (480x640, 64K)

arrested in the 香港 protests

Attached: tumblr_pt1hfctLpD1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1200x1920, 538K)

what does this mean

Have you even seen how a hairy arm look like?
It's not like it's really all that visible, I've seen women's arms more hairier than that

Attached: 35687973302_70978cdb8e_o.jpg (4362x3204, 2.6M)

promotion cycle ended and Yuehua stopped sending him paychecks

she is not active now, barely anything new to post

Attached: D8OwtP5U0AAl-He.jfif.jpg (377x754, 79K)

>personal assistant

post pee pooda

read through the thread for Birthday on r/Kpop. How can they be so delusional...

Attached: 604156BB-1313-47F2-9096-C81B3B85F129.jpg (1365x2048, 303K)

Alright Blanks what YG scandal would be enough for you to finally drop them.

I like brown chewy

Attached: 1556983391768.jpg (2048x1366, 385K)

miss them

Attached: jj.jpg (900x1488, 256K)

Attached: 6795d4d91985f1ae0021d2963fed4f82_11178917337.jpg (1000x750, 77K)

he’s gonna be egg’s drill sergeant omo

Nigga you dumb

repost this as cutehee.jpg

when is egg enlisting again?

Attached: D2z6AJOUwAErzwe.jpg (1334x1334, 183K)

Do they like it?

why are her fancams so lewd this comeback

Attached: 1559950749786.jpg (750x1283, 109K)

Nevermind, just posting my favourite k-pop girl. Go fuck yourselves, you dirty bastards

Attached: 1549224775926.jpg (747x705, 79K)

about 6mil people in Hong Kong that don't want to become poor people of China.
where do we put all these English-knowing East Asians?

July 1st

Attached: D1MdPy2VAAE4-gj.jpg (2693x2499, 1.84M)

Attached: IMG_20190510_170639.jpg (1080x1064, 170K)

yeah, I've seen girls with hairy arms and it's gross

repost this as cockhungryslut.jpg


Attached: D1MdSNxVsAAHeP1.jpg (2291x3276, 2.28M)

got to read between the lines of roastie posts to see their actual opinion since they're so conscientious of the hivemind
>Personally the only thing I don't like is the drop (only because it's not my 'style') but other than that its a good solo debut.
that means 'wow it's shit'

there's basically no new pics

Attached: D8dAPjRVUAElB6y.jpg (1538x2048, 354K)

shes biologically ready

Yeah, 50/50 split between Edmonton and Vancouver sounds ok.

>it was revealed that xiu was number 1 in everything & even received an award. op's brother (at the military) also said that xiu is literally so good at everything: gun shooting, running, push ups, sit ups
>in conclusion, he ranked 1st in their training

Attached: .jpg (2048x1362, 323K)

based patrician


Attached: WJSN_(21).jpg (1600x2400, 2.17M)

fucking based

the army sounds easy when you put it that way..

Attached: DBKTEFbUIAE2lcn.jpg (2048x1462, 300K)

all the girls under 30 can come to my small german village

i assume so, they tend to like everything over there

didn’t expect anything less from him desu

Attached: 0853.jpg (620x540, 53K)

is elkie ok?

Attached: elkie2.webm (640x950, 1.82M)

Attached: Seola getting the succ.jpg (270x436, 12K)

Only something that directly involves them like YG abusing them. I wouldn't stop supporting them though I'd push for them to be able to go somewhere else. Other than that YG could kill Han Seo Hee in broad daylight and I wouldn't give a shit.

can eggsoo compete?

Kyungsoo has such a shitty frame

influenced by jisun's erotic aura

tzuyu day

CDU will it to the death.
since they're not male muslim,

Attached: D2C4VWLXQAAlmHz.jpg (640x1138, 123K)

which one

it’s standard stuff but it’s still a feat to excel in every category

fuck, WJSN is gonna drain me

not gonna lie I'm kind of turned on. it's pretty inspiring
no homo


Attached: nutted but she still soobin.jpg (681x1019, 71K)

Attached: 3_(4).jpg (904x1608, 1.23M)

jisun is a good role model

Attached: Dsr6ce6UwAM76lJ.jpg (1200x1800, 207K)

keep in mind his competition would be nerdy korean basedboys


Attached: CnK2RDlUkAAOY6G.jpg (1000x1500, 202K)

>please be patient i have autism

Attached: (640x1136, 129K)

Attached: 3_(5).jpg (865x1538, 1.13M)

Enlist, your country needs you. WW3 starting soon

All Asian female refugees of prime age are welcome in Europe

Attached: 1560146594858.jpg (1334x1778, 259K)

we don't talk about that

Attached: 1560413287862.jpg (1600x2400, 1.58M)

>the roast whisperer


best day of my life

Attached: 33b26f08fa16db5b0713bd110f33e14b.jpg (682x1024, 81K)

only the hot ones tho

Attached: NWuRDp4.jpg (800x1200, 154K)

even the uggos you posted?

he's one of their kind too

Attached: oh_8888.jpg (1200x1800, 933K)

Attached: _MG_4679.jpg (3648x5472, 3.84M)

Attached: 1556186881047.jpg (640x602, 31K)

drug dealers are THIS cute? I need to buy some lsd asap

Attached: d2563149.jpg (600x337, 45K)

what about trans girls like seoyeon

Attached: y65tyl3zjm221.jpg (1200x1800, 329K)

Eeeewwwww disgusting creepy pedos kill yourselves

Nobody cares

What's the reason behind this phenomenon?

Attached: 1559559833470.jpg (750x750, 52K)

Attached: heejin glass.jpg (3000x2000, 468K)

don't forget to blast to her today

that is kinda sad buddy

leafmanlet hates wony


xiu and egg are actually extremely manly by korean standards. top .00001% of testosterone. very tough and sexy.

no dick=not trans

Thanks Somi, Matthew, and Teddy for saving kpop.

Attached: 1560396228368.webm (810x1440, 2.67M)

Attached: 1560195144735.jpg (890x1088, 299K)

I only see egg as manly desu

i'm trying really hard to ignore these dawons in respect to her father who wished she had went to college

wony resembles an actual infant

leafmanlet is also the "fromis hellspawn" crop spammer

why am i not invited reee

can current gen ggs all...

Attached: 95253a80dad07240f056046a2e6c8139_11177585786.jpg (1080x810, 91K)

Little Lewda alone with her father...

you should thank me too for always pulling out and not impregnating her during the hiatus.

so many accidents...

foot and hand lingerie is ridiculous

every poster is leafmanlet

The ones I posted are very cute though

Attached: 1553351396068.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

>top .00001% of testosterone

Attached: 26721817233_fc5025874e_o.jpg (1500x1000, 1.31M)

Attached: heejj.webm (1134x702, 2.48M)

shut the fuck up leafmanlet

you're a baby
watch this.

Drug Dealers look like THIS?

Attached: Han_So-Hee-P1.jpg (216x216, 15K)

Attached: DxhJmmsU0AAV9NQ.jpg (2048x1465, 345K)

Attached: bonar glove.webm (258x844, 661K)

This guy was invited

t. leafmanlet

Birthday will dispute with Buenos Aires and KTL for the title of shittiest songs of 2019. That shit sucks.

Attached: 46.jpg (1100x1650, 165K)

Attached: 1539286548969.webm (696x1060, 2.63M)

such a weird webm what am i supposed to do with this?

he's so ugly

I just want Heejin to sit on my face.

>makes netizens seethe
Based and not invitedpilled

holy shit buenos aires is so bad, why are the vocals mixed so high?

a heejoonk bro i see

kill this love and fancy were worse

Attached: DyK5O1kWsAA0zI2.jpg (1365x2048, 362K)

and I thought 2019 wouldn't get worse than senorita

just look at it

Sorry meant FUN! Not KTL.

Attached: 1558863241.jpg (850x850, 56K)

i don't hate the song but that drop definitely wasn't a good idea
but it's not like teenager roasties would care about something like this

what are some recent girlpop songs with futuristic/scifi concepts

that's just jpop

Wah everything is bad! I hate everything kpoop!

kill this love is the best song made this year honestly

looking her up it seems like she might be retarded but still bangable

What would happen if Yuehua removes Chinity from WJSN and adds them and Yena to Everglow?

Attached: D8XrIKzUYAIxR1C-orig.jpg (1367x2048, 256K)

>kill this love

shut the fuck up Yea Forums!


Attached: 1560453454236.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

the song itself isn't so bad just the way it's mixed is awful

Oops kpg is not invited

Attached: jeon-somi-6.jpg (414x312, 132K)

every OMG release. their concepts are always a decade or two ahead of the game. april 2038, expect every girl in korea to be scratching their butt like a monkey.

actually it's the opposite

they'd never do that

make it a haseulie thread

Ah the best song made any year.

probably because spreadsheet pedo made tons of creepy wony posts and people assume we're all him

Attached: DsroeAfW0AAOEPV.jpg (2048x1365, 306K)

Crappiest GirlGroup or Solo Songs of 2019 Senorita
Buenos Aires
Dalla Dalla

how the fuck do you hold a showcase when you're not ready to perform the song live

i don't think they would ever do that

i don't know about the mixing in general but the high pitched voice thing is normal for every akb song

they'd all defect to china and appear on shitty unentertaining variety shows and not release any music while getting fucked by chinese billionaires after work. Like all chinks in the past present and future.

yena won't fall for such a shitty ruse.

Sana is ahead of the game then

Attached: 1556153252726.webm (214x830, 1.19M)

You need to see her new dance moves. She turned into a slut.

Real reason kpg is hating on bday is a cute girl you like telling you you're not invited hit to close to home.

they'll probably add yena but the wjsn girls have no reason to go back to korea really

Attached: D7cspPNXsAAvdwH.jpg (1497x2048, 311K)

*toots trumpet in your general direction*

Sounds pretty based, however all of our girls are 100% pure

Attached: D8mgF0OU0AAaoUP-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 560K)

She should just do incest porn with her dad.

fuck you that isn't why. (it is.)

Yeah, if anything it would be more likely for Yiren to betray Everglow.

Attached: D8EiWhoXYAEkEvv-orig.jpg (1364x2048, 515K)

I'm not hating on it, but the drop was a terrible idea (fucking Teddy) and they should have just went for a catchy chorus instead of this formulaic doodle dance thing.

fapping omo

the members personally getting involved in some really shitty stuff. and by shitty stuff I don't include dating or drugs, I don't care about those.
I don't care about YG scandals at all, I already despise him because of the way he treats his artists. I love the group and I have sympathy for Lee Hi, Somi, etc, but not the company itself
so yeah i'm not dropping them


I've forgotten what bday sounds like already

how do we prevent that

Attached: D78gWnLVsAA8Fuh.jpg (1562x2048, 341K)

Who is this? Would ram.

click clack bada bing bada boom oops you're not invited

Agree. The drop sounds like it was intended to ruin the song on purpose.

jang wony

i read an article saying kill this love is the #1 pop song this year so far



But they failed because even with that shitty drop the song is already 10x better than KTL

the michelangelo of music

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