>his favorite Beatles' album is Rubber Soul
His favorite Beatles' album is Rubber Soul
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why yes, how did you know?
She is cute. I´d date a girl like that.
that album sucks
>another fucking wojak edit
wojak was a mistake
Are you new?
I think Revolver has the stronger setlist, but this is probably their best song.
>he listens to the beatles
it's a cartoon, user
That's actually a boy.
>he has a favorite beatles album
even he has a favorite beatles album, user
y-yeah well screw you!
I wish I could travel to a different generation just so I could re experience memes besides wojak and pepe variation #282949
implying piero likes things
Im tired of this fucking shit too man
i’ve been on my since 2009 and this is the first time i’ve seen this
shitty femboyjack
fuck off
>her favorite Beatles album is Rubber Soul
who is wasting their lives making this shit?
tits or gtfo
the virgin neets who populate this website
c o o r d i n a t e d e f f o r t
it's a living
everyone knows they peaked as a band with pepper/mystery tour everything else was just like aftershock until they broke up
based ruffi poster
Oh honey you got a lot to learn about this town
but it is, and it's objectively the correct best Beatles album
>peaked with pepper/mmt
MMT is crap, the only worse latter-Beatles studio album is the S/T slash White Album
she plays on horde? fucking based