Let's chose the 500 greatest songs of all time: >post a song that you want on the list >reply "approved" to songs you want on the list >once that list hits 1000 song, I'll have you guys vote to decide the top 500 using RANKER.COM >When you propose a song, you must make it clear who the artist is, otherwise it will be ignored no matter how many replies it have. >You can propose as many songs as you want in the same post. >You can propose the song you want no matter the genre or the artist. Classical compositions can also be included. >This is a preliminary list, the final list will be decicida using Ranker.com, so please if a song already has the 10 approves do not continue to reply to it.
Lil Ugly Mane - Uneven Compromise (or )))____◎◎◎◎)
Charles Adams
Jose Jenkins
Don't look back in anger
Asher Lopez
Buzzcocks-Ever Fallen in Love
Justin Brown
Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M Mobb Deep - Shook Ones, Pt. II
Samuel Butler
Boston - More Than A Feeling
Thomas Taylor
King Crimson - Providence King Crimson - VROOOM VROOOM Radiohead - Nude Ween - Buenos Tardes Amigo The Animals - House Of The Rising Sun The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist Deafhaven - Gifts For The Earth My Chemical Romance - Sleep
Adrian Harris
Halftime - Nas One Love - Nas
Ethan Flores
Modest Mouse-Bankrupt on Selling
Jaxson Ward
Approved Approved
Willie Colon - Pedro Navaja Merzbow - Spiral Blast
Charles Cruz
Grimes - Genesis
Gavin Brooks
Christopher Cross - Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)
Leo Howard
yep ELO’s Mr Blue Sky
Christopher Carter
Bright Eyes-Landlocked Blues
Christian Peterson
Modest Mouse - Float On
Henry King
The Ronettes - Be My Baby
Cameron Hernandez
Approved The Chemical Brothers - The private psychedelic reel or The Test
Jack Robinson
Radiohead - 2 + 2 = 5
James Jones
the smiths - there is a light that never goes out
Ethan Wilson
George Harrison-My Sweet Lord
Isaiah Scott
Loving is Easy - Death's Dynamic Shroud
Robert Robinson
Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas
>Radiohead - Nude approved
Carter King
Lucy Camp - Grey
Cooper Roberts
Chase Hall
Pink Floyd - Sheep
Brayden King
pink floyd - comfortably numb
Thomas Sanchez
Ramones-Poison Heart
Nathaniel Reyes
Brody Long
When this list is eventually made we need to make it into a spotify playlist
Joshua White
When did this start up again?
Joseph Reed
Your Favourite Martian - Transphobic Techno (Bitch Got a Penis)