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Other urls found in this thread:

>CLC reveals that 'Oh My Girl' was the first candidate for the group's name

>The DJ continued with other question, "Who decided the name of the team?", Eunbin answered, "Through voting, but later it was decided by our CEO."
>CLC also said OMG was the first candidate for the group's name. OMG meant "Oh My Girl", not "Oh My God". Then Ji Seok Jin said, "Don't you already have a group called Oh My Girl?" then she said, "It was before Oh My Girl made their debut."


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Name a group and I'll reveal the truth of who is the cutest

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Attached: 190611 블랙핑크(BLACKPINK) 리사(Lisa) 출국 Departure [인천공항] 4K 직캠 by 비몽.webm (1280x720, 1.3M)


I cant believe ikon died overnight just like that
Thinking about it, maybe he's wanted to quit for a while and this is just a good time for it. Mino is pretty much the only golden boy YG has remaining

blackpink are our girls

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so basically they're saying 9/11 was an inside job? based CLC


blackpink is the revolution

we love lisa

>"Don't you already have a group called Oh My Girl?"
wtf? everyone knows OMG, nobody knows about CLC

freakin cute

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YG stock just can't catch a break...

there are no wrong answers for blackpink

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yg lvl mediaplay right here

we love hana

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So we can all agree Sana and Nayeon both look derpy dumb, while Momo looks dumb dumb, but does any twice look smart?

jeongers save the thread plz

>even though she looks like she'd rather not be there half the time, jennie still shows up to fulfill her contractual obligations
>a few drug texts about weed and b.i bounces the fuck out
so is the rest of the group's careers just over now, except for maybe bobby

weki meki

super junior


reminder nobody gives a fuck about black stink

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literally our and the world's favorite group

just google andar instagram it's there

I already know who is the cutest

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somi will save kpop 2019
screencap this post



completely wrong

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>BI: Should I get three? I do have to save my money. Do you get a discount if you get it?

>A: No, don't do it. Once you try L, pot will seem like a joke. That's how you go all the way to cocaine. You'll be in big trouble then.

>BI: ㅋㅋㅋ I won't, I want it to become a genius



>everyone knows OMG
apparently not

all this jisoo posting has successfully made me fall in love with her, am so weak

Attached: kpop jisoo.jpg (1366x2048, 388K)

B.I: Kekeke, I want to do [LSD] for life, is it strong?
A: In this country, L[SD] is considered the best, first rate drug.
B.I: Not that kekeke. If the effects are strong.
A: That's what I'm saying, the effects are strong too.
B.I: Can I get ahold of as many as I want?
A: Right
B.I: Should I buy like 3? I kind of need to save money. Can't I get some kind of discount if you buy it?
A: No. But if you start doing L[SD], Marijuana is gonna be a joke from there on. And that's how you end up going as far as cocaine. Then you'll really be in trouble.
B.I: Kekeke Don't worry, I'm just doing it because I want to become a genius.
A: You'll end up like [unnamed] if you keep that up kekeke.
B.I: I'm gonna do one drug for the rest of my life. Honestly I f***ing wanna do it everyday, but the stuff is hella expensive. So if you do L[SD], can you really see stuff? Like seeing things like they're graphics and hallucinations and stuff?

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It's implied that this was before OMG even existed you fucking RETARD

ask and ye shall receive

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>Girl Groups that won music shows in 2019

>Oh My Girl
>Cosmic Girls

when will it be fromis' time

aren't shrooms the go-to for people who want some kind of mind expanding benefit afterwards

welcome to the team, brother

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is anyone else planning to go to Lovelyz concert in august?

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B.I: Should I just buy a bunch at once? Keke should I just buy 10?
A: Because you're annoyed with buying it over and over?
B.I: Yeah, that and I just want to have some on me, like 1,000,000 Won (~ $800 USD) worth.
A: 1,000,000 Won gets you about 6, if you want 10 it's 1,500,000 Won.
B.I: That's f***ing expensive kekeke. There's no discount for bulk buying?
A: I'll ask but keke. That's why I said to buy a little bit since it's your first time.
B.I: Keke Yah, I'm not like that, I'm gonna go all out from the start, that's the way men should be. But at least ask if there's a discount for bulk purchases..
A: I'll ask.

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jeongyeon thighs please kind sir
deja bu~

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jeongers be saving the thread

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poor man's LSD

It's me. I'm the one doing her in Oslo. But we've been at it for years so it's no one-night thing.

>girl groups

For me, it's this smile.

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A: Hey, don't ever talk about drugs with anyone else.
B.I: Keke I'm asking you because I've done [drugs] with you before.
A: You keep that up and I'll be the one to get in trouble with Yang-sajangnim. Be careful keke.
B.I: You can get ahold of it right away?
A: But seriously, keep your mouth shut.
B.I: But as long as you keep your mouth shut, you won't get caught doing drugs right. You have to get spinal tests done [to get caught].
A: You think they don't look through Kakao keke. They look through all your Kakao chats keke.
B.I: Yeah I know this is risky right now, for now delete this chat.
A: Kekekeke
B.I: I'm a wimp so you better delete this chat dammit. I'm in Macao. I'm going back to Korea on Saturday, I better buy some from you.

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M Countdown has an outside possibility


wrong, it's elly

jeongyeonthighsposter must be sleeping

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>B.I: Keke I'm asking you because I've done [drugs] with you before.
That totally throws the whole "HE'S AN INNOCENT BOY WHO WAS ONLY CURIOUS ABOUT DRUGS" narrative out the window

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This is all just a cover for YG to purge all gaypop from his label.

you are welcome friend

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i know korea is very strict about drugs but he's probably doing what dozens of other producers and some idols have done, it's not like the hard stuff like opiates. still a dumbass though

The good news keeps rolling in

>Choi Won Myung And Lovelyz’s Kei To Reportedly Step Down From “Music Bank”

>On June 12, a source from the entertainment industry stated that Choi Won Myung and Kei will be stepping down from their MC positions on KBS’s “Music Bank.” According to the source, “Music Bank” is currently hosting an audition to select new MCs who will be replacing Choi Won Myung and Kei at the end of this month.

Attached: file.png (900x600, 583K)

Then, in August of 2016, 'A' was arrested at a residence in Seoul for charges of illegal drug dealings. Police apprehended 'A's cell phone in the process, and during her questioning, 'A' admitted that she delivered 10 pieces of LSD to B.I outside iKON's dorm.

In addition, 'Dispatch' reported that another drug dealer 'C', who worked with 'A', provided police with a full list of his buyers, which included B.I's name Kim Han Bin.

But soon after, during her 3rd questioning, police records state that 'A' took back her previous statement and argued that she had no idea where B.I obtained illegal drugs.

'Dispatch' believes that in between 'A's 1st and 2nd questioning, 'A' was contacted by YG Entertainment. 'A' attended her 1st and 2nd questioning on August 22, 2016. Then, as her arrest did not include detainment, she was released until a week later, where she faced her 3rd questioning on August 30, 2016.

According to 'Dispatch', within the week's time, YG Entertainment contacted 'A', hired a lawyer to represent 'A' in her case, and requested that she take back her previous statement regarding B.I.

As a result of 'A's 3rd statement, police ended their investigation into this case without summoning B.I for questioning, said 'Dispatch'.

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I can't afford to unless they come to the US

most kpop fans are so retarded. it's hilarious that he even said he never did them, but it's insane that people believed it when he literally talks about it in the chat

if i could go on a date with jisoo i would probably just die

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get his ass


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i can't believe clc won twice, who did they even beat

The only way Music Bank can redeem themselves is to bring back Bogum/Irene

Drugs are fucking expensive in Korea

>JeA will be dropping her maxi-single 'Newself' on June 20 KST, and it looks like she'll be taking on a dark, slightly creepy concept. Ga In previously hinted at a possible collaboration with JeA, so fans can possibly expect a track on 'Newself' featuring Ga In.
NICE but where's my full BEG comeback?

The first time was against Woody, the 2nd time was against Dreamcatcher.
have we seen this yet

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weren't ikon supposed to tour farm japan on a grueling schedule sometime soon? maybe he's just done with it all now

if they come to Europe I'll go

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What's your problem? They were both great

Didn't one of them say they were in the process of recording?

>$36 shipping for chungha's fankit
>probably the same for sunmi
fuck me this is an expensive month

I don't want that busted alien on my television set anymore, even that whore Solbin was better


Probably doing this single in the lead up to their comeback

reminder: getting "jeonged" is an euphemism for getting your pooper devastated by a foreign phallic object


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i thought gain or someone said they finished (months ago)

And why didn't she delete the chat?

31 to my country
the goods are pretty weak for some of the fanships but Chungha's seems okay but 31 is still way above, shit better come to me in 2 days flat in that case

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wow, sk's legal world is useless

Unfortunately they probably wouldn't be popular enough to tour outside of Asia.

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take my money

the fact that he bought over a grand worth of lsd says a lot about the kinda money these gooks are making

yeah with shipping being that much i better not be waiting long. there isn't even an option for a cheaper one which i find annoying

They were good though, but I'm also excited who the new MC's will be

for me its this smile

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It's most likely EMS/DHL but they must be juicing some extra cash out of it

SO MAD AT JYP!!!!! Obviously when you get into a pool type scenario for a shooting like this, it is very likely to not wear shoes, but these motherfuckers do everything to hide them at all cost. RELEASE THEM ALREADY!!!! I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE AND THAT TEASING CLIP MADE IT ONLY WORSE! I NEED THEM IN HIGH RES NAAAAAOOOOO!!!!!!!

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for me it's further confirmation that the true level and frequency of crimes that go on in sk and japan is probably severely underreported

Oh I get it, you're just being retarded for the sake of it

das rite

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There was nothing wrong with the dude but Kei's disintegrating face was getting distracting.

Unfortunately if Blackpink was going to be busted doing drugs it would have already happened during the NA tour especially at Coachella.
They're most likely clean and the best we can hope for is Jennie doing something stupid since the others wont.

saving it for their comeback probably?

>does any twice look smart?
Impossible by definition.

You need a pretty face to stay employed in Music Bank, Irene was peak charisma and visuals for the role and it's been downhill since

based JYPO

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this is so cute friends

they're all clean why would they want to do drugs in the first place

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calm bro; good things come to those that wait.

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I really doubt the bp girls get to do anything "fun"
They probably fear getting the back hand by yg

nayeon is high iq and mina looks smart

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fun for bp is singing and dancing and performing for their fans because they care about them

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Ddu du is my favorite song.

jfc you feet retards are so annoying and creepy

Any /bad boys/ here?

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>You need a pretty face to stay employed in Music Bank
What the fuck are you talking about lmao

If bp goes down it's not because of the girls, it's gonna be because someone sniped teddy and took him out

He let Rosé go to Australia by herself days before anyone else so he at least trusts her not to make a fool of herself.

it's so freakin good definitely my second favorite to forever young

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gotta be the most beta fetish ever with all that "worshiping her feet" sad shit

I'm calling Kei fucking ugly why beat around the bush at this point
she's a pig faced plastic uggo with no charm

Who's the mister?

I want to know what bobby's thinking about right now

based pit bro

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lmfao get his ass

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imagine being an uglyz fan in 2019

jennie had fun fucking kai

Bobby's probably thinking about Jisoo's shaved puss

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we love lisa

imagine not being a feetchad. now that's a sad existence

so they dont have knetz slut shaming them constantly

stop picking on blinks desu

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why die when you could love her so much and have a fun time together?

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shut the hell up dumbass

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imagine seething about another fandom because you're jealous they have something they love and you dont

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She's hungover again

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It was me

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that's a very bunny like smile

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This: JYP is very smart about viral marketing and probably have Yeji strict instructions to not show any feet before the time is right. Don't worry, there'll be plenty of it eventually.

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Irene charisma lul


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she's just the freakin cutest

it would not be my own fault, she would just be so unbelievably cute that i just turn into ashes in front of her

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not even sure why can pay for sunmi's welcome kit when we don't even know whats supposed to be in it

giving jizzoo the rawdogging of a lifetime

standard in asia apparently

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Lmao this just confirms BP are probably getting whored out as crack whores.

>why arent they whores flaunting thier gaping pussies for every tom, dick and harry

jyp girls are all pure

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why are you still doing this don't you have better stuff to do or another place to go be stupid at

no it does not at all bp is unrelated to this mess leave them alone

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is this burgerbrony

I guess by that logic irene is a fuggo too since she's not doing it anymore
You're not very smart, are you?


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any songs about going fast?

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asdfghjl; SHIMMY UP

*dance moves*

Birthday drops on my birthday

There isn't much at all

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i kind of doubt it. jennie especially by that point would not agree to do anything as part of bp ever again when she's barely hanging on in the first place

I thought womens liked when men go down

jizzoo's fw i whip out my monstrous cock and she wonders how she's going to fit it all inside her tight pussy (don't worry she finds a way to squeeze it in)

sad loser with a sad imagination

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Not in Japan

i have no idea when this was posted but yeah that's pretty weak

why has momoland been unable to recreate bboom bboom's success?

early April and never posted again so not surprised that it flew under the radar

>tfw so lonely that you talk to keklo 2.0 because he always replies to you

go slowly pleaju

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>I really doubt the bp girls get to do anything "fun"
They're obviously high af half the time, especially Jennie, who also happens to have an open door policy (if you know what I mean) for anyone even remotely connected in entertainment.

Also reminder that 'Blackpink' is a literal analogy for 'Pussy and asshole'.

Attached: Jennie BLACKED.jpg (800x800, 71K)

jizzoo recovering after a vicious rawdogging by me

Not after fancy and breakthrough they aren't

pharrell is married

shut UP already

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well when half the group's missing it's kind of difficult to keep up any of that momentum

>feet retards are so annoying and creepy
It's literally the main attraction in kpop.

Attached: feetsluts.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Momoland are cancelled now

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wtf they didn't get to go to LA?

where did our new jisoobro go

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Sorry Rosie I know this Melbourne concert means a lot to you but I only feel like doing three songs tonight.

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jizzoo holding up the number of times she wants to be rawdogged tonight

desu if jennie wanted me to be her side man, i would be okay with it

Attached: jennie33.jpg (1279x1920, 470K)

she is waving you absolute moroni and stop calling her that

we would be okay with that

we are not okay with that

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their management has been shit all year

jennie is ugly

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that goblin is even uglier

Fuck off

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wonder if is just gravure stuff or you see the same on beaches

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Why would YG ruin a group over fucking weed and LSD?


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no such think as an ugly blackpink

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jizzoo putting on a detective hat to solve the mystery of when i'm going to rawdog her (hint: it'll be tonight just like every night)

maybe for disgusting old creeps

Bboom Bboom was just Shinsadong Tiger's version of Mi Mi Mi, which Momoland had already been performing. When it hit big, they tried to follow it up with similar meme songs, but there's a limit to how far you can go doing that without any creative evolution.

thank goodness I never even heard about this so I don't have to feel disappointed at the loss

gugudan are our girls

blind pedo

I just want her to step on me and call me trash

Attached: kpop blackpink jisoo.jpg (564x848, 62K)

it's a fact that blackpink whored themselves out to get on the coachella set list

only Hana and Nayoung

Would ruining Rosé's homecoming be enough to get blinks to admit Jennie is no good?


>that skirt
So she got a little jewel badge for every successfully juiced dick?

Gugudan, WJSN, and CLC are our girls, absolutely

can you shut the hell up already

jisoo is too nice for that

they got there because of talent and hardwork so don't undermine them you idiot

what about Sej

only nayoung

>slammed by dj khalid

jizzoo not pictured in your post because she's busy in bed getting ready to be rawdogged by me

she never did that once, jennie is rich enough to just buy those

she worth every jewel

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when is omoglow coming back?

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it was on the crazydaysandnights blog and that guy is well-connected in the industry and it's considered the most credible blind item site

zimzalabimming jisoo into an active volcano

you really are a stupid idiot you know that

Daily reminder no one gives a fuck about marijuana and LSD here

why wasn't yeonwoo in oslo?

I'm only the messenger not the prophet

rawdogging jizzoo so hard she temporarily drops 20 IQ points

says nobody

shut up we are blocking you now


wjsn yes
CLC maybe
gugushit no

I already don't really like Jennie that much and it would just solidify that she's an asshole.

You clearly don't understand the basics of kpop marketing.

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lovelyz are our girls

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When Yuehua buy another based Western pop song for them

why do the most gorgeous girls always turn out to have the worst, bitchiest, laziest personalities?

Any lewd Jane pics?

because we are all devote dahyunism followers who respect the sanctity of our bodies, as the great lord dubu commands it

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lel good one


do talk about your future mother like that Johnie boy

CLC's 2019 redemption arc basically made them universally loved in kpg.
Praise Sorn.

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I bet dubu took drugs to look cool infront of her male seniors

LSD and weed are harmless hippie drugs, why is YG ruining someone's career over it?

who wants to join in on the rawdog train? destination: jizzoo

disband in peace

it's south korea, they're very strict. conservatives are ok with copious amounts of alcohol consumption and prostitution and stuff, but not soft drugs that are mind-expanding and positive like weed and LSD



Based Jisoo taking one for the team to improve their stock.

queen of her country and maybe the world

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it's true dummy even robert downey jr posts on that blog. the blind items have been confirmed multiple times. blackpink fucked their way onto coachella, sorry keklo but you got cucked again

LSD causes permanent brain damage

what redemption arc?


>as the great lord dubu
what an absolutely blasphemous post

Attached: cubminapray.webm (1280x720, 1.35M)

lsd isn't harmless at all and can cause schizophrenia and psychotic breaks

And you clearly don't understand the meaning of the word "literally"

I meant dont talk about your futur mommy like that johnie

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How times have changed..

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don't samefag

i did a bunch of LSD as a teen and i suffer from periods of psychosis lol

The one where a group stole their song, then they did well in spite of them. They're doing good numbers on Youtube and have a fanmeeting lined up

Isn't she from a super richfag family or something? I guess she likes the idol stuff

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WTF what a giant slut

imagine irene doing this

Attached: 1529403493814.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

a korean and a texan praying together to the creator of all music and life, hail dubu

Considering how well things have gone for them since Jisoo banging some dude to get on Coachella was the best decision of her career.


i used to like seola but now i'm over her... she knows how hot she is now, which makes her less hot ironically

put me down on the if Bi kills himself, so be it list

I'd say a large percentage of foreign idols are affluent but especially so for Sorn, her father is a Thailand government official

nice sex hair

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yes please

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*waves back*

how embarrassing for dc, they couldn't beat 2nd week clc

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her dad works with the president or king or something

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when someone manages to get teddy it's really going to be over for yg


I don't care about what people say calling her ugly, she's decently attractive

imagine Nancy in America eating all that fast food

maybe girls there have less pressure than guys to do prestige stuff for the family name n shiet

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guys i fucked 100 prostitutes i probably have HIV i'm afraid to get tested honestly

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lia is hot

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she's at least a 9, at least.

I wish she could be my mother

the best itzy and she's ridiculously underrated

get tested man

>implying all of BP aren't on some form of amphetamines and/or some prescription opioids
its kind of obvious

I heard people saying she looked like Michael Jackson and that just ain't fair

Her butt would be so big all her boyfriends would be from the ghetto iykwim

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was it BM?

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its pretty difficult to get HIV vaginally especially if you're fucking

This honestly. I like them so I'm not a hater of any kind but I've had tons of experiences with both illegal and prescription stuff and it's very obvious they're on something. What exactly I can't say, but they appear VERY sedated, especially Jannie and Rose.

Lia looks slightly and vaguely greek to me. I'm not saying that as a good or bad thing, just saying

that didnt fucking happen shut the hell up she hurt her back because she fell

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>going raw with prostitutes
a lucky retard if you're still clean, but in any case better to know now for a treatment

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we need pest control

spreading lies about blackpink can put you in prison so don't do it

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dont even bother convincing these idiots to like Lia, it just means we get to enjoy her on our own

Rose looking a little sluggish is probably just from malnutrition. Jennie being 'lazy' could be her feeling effects of downers. Maybe she has something to need them

i'm afraid to, and i don't have a sex partner anyway whom i'd have unprotected sex with so what's the point? i'll stay in the dark

i always wear a condom, last time i got tested i was clean uhm only one girl i paid to fuck i did it bareback, she wasn't really a prostitute though just a girl walking around with her tits out and it made me horny so i paid to fuck her she would have done it for $20 but i gave her $60, i don't want her to want to fuck me lol

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From her mouth's shape? I've known Greek girls with similar smiles.

shitzy lmao

da best

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her hands are massive

i think yg has a fetish for turning his idols into druggies

have you tried methadone? how does it compare to oxy?

You guys are all HUGE faggots for being even remotely into this shit.
That is all

looks like lack of food and rest to me


i only went raw with one and she wasn't a prostitute just a hippie chick. sometimes prostis wna do it raw but you have to wrap it up man!

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fuck off, kpop is just for chads and stacys

come on nigga, if you have a active sex life, get tested man.
dont spread that shit, it evil beyond understanding.
even if you remain celibate, it best to know

I've seen lots of girls with long ass fingers, usually the thin and relatively tall ones.

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nah i quit having sex with prostis because jesus and i don't have a gf
i wouldn't bareback a bitch without getting tested tho
i don't want to know, if i die of HIV i die of HIV idgaf fuck life bro

It might something else doe, trust get tested.