ITT: Cocaine-core

ITT: Cocaine-core

Pic very related.

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Unironically energy drinks are safer for you (at least because of the laws surrounding cocaine) and significantly cheaper.

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I meant albums that were recorded whilst under the influence.

I know that. I'm just making a point about cocaine.

Miles tought this record was gonna be a hit. Let that sink in.

Incredible album though

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I love this record. Was it really made under the influence?

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This should answer your question.

yeah that performance (however good it is) should answer your question, but he has also talked in a few documentaries and interviews about his state of mind and drug use during the making of it. Live Forever comes to mind, good doc

>energy drinks are safer for you
no shit man

>Recorded at Record Plant, Los Angeles.
An Excellency Production
>We wish to thank the great COKE-Cola Company of Los Angeles.

Always kek'd

There is also a good line from Ozzy in some 80s documentary
"I used to be in a rock band that did coke, now I am in a coke band that does rock"

What an odd/obvious and completely retarded take


never done cocaine, what's it like?

Please gib mir heroin-core

Yes snowblind is great

I got you senpai

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here ya go

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I prefer MDMA if I'm gonna get on one, cokes alright though.

sup kyle

omg why is he drinking his dope

just a lil' *smacks lips* taste test

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Your point being that energy drinks are safer than cocaine?

Coffee is safer than heroin... just so you know.

It's powdered confidence. When you're on it you feel like you're the best version of yourself.

Pretty much this. But it runs out so quickly and you're craving it for the rest of the night.

>energy drinks are safer
Yea but they still fuck your heart up. Stop drinking calories you fucking stupid goy.

Alcohol also does that.

you feel better in every way, body and mind.
pic related

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