ITT: Bands that trigger zoomers

ITT: Bands that trigger zoomers

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why is U2 so hated and radiohead so beloved when they are nearly the same shit?

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My dad is a musician and fucking hates U2.
U2 triggers people with taste.

>he doesn't attain transcendental pleasure postironically by appreciating U2 as peak neoliberal aesthetics and Bono's davos humanitarian rockstar persona as avant garde performance art.

U2 is the real punk rock

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Noel Gallagher is a musician and loves U2, and there's probably just as many musicians who like U2 as there are musicians who hate them. Being a musician isn't an indicator of taste.

U2 is a solid band up to and including Achtung Baby and maybe Zooropa if you like that kind of thing.

The correct attitude to U2 is to hate them for letting everyone down since then.

Any dadrock band

I think that's the big reason why they get so much hate, even beyond Bono's slactivist antics and preachy lyrics or even the itunes debacle. It's because they've long overstayed their welcome and continue to do their thing long after people lost interest to the point where it feels forced. They've become this ubiquitous thing in pop culture but are phoning it in so much that it seems way out of proportion with their legacy.

Oasis also fucking sucks.