ITT: Band shirts that have gotten you compliments
ITT: Band shirts that have gotten you compliments
also include stories about the compliments.
>be at 9:30 club in DC
>after Nada Surf concert
>MILF and I are waiting in line for coat check
>she compliments my Joy Division shirt
>tell MILF that she has a good phone sex voice
>end up whispering filthy sex things into each other's ears while we wait for our coats
lmfao how old are you
genuine question, this sounds so improbable i'm tryin to imagine it
I was late 20s when it happened. Now mid 30s.
This shirt, My mom, her friend, my brother and my sister drove to me to see him, they were already drinking gin in the parking lot (I'm the alcoholic, this was unusual), but we went in, bought this shirt 60 bucks cause we work hard for our money. Fantastic concert, I don't listen to bruno mars but I imagine it would be the same as seeing mj live.
wear it to raves and metal shows, people love it. It did get a bit dirty in the mosh pit, I need to bleach it
And most people who compliment me on it don't even know Carcass.
Got a compliment from one of my cs professors because of this shirt which was nice.
girl said: whoa i love wake me up inside, are u down to have sex? i was like whatever babe, sure.
someone stopped me in a shop to tell me it was nice