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wooow!!! i sure havent seen a thread about this yet!!! shut the fuck up

it’s been apple music for weeks
spotify is shit

Still, it's pretty significant that one of the most infamous no-streaming bands is now getting with the times.

they're killing off google play music for YouTube music soon... so better watch out OP

If anything, there should've been more threads about this, we could've had a yellowposting-tier shitstorm.

Noooooo Youtube Music dont let you play music in background wtfff

is this bait or are people here genuinely using streaming apps/sites?
i cant tell anymore

streaming killed this board.

Zoomers have never lived in a world pre-streaming, they genuinely are this retarded.

I truly feel bad for them.
Zoomers get this shit pushed on them from peers and advertising and they just don't know any better.

sup fag, I am an early zoomer and buy my shit, either digitally or phisically

Don't feel bad for them, their communist ideals will end up ruining our lives in the future. The fact that they can't even conceive of ownership or seeking out things that aren't in their corporation-approved feeding tubes is pathetic. They miss tons of great music simply by not realizing they can make their own library and find music through sources other than the chosen streaming services. They are like people who browse the Internet without adblockers, nothing more than easily-manipulated mobs of labrats that will bring us all down with their inability to think for themselves.

based schizo poster

Whats wrong with streaming you find so much new music

That's why I feel bad, they don't know any better
Cease posting, you're what's wrong with this board

>Zoomers have never had to waste their money on music
And that's a bad thing how?

>he thinks the only way to get free music is through streaming

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Is it boomer season already?

The only legal way, yeah. Breaking the law is not cool.

Get off the Internet and jump off a building. It's illegal to come to this site in some places. The law is simply someone imposing their own beliefs on you, you have to have principles to decide which laws you believe and which you mindlessly follow because you are subhuman trash.

now they just need to fix this shit.

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Seething poorfag. You don’t even own yeezys.

What does money have to do with anything? No person who had money and a brain would use streaming services either.

>b a n g e r z

You wouldn’t know money anyways. You just pirate music.

i avidly pirate shit all the time. i pay for spotify because i genuinely like the features and it offers me some luxury. the way i see it, some people pay for video games, netflix, hulu, cable, w/e. i pay for spotify instead of those things.

i guess i could pay for nothing, but i'm not as NEET these days as i used to be.

yeah, but there's arguably better ways to exercise civil disobedience than stealing revenue from hard-working artists.

i left that in there just for you.


You are only embarrassing yourself. The concept of streaming services has nothing to do with money, it has more to do with principle. If you have principles, you won't using stream services no matter how much money you have or you won't pirate music no matter how little money you have. The argument that "I don't do this thing because it's illegal" is not an argument. What if it stopped being illegal tomorrow, would you really change? Are you so empty and devoid of thought that you can be manipulated this way?

I bet you defend loli art unironically.

that's just below-the-belt, man. take it easy.

>stealing revenue from hard-working artists
How stupid. You must have read that in one of your school textbooks. What principle demands you pay to listen to music from a streaming service library but doesn't stop you from going to a physical library and listening for free or from going to your friends house and listening to their collection or buying tons of cheap used records? None of that benefits the artist either. You are paying money for the opportunity to listen to something that someone else possesses, you are not paying the artist who wants you to buy from them. Even when you buy digitally you are only buying a license to consume something for an undefined period of time. You don't actually own anything. When you pirate you are not taking anything you could have bought, you are merely not buying a license. It's like driving your parent's car on their property before you had a license.

yeah, i've read terms of use agreements before, dog. i still pay for service spotify provides because i like it.

Why wouldn't you? I can defend something on principle without engaging in it myself. When I was much younger and this site was full of more questionable material, did I commit a crime by seeing any of it? No, I didn't and if I ever had gotten in legal trouble I wouldn't accept that I had done anything wrong. But I can accept that other people involved in the process of making and sharing that stuff have potentially committed crimes they should be punished for.

I'm 28 and I only download shit I can't find on spotify, stop being so fucking autistic.


Wow, so brave! I'm glad that you can avoid any introspection or actual discussion! Maybe you should go back to your corporation-approved forums as well?

The crime of laziness isn't as bad as the crime of everyone else I suppose.

do you think you're a fucking cyber-punk hacker or something? you pirate music, dude. you might as well be loitering.


>zoom zoom
Why do you even come here? The people on tiktok calling you mean names?

Everyone uses Spotify Google Music its 2019 what you expect me to download or buy every album i want to listen to

Cry more, faggot. This conversation never started on the principle of piracy but simply the moment your stream service was questioned you began screaming and crying about "muh laws!" as if that was a defense. What do laws have to do with anything? This is a music board. Nobody who uses stream services as their primary method to consume music has any genuine interest in music.

i couldn't even tell you what the tiktok interface looks like to be honest.
does 24 count as zoomer by the way? i legitimately don't know how this generation shit works.

i never said anything about laws man, i just said that i pay for spotify and you flipped your shit.

Generation has more to do with ideology and experiences than age specifically. It's not like if you are born December 21, 1985 you are a different generation if were born the next day. 24 is in the zoomer age range but you are about as old as zoomers generally get.

exactly these people are straight goofy

Kek you feel dumb for buying all those records and cds eh boomee?

I should have investigated you more closely. I see now based on your inability to capitalize that you weren't the person talking about laws and that was the even bigger moron and you were merely mad I called you stupid. I apologize. Hope you are having a good day and the ads are especially pleasant this evening.

Is rather be subjected to ads I can skip than be at the mercy of a gate-keeping industry that wants music consumption to stay like it was pre-1999 forever. And I say this as someone who generally doesn't stream music. The old way is much more retarded and counterproductive in this day and age, yet you have multinational music conglomerates and their puppet artists fighting tooth and nail to preserve it.

ya don't get ads with premium dude.
and my posts on this website aren't getting graded, i'm not going to capitalize my sentences if i don't feeL lIkE iT.


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>I think selling my soul to the corporations is a fair price
Whew lad. Have a little self-respect.

sorry bRO, these things didn't exist when I was your age but I just hope you learn someday that a lot of the best music is not on those services and you're arbitrarily limiting yourself. if you use it to investigate music that is one thing but you should always have your own personal library.

king crimson is on it now. the only relevant music not on streaming is tool.

i don't use spotify to find music, and it admittedly bums me out when something i like isn't on spotify.

case in point

Joanna Newson too

But Tool are shit, who would want to listen to them?

Apple took away my pirated copy of Larks’ Tongue when I synced my phone. It’s so nice to have it back.

i feel like the only reason i don't like Tool is because i think i'm too cool for Tool.
Tool is like the frumpy girl in glasses who constantly tries to talk to me, but i always shut her down because i don't think she's hot enough. maybe i need to lower myself from my high horse and give Tool a chance. i might like her if i get to know her.

So, you basically want to live like it's the 70's and still only listen to what the music labels push on you? Listen to "relevant" music when you want to understand music development and history. Listen to good music when you want to be a real human. Some of us put in work just to have the opportunity to hear something we want to. Even when I just do a cursory glance of some artists I really love, if they do appear at all they are still missing some of their best albums.

>thank you corporate overlords for loosening your grip of control just a tad!

god i would hate to have a brain as big as yours. must suck.

It used to, but only because everyone else is like you. I've learned to adapt and only regret I didn't move to a better civilization before you destroyed this one and blocked off my exit.

yeah, blame society dog. that'll get you everywhere.

The only people who need to please society are those who wish to be a part of it. I am not shackled by your constraints. You are the one who thinks it is sad to be me, I prefer it to being you.

$10 a month to listen to millions of records, and I can upload anything not on Spotify onto my account to listen to it.

I could also pay for every album I want to hear, or have to pirate every record I think I'll like.

Trout Mask Replica too.

i don't think it's sad to be you. i don't want you to be me.

>stealing revenue from hard-working artists
who wants to tell him how much artists get paid from spotify?
imagine being this much of a normalfag and posting here

that's what youtube premium is for

it’s coming early july