What does xir listen to?

What does xir listen to?

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>clit bulge

yeah, I go around union square

who's got a penis

Christ imagine living in NYC. Trash everywhere, air pollution, everyone thinks they're the shit. No thanks.

Basically it sucks, but at least there’s a lotta jobs here.

>obligatory asian tourist taking pics

transgender artists, obviously, that is what they listen to of course

oh man, such a beautiful culture- I'm so glad stonewall was made a national monument by obama. obviously these people were born that way. they're just like you and me.

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That is one puffy vulva

how is it any different than browsing here

It amazes me that gay men still can pretend to be persecuted enough to justify making themselves into zoo animals. This guy has never been an adult in an era where his kind were censored.

>gay men are monolithically represented by an unnamed individual dancing
ok kid

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Anyone have that ms paint comic where the gay man ponders the best way of achieving rights and opening the minds of the public and decides to commit public obscenity like this

idk it seems like everyone on here hates them
do we just disappear when we're in the streets

Are you stupid? Tons of people here are gay, but what these fags do in the street is disgusting. How does doing stuff with no consequences that straight people would get shamed and disowned by their families for a way of proving you are just like normal people and have the same problems? The movement at this point is primarily based on a false premise as they are fighting for rights that they already have or that nobody has.

yeah because straight people never do degenerate shit in public...

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lmao how is that real

Of course they do, and people hate them too. Jesus Christ, stop trying to pretend you are special. The straight people doing that degenerate shit are the same ones cheering you on at your pride parades. The only difference is your filth gets sponsored by the government and forced into the view of children.

god i wish that were me

Nobody cares that you're gay, just don't shove it into everybody's faces.

damn, I thought she was going to smash the cop van window with that cross

the chad or the stacy?

It amuses me how you people simultaneously get mad when someone calls a tranny "he" but then always call gay men or anyone male who is slightly feminine a "she" even if they don't refer to themselves that way.

t. has never been to nyc


I literally only did that to elicit a response and it was successful.

Have you been to nyc? He's not wrong

At least it's not California where everyone is covered in shit.


pretty sure theres straight sex in most movies and media and correct me if I'm wrong but straight marriage has been legal for a bit longer

what's wrong with marriage? if you don't want kids, then don't answer.

Porn is porn, there's plenty of not-straight porn. There is also a huge difference between showing a guy and a girl kissing in a movie and a man shoving his cock up another man's ass. Most humans find the first is something they will do in their lifetime, a lot of the people who experience the second did so against their will. I will grant you that movies insert gay stuff to get your money but movies are garbage, most media is garbage. It's meant for worthless trash to consume.

As for marriage, it was always a false argument and the Christians destroyed marriage but either way it's already over, there's nothing to march about. Marriage is about procreation, which is why it requires a male and a female. However, the response to gays wanting legal marriage (keep in mind, they always could have cultural and social marriage) was that marriage should have been abolished as a legal framework. Once marriage extends to homosexuals, it's no longer a real thing. Because Christians are so stupid, they fought a fight they could never win and ruined society as a result. The solution always should have been to just make all legal marriage called civil partnerships and marriage to be a religious ceremony.

nah the point was that straightness is pretty government supported

where are they making children watch men fuck each other in the ass

Well it was a stupid point. Nobody is upset by gays existing and being private citizens like everyone else. The part that the governments sponsor with gays is putting the degeneracy out in public view for children to be indoctrinated. It is the government forcing it down your throat. The government does not do that with straight stuff. I get that you zoomers haven't lived in a society before the gay agenda took hold but it used to be schools taught abstinence and tried to discourage straight sex as much as possible but still understood it was important that kids understood how reproduction worked. Now, school is about telling all kids that they are gay or trans and encouraging them to strip for adult men and experiment all the time. It used to be gay people were "born that way" and now it's "homophobic" if you aren't sucking penis.

Where you based at fellow NYcuck

Have you really never heard of the pride parade? It's 2019. The video in the OP is literally taking place on a crowded public street.