this album is trash. mellow gold was way better
This album is trash. mellow gold was way better
it may be trashe.. but is it stereopathetic soul manure?
it's a classic album, loser pleb
If you pooed in an album, what album would it be?
Me: Fountains of Wayne
Nothing will get close to the magnificence of stealing my body at home
it's trash
lol you know nothing about music
i know this album is trash
stereopathic soul manure is unironically in the top 3 of Beck's discography in the 90s you fucking pleb. it's his Pod.
you don't even know how to listen to this album
i listened to it lying down in bed. how tf did you listen to it
you don't have enough knowledge of music to appreciate and understand how it is to be taken, you are a nothing pleb
you poor misguided soul
name your top 3 albums
my personal music taste has zero to do with your lack of music history and ability to comprehend this album's brilliance
make a point about why it's so great then. saying "it's a classic album" and "you just don't understand" are cop-out answers that could be said about any album ever made and hold no weight in terms of an argument. just admit it, the album's mostly random musical vomit that just doesn't work. at least mellow gold had good songwriting. there's so much filter and shitty electronic "experimentation" on this it's unbearable. there's nothing brilliant or deep about it.
you are now beyond pleb and have entered retard
Retard is above pleb, retard.
name ONE (1) redeeming quality of this album
the fact that retards like you think it's trash
name ONE (1) good quality about your life
i don't have to listen to this shite album anymore.
i'm glad i pushed you deeper into your WRONG belief that this is trash. another one filtered
not filtered from anything lmao. i'm gonna listen to the rest of his albums. i just didn't really like this one.
not filtered from anything lmao. i'm gonna listen to the rest of his albums. i just didn't like this one.
>i'm gonna listen to the rest of his albums
lol you came here offering an opinion on this without having heard the rest of his albums and you think you can speak with authority as if you know a damn thing. master plebsman. fuck off
you are retarded
you think listening to an album once gives your opinion about validity. you're lost
i listened to it twice. i'm not going back a 3rd time to hear the same shit songs
twice is not enough for a classic album to click, especially for a pathetic zoomer like who you.
i don't know why everyone is shitting on you, user. i personally really like this album, but you're completely entitled to your opinion. you tried it and it just didn't click with you, and that's totally fine.
actually OP came here to shit on the album. he should expect to be shit on back
my philosophy is that good music doesn't need any convincing to be good. the first listen, i'm soaking it in, getting first impressions, and the second listen i'm really figuring out if i like it or not. if i did like it, i would re-listen to it. but i'm not going back and hearing the same shit over and over until i force myself to pretend i like it just because it's a "classic" album (meaningless buzzword btw, so is zoomer)
some truly classic albums just don't immediately reveal themselves. you are incredibly silly if you think your opinion is formed from two plays. it's not about forcing yourself to listen, it's about understanding that you're moving too fast to state your opinion and get it done with and never listen to the album again, that's not how great works. you're beyond hope
"truly classic" means absolutely nothing
you are incredibly silly if you're going to listen to every single album countless times to try and "understand" it (spoiler alert: the lyrics are purposely nonsensical and the mishmash of random musical styles is as far as the depth goes with this one)
there is no "deeper meaning" to this. nothing's going to click, because there is nothing to click. this isn't a masterpiece or an avant-garde piece of alternative rock. it is definitely a fun album but in terms of replayability it doesn't hold up.
plus the musicianship isn't even that good, i'm gonna assume you probably don't play any instruments to say it is
>thinking an album needs a deeper meaning to be a classic
it's eclectic in a fun way. It feels like a very thorough shitpost to me but it takes itself just seriously enough to still deliver in terms of songwriting. I really like Ramshackle
S - Mutations
A - Odelay
B -
C -
D -
F - Every other Beck album
i recall guero being good
his discography is perfect
kys faggot