Post the worst live perfomance you can think off. Starting with a classic, one man ruining everything
Post the worst live perfomance you can think off. Starting with a classic, one man ruining everything
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lol this guy is based
e neva did no ahm
Thats some next level shit
that belly makes me never wanna drink a beer again
haha, he tries to drink his whiskey and still has his beer in his hand so he spills it all over his crotch. I must say that performance was entertaining.
I thought that was Jaloviina, brandy cut with vodka
For reference, this guy was a huge one hit wonder in the UK like a year or 2 ago.
This performance went viral and basically destroyed any chance of him having a career
DARE live is a fucking classic
Every time.
Damon finds it hilarious when Shaun does that
>oi mate, jes get up there an ack loik an arsehole is bonkahs
>ye OK you poof HAHHAAHA
Actual conversation between them,
Gorillaz MD
whatever this autistic shitfest is
What's bad about this?
This sounds great.
lou sounds like he's having a stroke
He was just emulating the style of Keith obv, the hard rock/bluesy style also lends well to a drawl in the speech.
If this sounds bad to you then maybe you should just up and end it LMAO.
Vince Meal
>He was just emulating the style of Keith obv
Another one that isn't bad, LMAOing at all your lives right now.
i fucking love this man and his show about UFOs
that's pretty much a given outside the studio lol
If you never listened to Keith get out my face you fucking pleabeian Loving Every Laff.
was waiting for a show at the other stage next to this shitshow, cant remember ever hearing worse singing live..
Just lift bro
I cant tell if youre just retarded or baiting
This isn't really too bad, nothing on the level of At least these fans of a super popular band got a great experience.
that AnCo performance
You know the one
Pretty epic
Not cringe
at all
This is pretty much every EMO 00s band though.
Can't imagine you were waiting for anything good at the next stage in any festival that was probably all "numetal"
Midori has always been borderline bad desu
I agree on the overall the show isn't that bad, but the whole thing is ruined by vince horrible cartman voice, it's like a human waste. Also the whole thing has a lot more meaning when you know it' is his last show, what a way to go.
They are great.
My guess is either someone that hated one of them posts this to cringe threads to try and get some recognition.
Or even worse one of them posts their perfomance here to try and show the world they are pretty good and then goes back and shows his now ex-friends/bandmates that a lot of people appreciate their music to no avail.
Either way they end up sad and alone.
I see a lot of potential from the guitarists and drummer
>but that fucking singer
bit DOTly/2MOB28B
The Faceless. Michael Keene on one of his heroin binges again. The cackle at the end really says it all (15 seconds, Facebook post)
no one's posting the penultimate shit live performance
>that accompanying percussion no where near the beat
>jack bobbing around like he's killin it
>that faint, barely in tune singing
>the crowd just staring at the spectacle
i fucking love salem, this was literally "ah fuck i forgot the show was today, and we already railed those lines of ketamine... fuck it we'll just wing it"
shaun ryder is a treasure
Digital pad with sticks is the worst part of this.
Just use your fingers, like why even pretend?
This isn't bad, the music isn't for me. "oh god, YALL" was that the bad part?
Sounds like that's something they said in their studio track that got a greenlight that they now resent.
Im actually loving it.
Oh, I know the one. Shit cracks me up.
In a hotel in Camden one night before we rode down to the town for a show.
The comments and this being on their official Vevo channel make this 8000% funnier too
Dude... i ve seen them live several times and they sounded like some bar mitsva boys on LSD...every single time.
LMAO. perfect
This was considered as Nirvana's worst concert.
>jimmy kimmel
I'm not even going to watch these, but were most likely planned.
Late night shows aren't live anymore, even in the sense of being 8 seconds in the future like they used to be.
This is fucking great though
people in the comments are retarded his voice is obviously giving out
They purposefully played with cheap equipment and had a shitty sound crew.
Sounds like they are playing their hits with some bad some bad recording.
The best Nirvana concert I saw was a cover band in a small bar in Scranton where my friend did the sound LMAO.
I love lofi and noise rock so this is great to me, unless I am missing something 1 hr into this video which I haven't the time to view in entirety.
This could have been so much worse. I was expecting the vocalist to sound like shit, but he actually has pipes.
That would have to be the national in Portugal 2010. Like Shaun, Matt was drunk af. Probably had one to many porto's
playing in the open air in the middle of the day must fucking suck
if i was in a band id never want to play in anything but the dingiest crowded club with as much smoke and strobe lights as possible
this isn't related to the thread i just wanted to post it
It’s a meme, brother