Why did God have to take him, vros? One week from now it will be one year since he was martyred in cold blood...

Why did God have to take him, vros? One week from now it will be one year since he was martyred in cold blood. I miss him every day and on the 18th I don't think I'll be able to get out of bed. He was such a beautiful person and his music saved my life. He didn't deserve to die.

RIP Jah. See you in Heaven...

Attached: jahyume.png (601x598, 713K)

Other urls found in this thread:


cloud martyr

Fuck off zoomer

I'm in my mid 20s.

i dab on dead niggers


Sad and pathetic if true

Anons literally cannot resist this bait

>relying on the bible

omw to gekyume's circumcision, you guys want anything?

Gekyume isn't even X's biological kid.

Hint: there's a reason why the baby mama is suspiciously quiet about the results of the DNA test. Paternity testing takes 1-3 days to complete so she should have the results by now.

not a big loss for music.


wow, i can't believe it's been nearly a year of faggots like you shitposting about that talentless piece of human garbage

That makes it far worse
It goes from being a low level teenage-idolising-cringe to beyond pathetic
I’m glad he’s dead
Not because he was a shitty person
Because he was cringe and his music was awful; his death has prevented another shitty career
Not a big loss for music

Attached: AAB3A42C-9AF2-45C9-B0EB-C3AAE65888D1.jpg (640x640, 66K)

Cucked by kid trunks

>Imagine being so broken up about the death of a generic sad rapper.


This isn't bait or speculation. We all know there is no way in hell X fathered the kid which is claimed to be his; baby Yume looks way too light-skinned to be part black. Anyone who has seen the child's photos will tell you he looks like a white or Asian man's baby. Furthermore, X said he wasn't dating anyone around the time Yume would have been conceived. It's also known that Jenesis (the baby mama) was sexually involved with both Trunks and Wifisfuneral (as well as other guys from Members Only), meaning X got his own friends' sloppy thirds.

This young SoundCloud rapper details how he tried to hit up Trunks for a feature back in fall 2017. Trunks told him to send the money to Jenesis' Paypal account. Why would he want the money sent to Jen, unless the two were in an intimate relationship?

According to insiders, X knew of the pregnancy before he passed but didn't believe the child was his. He knew Jen was a lying hoe just like Geneva. Thankfully, Jen is getting a paternity test so the truth will finally be revealed.

Jah was a LEGEND.

>Manlet nigger cucked by a chink
Beyond pathetic, and now his royalties will go into raising another man's child. I'm fucking glad to know this information, gonna go listen to his debut out of spite, thanks!

Once again, Jenesis would have the paternity test results by now. The judge gave her the okay to have a test done weeks ago. She must have gone through with it by now and knows the results since it only takes a few days to complete. She as well as X's mother are suspiciously silent on the subject as nothing about it is being reported. X's family members also removed all pics of Yume from their IGs. They know the whole thing was a lie for CLOUT.

Hoodrat-on-hoodrat violence isn't martyrdom.

The kid was a total fag with no real talent. It was just his image that all the teenagers bought into.

yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji yuh emoji

Hahahahha so it isn't even his
I almost feel bad for the dude

>lying hoe just like Geneva
Several witnesses said "Jah" beat her.


Because he was a faggot. So are you. Hurry up and die so you can burn with your faggot friend in hell.

iirc baby niggers have clear skin at first and it darkens as they age

I like this meme I just wish theirony was more blatant and obvious

>baby Yume looks way too light-skinned to be part black
niggas who never seen mixed babies really believe this shit

He has straight hair as well.

Both X and the baby mama have curly hair.


gekyume isn't his kid
underage detected

>getting kek'd by two guys named wifisfuneral and kid trunks

human trash

He was a beautiful soul.

this but unironically

you zoomer faggots cringing at this bait is even cringier than his music

Is anyone going to go down to the Gardens of Boca and spraypaint "NOT A BIG LOSS FOR MUSIC" on his fucking mausoleum?

>gekyume isn't his kid

Cringe as fuck



Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at 12.56.30 AM.png (648x388, 60K)

not a big loss for music.

Jenesis faking the DNA results.


Attached: E95A35BC-9751-4237-B4A5-CBA00FC341EA.jpg (700x700, 48K)

he was gonna be bigger than drake ;(

This and this.

There are no clout vultures in Heaven.