He discovers songs by hearing them in movies or TV

>he discovers songs by hearing them in movies or TV

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lonely male hands posted this thread

I've found a lot of good songs that way. Fuck off.

>not discovering songs through licensed music in video games

>lonely male hands posted this post

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Why does it matter? Seriously I don't understand unironic music elitism, I'll make fun of a song but I don't really see a reason why you should have a greater than thou attitude about it.

>outing yourself as a pleb this hard

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could it be? is Yea Forums the most pretentious board on Yea Forums?

keking at this pic

Who cares where u found it as long as its good

>another one

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Yea Forums is feigning pretentiousness. Yea Forums is far from being an elitist board considering how retarded we are

>caring this much about how people have found out about music


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it just people with insecurities dont let em get to y user

id say /fa/ are the most elitist

>hear good song
>find out it played in a tv show
>can't listen to the artist at all anymore
patrician life is hard

>go to school
>Chad is listening to MBV

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I dont get this female wojak meme



I think it's a /soc/ or /r9k/ meme.

>assuming it's a meme purely because it's a female

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That title goes to /pol/ but Yea Forums might be a close second

>He discovered songs by playing Guitar Hero

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I don't care what you think roastie, I don't put pussy on a pedestal

it's how i found we wuz crimson kangz from children of men

Is that pic real lmao?

There’s nothing wrong with discovering music that way. The problem tends to be that most music fitting for a soundtrack is just plain boring and overtly simple chord-based alt-rock or funk/RnB.

Of course there’s great music for films too, though it was often composed for said movie. The soundtracks for ’Once Upon a Time in the West’ and ’Les parapluies de Cherbourg’ come to mind.
t. samefag

I've discovered some great shit from Legion tho

If it weren’t for Silence of the Lambs quite literally nobody would have heard of Goodbye Horses, because the singer was an unknown who shared a demo of her song with the director of the movie. Now it’s ranked in the top 500 singles of all time on RYM

/pol/ is full of lowest common denominator retards and boomers
they are pure dogshit but theres nothing pretentious about them

>he discovered songs through youtube and Yea Forums


This is only a problem if you're watching Yea Forums approved shit.

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>discovered the human abstract from old angry joe video intro
>everything ive listened to these past 5 years is a result of that discovery

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>black person raps about domestic abuse

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More likely Yea Forums or /fa/

Yea Forums’s not pretentious at all. They usually most highly rate books that are considered ’classics’ or ’essentials’ by everyone. The worst thing about Yea Forums is its anglocentrism.

> tfw I have a qt industrial bf
Must suck being a fatty-chan and having to settle for some 4/10 who doesn't like music.

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Kill yourself.

>proceeds to post "LIKE IF YOU'RE HERE FROM x"