suffer the little children edition
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Post your favorite album from each of the following genres:
Red in the Sky
Hell Awaits
Tales of Creation
Don't Break the Oath
O Agios Pethane
melodeath sucks
>ghost bath
what other bands JUSTed themselves out of existence after releasing a terrible album that literally no one enjoyed?
Scourge of the Enthroned is the best Krisiun album to date, honestly.
Black Fast
9th for surf rock is honorary metal
That was only last year, user. They'll redeem themselves; you'll see.
Turkey buried under hipster sludge edition
The main riff on this track is just mesmerizing.
these riffs tho
Welcome back.
Really fucking good taste user, could swap any of mine for yours and be happy. Disembowelment's LP is very close to best doom for me
Good taste
Based and G R Ö Ö V E-pilled
Solid, especially Killers
I second this.
Fucking forgot my goddamn pic like a retard
Haven't heard this in 2 years and forgot just how fucking good it is. Probably Wrest's best one.
What happened? It smells like poseur in here.
>that MF album
Sick riffs.
It's my favourite full length album of his but his best overall I'd say is The Blind Wound EP (it's the same tracks as his side of the Sapthuran split).
>he hasn't beheld the fevers
good taste
What do you mean?
>he cannot even find the ruins
i prefer this version. both are great though.
swede edition
go back to bed Witchy
>Weakling - Dead as Dreams
opinions on this?
Why is your taste so shit user
>he hasn't even listened to the album and / or is just being contrarian to accumulate (You)'s
It depends on if they're from the Cascadia or the Rockies. If they live in fucking Los Angeles or Texas then it can't be kvlt.
Why is SIgh such a great band?
Why does this sound like Deicide?
But I'm really well rested.
I mean shit I’m not even a burguer but USA has made dozens of albums more interesting that the shit tier metal that has been produced in the Nordic countries this past ten or fifteen years
>why does an early 90s florida DM band sound like another early 90s florida DM band
Been to any shows recently?
A. It was a meme retard
B: GBK and other USBM blow them hard out the water, i m o
Okay so legit question, I used to namefag here around 2008 or so, haven't been around since. Have you been posting here constantly or what
It sounds more like Morbid Angel than it does like Deicide.
Took my gf's dad to see Earth a couple weeks ago in Portland. He really seemed to enjoy it.
Seeing Judas Priest next weekend. Should be fun.
Just got my tickets for Immolation and Blood Incantation in Oct. Fetid in Sep. and Velnias in July.
>Have you been posting here constantly or what
No. I pop in every once in a while just to see whats up.
Any other geeks like Gears or GGG still post here?
>Just got my tickets for Immolation and Blood Incantation in Oct. Fetid in Sep. and Velnias in July.
Fuck you American cunts, why don't I get shit like that in my shitty country? I think last year Demillich was touring with Blood Incantation and the one prior it was Mayhem with Inquisition, but I only got a chance to see Mayhem and I fucked up by missing it due to circumstances at the time. Ah, makes me really pissed that the only way to see good shit is by traveling hundreds of kms to foreign countries.
I highly doubt it. But who knows...
Gonna see em in oct too, are you in Toronto?
wow this rocks
Fuckin A, I'm seeing Judas Priest and Uriah Heep on the 28th.
What country you from user?
I've been here for a few years and never seen those names.
It's Europe that has the best old school tours, asia gets all the best brutal slam tours tho
Gears of the Apparatus, and Golden Garden Gnome
Croatia and we usually get stuff like WITTR and Batushka as of late, even though back in the day shit like Melechesh, Malevolent Creation, Carcass, Bolt Thrower etc. were coming to play here. Looks like I'll have to start saving for foreign festivals.
what should I hear next if I like Thurizas and Death Fortress
the smiths
in a sadboy mood and there's no good sadboys metal
Yeah, haven't seen them in the last few years.
That's atrocious. I spend an hour or two driving to and from most of the concerts I go to. I'm sure if you keep an eye on Italy, you'll catch some bigger names.
>inb4 Katatonia poster
I have to travel at least 800km to one of the worst places in the world if i'm gonna catch a good show with some bigger names.
Behemoth, Thulcandra, Der Weg Einer Freiheit
thank you
Where you from?
>not realising the Japs were allied with the National Socialist German Workers' Party
You should have used a selfie, Jude.
>every asian is a jap
Land of the midnight sun (well one of them).
looking for recs
Syphilitic Vaginas
You might be interested to know that John Gossard is now lead guitarist for Consummation. They just released their debut album last week.
The true Weakling spiritual successor however is is other BM project, Dispirit. Only demos from that one so far.
Check the pastebin.
That's pretty fuckin kvlt tho.
Someone link this guy the Motorhead with BM vocals chart.
Have an ice-cream while you wait your turn, Jude.
thanks fag
Winter is more kvlt i guess due to the lack of sun and freezing temperatures.
Based TRITSIO poster
i never make charts can you link me the template or the site
gimme menacing metal that sounds like Satan being born
Liturgy. Not because the Ark Work was bad but because the masses aren't ready.
You were right; I was very interested to know that. Thanks for the heads up
look up topsters 2
That album was GhostBath ripping themselves off. Hilarious.
Nah that album was straight up shit
i'll give you something even better than that
too threatening to the satus quo, scored by p4k and other hack publications
rent free
Still a shit album tho
How many of you are straight edge? Yes it originated in punk and some of you are cringing at that, but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea. Because consuming drugs turns you into a degenerate.
I like that album
I mean it's not good and has the usual Ghost Bath problem of only a few tracks actually being worth a listen, but it was aite
I have transcended physical drug use.
I harness the cold, dark light of dying stars and inject it directly into my aura.
I also drink a shitload of gin.
I'm not "straight edge" I just don't do drugs because I'm not a fucking lowlife retard
>booze makes me a degenerate
>it also numbs the feels
worth it, fuck you
well said
every fucking ghost bath has some anime opening theme guitar riff that kicks in at like two or three minutes in
Well fair enough, I made it seem like you have to call yourself straight edge if you don't consume drugs. But really I was just wondering how many of you abstain from such degeneracies
i huff jenkum to lymphatic phlegm songs
>worth it
That's your Stockholm talking.
Nothing wrong with weed and similar stuff, as long as you don't let it ruin your life. That being said, I tried weed a few times and didn't like it, but that's as far as I went. I just stick to beer.
This really says alot about our society.. rock on metal brothers \,,/
I am but that's mostly because I'm a loser with no friends and no incentive to drink or smoke
Is the "medieval folk metal" genre tag on rym new?
Why does this EP have that Scion logo on the cover? Isn’t that like a goblino car manufacturer? Also is the quality of the discography of this band as good as this EP?
>when the EP sounds better than their album that one guy keeps shilling
Post cool album covers
My favorites are changing constantly, so these are the current ones
>Nothing wrong with weed and similar stuff, as long as you don't let it ruin your life
dope makes you retarded
alcohol also makes you retarded
It doesn't if you're not abusing it.
>skulls can't tell if you're man/woman or white/black
lol forensic anthropologists are seething right now
America gets some nice death metal tours, but european tours get all the cool terratur possessions black metal bands.
Maybe not long term, but it does when you're under the effect
>it only makes me temporarily retarded so it's okay
maggot stomp signs the most generic ass bands
i fucking adore this cover
the monster is simple and yet fucking terrifying
t. retard
t. weed virgins
Not really.
glad i'm not the only one
>doesn't mean it's a bad idea
doesn't mean it's a good idea
>alcohol makes you retarded
>I'm too afraid of my own mind to trust myself not to do retarded shit under the affects of a low-grade depressant.
Good grief, user
I don't even smoke though, but I know people that do and it doesn't make you retarded. Neither did it make me retarded while I tried it out a few times, so stop with all the bullshit. It's fine to dislike weed and shit, but not everyone that takes it is a fucking moron.
>maggot stomp signs the most generic ass bands
>willingly take substances that affect your brain
>I'm not stupid, you're just a pussy
good shit
based rottrevore user, whats the grind record?
It makes you retarded because it numbs your mind and senses, not to mention being literal toxin
>willingly take substances that affect your brain
Stop listening to music
music isn't literal poison
You don't know what you're talking about and are one of the retards that just spam degenerate at everyone. Grow up.
get laid
You will not get cirrhosis from listening to music
this is why commies and egalitarian faggots will always be lame
Isn't it extremely gay to force yourself into this category? If you don't do drugs and shit, then why can't you just be a guy who doesn't do drugs? Why do you have to be straight edge and be a faggot?
Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of people on this website would tell you they are, but simply because they never got a chance to experience it. It's kinda like those virgins who never leave their house yet they still demand a 10/10 virgin to magically fall in love with them. Or how being a hollier-than-thou Christian became the "new" and "hip" contrarian attitude after 2016. But I'm sure a lot of these people are just memeing...
Anyway, I'm not really straight edge, hell I'm drinking right now. But I never let it go too far, so I think I'm fine. The only time I got "fucked up", was after a single drink, because it was fucking roofied. I was at a club with a female friend, so I guess they missed the 50/50.
If you’re predisposed to mental health problems like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc. weed definitely can fuck you up, if you consume it before the age where your brain is still not fully developed (the majority of people’s brains stop developing by the age of twenty four) weed can fuck your brain, too. Hell im a lefty but fuck druggies that paint weed as some sort of harmless drug.
stop shitting on toilets, stop sitting in chairs, stop eating milk products, stop using computers, stop breathing
Good post.
>a goo goo gaga
>alcohol good weed good
>clarity of mind bad
>control of senses bad
atmo-psychedelic slam
>I will now proceed to distort other people's comments so that they may work to my advantage
get laid
Yeah you are right. I only mentioned straight edge because that's the first time I've seen abstinence from drugs, but wouldn't call myself that as it's associated with punk culture
Smoking weed =/= being a druggie. I'm not one of them Joe Rogan type a guys, but smoking weed once or twice a month won't fuck you up and sure as hell won't cause schizophrenia and shit. LSD and other similar substances are way worse when it comes to that and that should be avoided at all costs since one bad trip is all it takes to make you go to coo coo land.
using computers clutter your senses and mind. Stop using them
Hell Awaits or Reign in Blood?
Reign in Blood
if you have schizo weed will definitely unlock that for you
HA and it ain't even close.
You'll be happy to hear that the only thing I eat is beef and dairy products, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon.
Then don't smoke it, but what if you don't have it?
What's some black metal that sounds like Aorlhac, Lycanthropus and Ferriterium?
Sometimes I think about how different metal would be if Spectrum of Death came out half a decade earlier.
stuff Yea Forums tourists don't know
Ride the Lightning
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
stuff Yea Forums tourists don't know
>all of black to choose from
cursed image
Burzum is extremely boring at best and extremely grating at worst.
t. low IQ individual
>drone music is doom metal
I fuckign hate this retarded meme
>fucking Filosofem
not worth knowing
Lol yeah I don’t get that type of people but that Varg’s meme magic for you
Filosofem is the greatest black metal album of all-time, even RYM says so
nice bait image
>2 riffs per song repeated a trillion times
>see the above
>muh race
>made the album sound as crap as possible just for the sake of being kvlt
>surrounded by yes-men
>muh race
>attracts sheep
>muh meditation spell music and muh race
yup, it fits the description perfectly
Filosofem is black metal for neo-nazi fuckwits.
That album is amazing tho
RYM says Peace Sells is the best speed metal album of all time
It's a masterpiece, you need to have an open mind to appreciate it for what it is
I'm not buyin.
sorry dawn rayd isn't higher, user
why are so many numale albums on the right
>speed metal
>dark metal
>stoner metal
What are some other sub-genres that don't actually mean anything?
not the guy that said filosofem but you retards really love beating the dead horse eh?
>mfw too low iq to understand simple music
What's your top 5 BM, /meal/? I threw in an honorable mention this time.
What do you mean by "numale albums"? I'm going to assume you mean albums made by members of the "nu-male" subculture, but I'm going to ask for clarification.
there are unironically more atmoshit albums on the left
itt post great dirty stoner albums
I don't listen to death metal
trad is too broad a genre and i can't pick fav's
That's because it is
only literal genre tourists think this
I don't see any
>speed metal isn't a real genre
Listen to early Helloween, Blind Guardian and Running Wild and try telling me that is anything but speed metal.
nah i like Filo, but the "Best" of any genre even atmoshit? nah fuck off
It's more about atmosphere not riffs, hence the term atmospheric black metal
Should I go see Power Trip in concert?
Name a better atmo-black album
The fuck you asking people here for? If you wanna see 'em, then go do it. If not, don't. It's simple as that.
Impossible to pick five but I’m just gonna name a few. Excercises into futility, ulver’s second album, emperor’s second album, transilvanian hunger, scar sighted
High fucking IQ
kinda low IQ, user
>Nokturnal Mortum
Middle of the road
low IQ, would be higher if band wasn't so chickenshit pussy and esoteric with their obvious nazi message
>Totale Vernichtung
slightly above average IQ
>Deathspell Omega
high IQ shit
>beep boop beeop boop boop beep boop...
Filosofem has a very special place in my heart as it was the first black metal album I heard
Atmosphere is created through riffs, else it's just garbage.
Im tired of my long hair, do I cut it? It just looks and feels so good while playing guitar, but doing literally anything else sucks ass.
But there are riffs
>deathsöy obeta
>paysöy d'hiver
>NSBM all mindlessly thrown on the left
You can tell angry discord trannies made this chart.
found the r/thedonald tourist
Varg is the greatest man alive fuck all you kikes
Ad hominem is not a valid form of argument. A chart being constructed by transgender people on Discord does not mean that the chart is wrong.
Not him but pic related.
Why EIF? WHTN and the EP combo are twice as good.
Thanks for the analysis. My IQ is pretty decent.
Power metal
>Blind Guardian
Power metal
>Running Wild
Heavy metal
Better examples would be Agent Steel's Skeptic Apocalypse, Iron Angel's Hellish Crossfire or Exciter's Long Live the Loud.
>NSBM all mindlessly thrown on the left
There are literally two (2) NSBM bands on this chart.
Also M8l8th and Der Soiymer are both fucking shit unless you like metalcore and autistic Greeks LARPing as Germans.
I hate you all and would have great pleasure in disnembering everyone if you
i know. most of Bayley's solo albums are great imo
Bergtatt, Paysage d'Hiver, Minas Morgul, De svarta riterna, Hvis lyset tar oss, Min tid skal komme, Forests of Witchery
And that's coming from a turbo-tourist when it comes to atmoshit... Filosofem is boring crap
NSBM is low IQ because it's anti-individualist and ideology-driven
Battalions of Fear is definitely not power metal, it's pure speed metal, same with Walls of Jericho
>Why EIF? WHTN and the EP combo are twice as good
Lol no eif has better song writing, riffs, better lyrics and better vocals.
literally any fucking Darkspace album
Excellent album, but Filosofem is just too special to me
>The one time people aren't gossiping about Varg's dick size the "discussion" is literally "filosofem good" or "no filosofem bad"
In Filosofem? There are, but I'm talking about atmoshit in general, you know, the bands that are more or less Burzum copycats but never once captured what made Varg's earlier work a genre staple. Bands like Darkspace are a great example of atmo black done right.
Hell no, I love to drink. I see some fine wine and I'm all over it. There's a pub, I'm heading straight to that shit. Not because i'm depressed but because it's fun. Also, you all should try to do a psychedelic once.
Forests of Witchery better than Filosofem
How about you kill yourself
>NSBM is low IQ because it's anti-individualist and ideology-driven
>Ad hominem is not a valid form of argument. A chart being constructed by transgender people on Discord does not mean that the chart is wrong.
what the fuck is wrong with these threads now
see you trannies never, consider suicide sometime
>it was the first BM I heard so it's good
>consider suicide
Decent post-rock but not metal, user.
do you just hate music with actual structure, riffs and dynamics?
what are Ghoul then? double metal?
Varg isn't even smart enough to come up with his own riffs. A lot of them are ripped from FWBM bands like Venom, Bathory, Sodom, and Bulldozer.
>falling for weak bait this fucking hard
m8 you were the low IQ all along
You're kidding yourself if you think that MUSIC and not a political message is the main focus for 99% or of NS black metal bands, though.
>tfw been on an Apия trip lately
>tfw finding out they are playing in your town soon
Quorthon copied Venom a lot as well on his first two albums, that's how music works.
>Why yes, I do fall for a chart that's obviously not meant to be taken seriously, how could you tell?
Black metal doesn't have structure
>everyone who disagrees with me is a boogeyman
>literally can't think in anything other than us vs them ideology
pure low IQ retardation, I bet you hate Emperor because they're too successful as well
Yeah nostalgia is probably the only thing making you think that that album is the best that atmoshit has to offer
Abstaining did not originate in punk, they just gave it a new name. Think of all the great writers, philosophers and statesmen who were drunks... you think they were degenerates too I suppose.
roast me
>things retards who don't know what music is would say
>I was trolling! Thanks for the (you)s
Peter The Great essentially was the drinking buddy ever to exist.
Immortal - The Sound of Winter
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
Sigh - Scorn Defeat
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Enslaved - Vikingligr veldi
(Honorable mention) Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Tourist that thinks he's not a tourist.
Ildjarn doesn't get mentioned enough these days.
rent free
To be fair, most people dislike Emperor because of their hideously sugary production.
why? this is literally all at least decent to high IQ, especially Nehemah and Mutiilation (Remains being their best, might I add).
Keep it up, scholar.
Fuck every single one of you. Burzum is the greatest black metal band of all-time, no other band comes close. I get goosebumps every time Dunkelheit starts
>guitar solo starts
>literally sounds like a chainsaw cutting through wood
they're just pissed because Ihsahn wrote music that is literally impossible to play
now THIS is bait
>sugary production
What does that actually mean? I don't think having keyboards makes it sugary and on anthems especially the mix and layering are pretty fucking great, it just sounds like a wall of sound
Fuck off varg incel faggots. Follow your leader and blow your brains out after jerking off to your nsbm garbage.
Okay, Blind Guardian case is argueable but Helloween is 100% power metal, they even said themselves so.
Here is piece of a interview in a Walls of Jericho CD booklet that i have:
"You were a little frustrated by the tag of speed metal anyway"
(Michael Weikath) "Yeah. Were the people who said that deaf? That's like saying Jesus was a woman. Real speed metal bands Agent Steel and Savage Grace were good and they were fast, but they lacked melody. We were very career-orientated and knew mixing us up with those bands would work against us."
>What does that actually mean?
Are you underage, or just genuinely challenged?
Filosofem legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to the bathroom. Your average black metal album doesn’t scare me at all.
Oh I love trolling /meal/
I respectfully disagree. EIF just felt like they tried to recreate WHTN. I would probably rank it as their worst release with Crushing the Holy Trinity. The lyrics on EIF are kind of goofy too but I don't care for lyrics. Vocals are personal preference. But I'd argue the EP combo is their best release. It has their best riffs, production and every track on it is unmissable.
kvlt dvde
I'm pretty sure this dude is just baiting your asses, but keep at it.
Called it
What? I was just curious what you meant, I don't think having synth strings make it "sugary"
Haven't listened to it in a long time, loved listening it on max volume because it genuinely felt like someone was raping my ears. Sick album.
The thing is I'm trolling but at the same time I legitimately think Filosofem is the greatest bm album
the greatest black metal album is whatever dimmu borgir is making right now
Ulver's debut > all other low IQ bm albums
Please help me
Come on...
If this is not bait, I don't know what is...
listen to Blizzard Beasts
Is this kvlt?
You're all posting your bait and shitposting right now, but when we get to 290 replies, you'll all magically disappear.
Don't worry man, I'll do the rest.
It is mediocre
No I'll just continue in the next thread
it's okay, it's hard to achieve such a high black metal IQ.
many don't make it
2019... we are forgotten...
Exactly, you all think your posts are so great that you need to save them for the next thread. And because of that, it's made half an hour later.
you fucked up
Based schizo
im thinking im back boys
Lurk moar tourist. All the time the threads die right before reaching the bump limit
slowly but surely
Your post made no sense
just a couple of posts more
over and out
Best Pantera song
lol what happened to a bunch of the posts
>that hairline
>>muh race