In The Wake of Poseidon

So I started listening more of King Crimson's discography after In The Court of Crimson King.

This was a pretty pleasant album to listen to, especially the Peace interludes.

What are your thoughts on it?

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I think u r a fucking retard

I don't understand Yea Forums's deep enjoyment of it. For me it is their worst album from their first eight records.

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nah that's islands

One of the worst paintings ever used as an album cover. After the iconic ITCOTCK cover, too. Shocking.

islands is one of their best

get off Yea Forums, sinfield


Ha! But you missed the final trick Fripp had in Spotify's pyrrhic victory against him. The masters are so quiet, you can't even hear it. He is still a virtuoso at what he does. He fought more courageously than just about anyone.

Based, some user called that a bunch of spotifags would start posting this garbage


I don't know, I thought it was pretty alright.

Not as good as ITCOTCK, but I liked it.


Nothing special on it and sounds terribly similar to ITCOTCK also lyrics are wtf tier

Cadence and Cascade is good, I dunno why I like Gordon Haskell's vocals so much

Better than Meme of the Crimson King for sure. 7/10.

Islands is excellent. Arguably their best.

What are you talking about, fagtard, that cover's amazing.

It's amazing only in the gall it took to offer it up. As a technical thing, its just shoddy, seriously.

not a big fan outside of the title track

I vastly prefer Lizard

I love how it is unwriten rule on Yea Forums that you have to pretend that Islands and Lizard are anything but pure, worthless crap.

What's wrong with Lizard?

>hating Lizard

i'm not an audiophile, but the original pressing honestly sounds like shit. Very flat and muffled almost. Listen to a digital copy

Lack of coherent vision or ideas that go further than "we want to be jazzier" combined with some cringy aesthetics and lyrics. Haskell was also a mistake.

Islands is an improvement, however, not until Larks will Fripp manage to combine jazz elementa with his style and dynamics succesfuly. Lizard and Islands both present ideas the band does not develop becacuse they are forcing themselves.

I really like it. It was the first CC album I ever heard so I'm biased. Found it at a shitty pawn shop on my 18th birthday.

Fuck, it's been at least 6 years since I've listened to this album. Fuck fuck fuck. Now I must listen to it

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I have no problems with it either. Cadence and Cascade is pretty 10/10

>king cringeson


>Lack of coherent vision or ideas
Clearly you didn't get Sinfield's mystic journey.

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Peace - A Theme is unironically one of the best King Crimson songs

Cat Food and Cadence and Cascade are also pretty good, those 3 are really the only memorable things from this album.

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Lizard's title track is one of their best songs, what the hell are you on