this is embarrassingly bad
This is embarrassingly bad
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youre embarrassingly guilt ridden from having just enjoyed this album. we've all been there.
i enjoyed laughing at the lyrics, if that counts
Too much for your little boy ears.
Yeah it's Incredibly stupid but they have some sick catchy riffs
listened to a lot heavier and a lot louder music
sweden really is just a country of poser faggots huh
whatever you call this subgenre sucks dick
Okay you dont get it
Blow N Chunks is great though
the instrumentals were ok i guess but never felt as tight as big black or naked raygun
might also just be the production
It's called pigfuck and you're a fucking retard if you don't enjoy it
good noise rock can be really amazing but the bad stuff ends up sounding like a teenager who just bought his first guitar and decided to record his shitty poetry over some feedback
Sure you have. I bet you can't name one album heavier.
Atomiser - big black
it does :) but i think some of those guitar tones are fucking mean, even if you wanna play the little/no effort card
I just listened to this for the first time recently. I thought the instrumentals were interesting and kinda catchy, but the lyrical content was some goofy GG Allin-esque cringe shit lmao 4/10
daughters - you won't get what you want
old daughters is so much better than that boring tryhard album
yea its pretty retarded
I really like it and OP is a low test homosexual
Nah. It's embarrassingly fun if anything.
And it's STILL heavier and more intense than any Brainbombs have ever done. It's like somebody tampered with the recordings to make the production values make the music sound tinier and weaker than what it is without any touches.
I love how retarded and angry it is, it's really awesome.
It was fun till the cringe child rape lyrics
the anger sounds so fake though. there's a lot of stupid, angry, fun music, but it has to sound effortless or else it ends up feeling very poseur
cuz daughters doesn't sounds poseur at all, huh?
I'm not posting about daughters
daughters is a subset of angry poseurs, so you are.
you seem kinda mad
you shouldn't let yourself be mad on the internet
it's not a good idea
lol ok.
you seems like grampa fucked your puppy in the basement and made you watch and then made you squelch the cum from the dog's bleeding anus. Its tight bleeding asshole.
I mean, thats what you 'seem' like.
i fuickd tjhe wjhote in te ass
ok, namefag
ok, namefag
ok, namefag
you seem kinda mad
you shouldn't let yourself be mad on the internet
it's not a good idea
ok, namefag
remember when you said you’d be dancing in the kitchen :^)
this is you thinking about me.
so you’re admitting you’re a fag?
are you admitting youre a girl rubbing her ass on a picture of me?
how can we get rid of zoomerfags Yea Forums? the board is becoming embarrassingly söy.
imagine thinking “BLOOD MIXED WITH SHIT MIXED WITH BLOOD” is anything but onions
They're old school Whitehouse with guitars, what did you expect? It's not trying to be disturbing, it's just wacky retarded shit. I think INRI is a better album, tho.
Listen to some AIDS Wolf instead I guess. I'm not sure what makes you say Atomizer is heavier, though.
Atomizer is tighter, louder, more distorted.
Id seen this album listed in noise rock charts as some god tier album and face it a spin and was thoroughly disappointed
I dunno man, Atomizer is barely distorted at all, they're using just one percolator and its mostly just boosting the midrange. I like the album, but I wouldn't consider it heavy.
Distorted might be the wrong word, but Albini’s guitar certainly has a very metallic tone that sounds far more ‘hardcore’ than anything on Obey. The songs are also right and angry without being overly self serious
one of the worst tripfags ive ever seen, off yourself please
you too, thinking of me