Post the most male bands you listen to and the most female bands
>Guns N Roses
Post the most male bands you listen to and the most female bands
>Guns N Roses
the most male name is boys ii men. Women shouldn’t make music
Claude Debussy (if artists count too)
Death Grips
show me debussy
>Glass Candy
>Danny Brown
>Freddie Gibbs
>FKA twigs
>Kero Kero Bonito
Uh I think I get this..
Male = The Men
Female = Womem
FUCK the gender binary
Yeah nature is pretty fucked
gender is a social construct
> coil
> bathory
> depeche mode
> the cure
You have shit taste, OP.
Gen z, get out.
Society only exists among humans and gender roles exist in animals
I don't listen to faggoth new wave or viking role play music, sorry wuss.
>Society only exists among humans
read a book
> listens to dad dadrock and 2005 scene girl music
>Lynyrd Skynyrd and ACDC
>80s jpop and french yeye music
>has no idea what he's talking about
>uses terms like "dadrock" while posing as a metalhead
>likes meme bands he learned about from Yea Forums
> am cis gril
> thinks im a metal because I like bathory
> thinks I mentioned a meme band
At least I don't think guns n Roses are good band by any means. I'll give you pass on the other 3.
>Liz Phair
Black Flag
Bikini Kill
>Kate Bush
>OP's every female band is from Finland
a-are we cucks now?
>dance gavin dance
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
The Knife
The XX
>FEVER 333
>The Japanese House
>Chelsea Cutler
This, but also
>Nina Simone