Black art is officially dead.
Black art is officially dead
Alexander Murphy
Jason Cruz
It should be MBDTF and A Love Supreme instead.
Christian Bell
hey just checking whether or not i'm banned
Hudson Cooper
An album that ends with a cringeworthy imaginary interview with fucking 2pac has a higher rating than Kind of Blue. Fuck this gay world.
Evan Wright
No and yes
Jaxson Cooper
>believing this dogshit rating website has any significance in the big picture of history
get fucking real, bitch
Nolan Moore
why do you care about rym scores lol
Colton Richardson
>Black art
name one (1)
Oliver Watson
>unironically caring about RYM
Gabriel Baker
>Kendrick Lamar is the most acclaimed black artist of all time
>Bjork is the most acclaimed asian artist of all time
Really makes you think huh.