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accurate depiction of shoobsworth

Explain to me why I don't deserve to be paid for the product that I provide as a musician.
Go on, please, tell me why you deserve to have access to my work?
Do you assume that what I make is automatically yours by default?
Are you some sort of fucking commie faggot or something?

I don't give a fuck
I'm not paying for something I can get for free
Cope or get a real job


based comrade

major artists have to earn my legal purchase

I do what I want, you're around to be used. Human camoddities .

it's mine once i download it.

Broke ass niggers

I make more money than you.

>he buys music

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>he's broke because he doesn't waste money

>Explain to me why I don't deserve to be paid for the product that I provide as a musician.
No, explain to me why you deserve to be paid.

>spending money on music I enjoy and care about is a waste
What the fuck?

Make music worth paying for

if we're speaking honestly i'd rather have my daughter be raped-murdered than to support a single artist in my life

yeah. i don't HAVE to pay for it, so that would be a waste.

>wasting money when you could just not
What the fuck?

it's a very sad time to be a musician. this is entirely true and you can't even fault someone for doing this. why the fuck would you pay for it when you can get it easier and more conveniently through streaming? it's sad.

>making music just for money and not doing it for fun

>Are you some sort of fucking commie faggot or something?
But commies believe in supporting workers.

>wants to make money
>becomes a musician
there's your problem retard

Why do you think you deserve to be paid? I decide whether I want to pay you. That's how it works in the digital world. The idea of record sales in the digital age is stupid, instead of relying on those you should just make your albums available for free and get money through your Patreon page, YouTube superchats and merch.

It's because of the label/producer thing that's more or less backed by the government making up ethics in the form of copyright law

The US constitution strongly implies that copyright is not transferable, last for a very short time, and that it only applies to science and the "useful arts" so really the laws that enable the industry to continue existing are invalid

One, the guy getting paid the most didn't make shit
Two, value comes from scarcity and novelty, not blood and tears.
Three, if I buy a CD it is my property. The data on it is my property. If I want to copy MY data it doesn't matter if you made it. You fucked up and should have just been a live act if you wanted to profit off every single listen.


I worked on this post now pay me to read it or you're stealing. Why? Because shitposting is my passion of course.

mfw actively torrent all of my favorites artists discography's even though i can afford their music

you sound like a faggot lmfao

idk why but yeah you sound fragile


This could have been a decent vinyl hate thread. Why did you have to make it about piracy?

Have sex.

I'll pay you by going to your concert.

if only we had some sort of system to prevent people who have not paid musicians from listening to their music
some sort of building with controlled entrances that people have to pay to enter
if only

nah i'm just going to upload an .mp3 to myspace and yell at people for ctrl+c ctrl+v

i'm an artist i deserve to be a rock star

music should be a full time job, not a hobby, because i like it

Only as fragile as the average commie, which means my greatest flaw is complaining about the bourgeoisie but not having the balls to just shoot them already if they're so oppressive and impossible to topple conventionally.

But in the case of commies they don't because then they'd starve
And here there's no reason to because you can just share files until the world gives up and changes because IP law is about as enforceable as banning the word "faggot"

Also you sound like you suck dick and I sound like I need my dick sucked. Want to work out a deal?

spooks lol
everything belongs to me

>share files until the world changes
>scarcity = value, accept my philosophy or i don't pay you

>professionally made music is now accessed only through concerts and paid streaming services
>Physical media and downloadable files are only released by the record jews when profits have dropped so far they're already moving on to something else, months or years later
>Copies made before then are low quality
>Copies are almost never made for anything that isn't top 40 because the effort involved is more than running a DRM stripping tool and then uploading it

Good going faggots.

t. seething poorfag

>everything belongs to me if i can get my hands on it without getting my ass beat

this is how the world worked before the internet

i only buy vinyl to smash them

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>it's mine once i steal it.

no tyrone, it doesn't work like this

becuse you want the product, and (people in general) would pay for it if it were not available to steal

maybe in africa

based until the commie comment
eat shit capitalist bootlicker

Because he has dedicated his time, his intelligence, his creativity and his work to do it. He is in all his right to ask for compensation and you have to pay that compensation to consume that product.

The fact that I have to explain this tells me that you do not leave your room very often. Keep in touch with the outside world and get a job, so you'll understand better.

If you download the album, you enjoy and you listen to it on a regular basis, you must pay for it. You don't get to decide that.

If you don't like it, don't pay it. That's ok. But don't distribute it. It's not your work or your creation.

what is the soiboy meme anymore. kys you filthy unoriginal faggot

you should support your favorite artists and bands, but under no circumstance ever should you purchase vinyl with the intent of listening to them.

hope this helps you out.

like your mom's wi-fi

keep telling that to yourself.

ITT - equating masculinity with theft.

>musicians make no money thanks to record labels
>durrhhh de commies badd?!!


I hope the cops get OP's ass desu

>get a real job
If the commodity he tries to sell is one that you're trying to acquire he has got a real job, you're just a thief who is also a self justifying cunt

I'll only pay for your music if it's really good and worthy of my money.
i.e. your shitty nu-male rock album doesn't deserve a penny

piracy is inevitable, too.

*crack* *sips*
yes, I support music.
>gets CDs from other consumers
>gets vinyl from vintage stores
>gets t-shirts from H&M
I totally do this because I want to put money in to the artists' pocket, not because I need a physical product over anything.

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because the product you provide is of no intrinsic value and isn't even a product of labor. making a song is fun, not work. people do it as a hobby. also nobody wants to pirate your shitty music anyways.

>cease to enjoy your job and you'll get paid!
low iq argument rite there m8

Shitpost someplace with a paywall faggot

you were doing okay up to this point, and I'm saying this as someone who has hundreds of vinyl albums (from yard sales and thrift shops, so used, true).

>build a man out of straw and you win the argument!
EXTREMELY low iq retort bud.

>no u: the post
keep trying my dood

not an argument strawman-constructor kun!

muuh gommunism

try to only smash compilation albums pls, spare original pressings

im gonna con my way into your house and break all your records
then im gonna piss on the shards.

I only bought one record and that was dean blunt's the reedemer, that's how much I cared about it and I don't even own a record player anymore lol. the last thing before that was probably some metal album but this was in 2008. fuck buying music. it's soulseek and chill everyday all day for me

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what an annoyingly shitty picture

Theft of the exclusive rights to distribute a product you illiterate numbnuts.

>Implying that there was anything of value to refute
You're really special. Post your iq so we can all laugh at you.

>he thinks iq is a meaningful indicator of intelligence
spot the brainlet!

>Defensive attitude when IQ is mentioned
Stop Embarrassing yourself :( it's OK to be retarded my dude. I'm retarded too.

vinyl is just a meme

>Explain to me why I don't deserve to be paid for the product that I provide as a musician.
Probably because your music is trash.

I would gladly pay for the music if I didn't live in a third world country where we have barely one record store. Don't want to pay for overpriced shipping when my money doesn't even go to the artist himself.
That, and most of the people I listen to are dead anyway.

Should I buy this anons?

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if you like radiohead, why not?

because art has not monetary value idiot

Absolutely based

based ESL retard

Proceeds go to extinction rebellion so no

On a serious note, I'm considering getting a turn table. Is it worth getting a new one for 100+ dollars, or is it fine buying used? I ideally just want something that will play without problems. Built-in preamp would be nice, too. Was thinking of getting an AT LP60, since that's available in my area. Looking for something cheap.

>he cant just throw money at his interests
lmao poorfag


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Shut up


the absolute state of zoomer vinyl collectors. get into the ovens, it's gassing time, zoomers.

>Explain to me why I don't deserve to be paid for the product that I provide as a musician.
i am a musician. of course you deserve to get paid. but are other artists (or yourself) getting paid well via spotify or other streaming services (excluding based bandcamp and similar)? FUCK NO. people are getting fucked in the ASS by music industry yet again. nobody is getting paid except for people on major labels and pretend indy artists secretly signed to major labels as to not screw up their "credibility".
>Go on, please, tell me why you deserve to have access to my work?
why are you a musician? you think it's just about money? you sound like an entitled cunt. I've been releasing music since the mid 1990s, and not once have i ever been as fucking arrogant as you. you have no control over your work when it's released. pirated or not, just deal with it, faggot. not making enough money for your gay guitar tracks or homosexual trap music? get a better business model or manager, you incompetent cunt.
>Do you assume that what I make is automatically yours by default?
if i pirate it, then yes. it's mine now. this is what happens when you release something into the world. every artist in the world has to deal with unauthorised copies.
>Are you some sort of fucking commie faggot or something?
find the nearest and tallest building you can find and throw yourself off the fucker, you useless cunt.

ok larping faggot

i like how some people keep bring up people being broke.. like.. you want to pay several times more for an inferior copy of music! HAH. it's amazing how retarded people on this board are.

lp60 is a nice starting point imo i like mine would rec

What's the best place to pirate music?

>belt driven
two major problems there. the DACs on these cheap USB tables are garbage. I've seen plenty of them. also:
don't buy belt driven turntables - ever! insist only on buying direct drive turntables with proper pitch controls.

fuck off, FBI.

What would you suggest, then? Bear in mind, that I'm really only looking for something simple to start listening to records.


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Pretty sure art isn't supposed to be for profit.

>it doesn't work like this
The whole of human history disagrees

it's a bunch of demos and nonsense, save your money

>"support the artist!"
>buys out of print vinyl from ebay seller

>i am a petit bourgeois roader who deserves money for putting out a cheap mass marketed product
>I'M A COMMUNIST THO LOL #baelenin #bae #goals #rymtranny

based and actual capitalism pilled


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Because it's entertainment for you cunts

music just costs too much. I can't spend $20 on every album I like or I'd be dead.

the two basedboy hipsters i know made their collection from trips to the flea market and different thrift stores and believe this is more virtuous than supporting artists/traditional retail

This. If I REALLY like an album I might shill out 20 bucks for it but 99% of the time I'm downloading that shit or just streaming it. Vinyl is too goddamn overpriced no matter where you get it from.

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Ignore the belt drive guy. They're fine, especially if you're just starting out. Check out U-turn. You can customize it to have a pre-amp if you so choose, easy to set up. Just get a set of powered speakers if you really want simple, but try to not skimp too hard on those.

Avoid sub $100 tables, they're awful quality soundwise and buildwise.

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>Avoid sub $100 tables, they're awful quality soundwise and buildwise.
Even used? U Turn is ~170 USD. I'm not trying to drop that much right now.

You have no audience. The music industry is an industry marketed toward and revolving around tweens and has been since the late 1950s. They have streaming and Billie Eilish now. They will only buy physical copies if copies of the same album have ten different plastic gooks on them. You can't compete, boomer. Have sex.

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>look mummy, I made another nazi-jew-holocaust reference/joke! I'm so edgy!

smloadr first, then soulseek or rutracker
you can join a private tracker too if you feel autistic

So you guys, uh, piced up Lil B's stuff and supported him right? Based. B-B-B-BASED GOD

Why is that, user?

Used can be hit or miss. There are a lot of great old TT that can be better than new ones, though you'll probably have to change the stylus before using one. There's also the chance something may break from age along with most likely not having a built in preamp.

You get what you put in with vinyl. You don't have to empty your wallet to get great sound but you can't cheap out where it counts either. The LP60 would be as low as I'd go for a starter TT.

>Used can be hit or miss
This. You have to know what you're looking for too. I've found plenty of "TOTL" vintage turntables at thrift stores that looked fine but were absolute garbage. RPM being off, wow and flutter terrible, and leaky capacitors just to name the easy to spot problems.

But I also found a Sansui SR-929 in pristine condition for 25 bucks. It was missing a headshell, a 45 adapter, and had some weird marks on the tonearm, but I was more than willing to eat that cost into setting it up.

>not an argument

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I download YouTube vinyl rips. Is this patrician?

I'll give you the build quality is beyond plastic shit on most cheap turntables, but something like an LP60 is fine for getting into the hobby. It won't damage records and sounds good enough considering most people just starting out will be using glorified computer speakers.

I'm going to buy a CD of an artist's music becuase I like it. Simple as

>glorified computer speakers.

That's probably the worst thing. Even an LP60 will sound decent enough with speakers actually worth a shit.

Frankly no one's going to buy your music. Best bet is for either touring or merch. Also trying to stop illegal downloads won't get you enough returns for it to be viable

if pirating wasnt so easy then people wouldnt do it as much. no need to buy music, movies and even game if your pc can run them. shits good.

I wasn't even trying to make an argument, I just wanted to laugh at you, silly

>are you a commie
Stop crying

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Post your music, let's see if it's worth paying for

>everything has to be an argument

Good thread chaps

Copyright is a social construct of the capitalist system, digital files exist in a post-scarcity context and your artificial application of scarcity economics to them is a gross distortion