What an amazing artist

What an amazing artist

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bitch got a penis


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Disgusting faggot

disgusting mentally ill man

makes good music tho

Great music

no he doesnt

Really doesn’t, that was one of the worst

Sophie had like 2 interesting years between 2012 and 2013, if you missed out on those years then fuck right outta here cuz you fake. Sophie is bro music now.


Shut the fuck, SOPHIE is great. PRODUCT & Oil [...] are both 8/10 albums.


Sorry, I meant perfect. Thanks for correcting me.

I agree, sucks we can't make a thread about her without
>HE is a MALE and SUCKS

She's so great, my favourite biologically female artist

Maybe he should try to live in reality then

Sophie is literally one of the greatest artists of the 21st century.

I love genital mutilation!


SOPHIE? what an amazing artist
who can forget BANGERS such as

Mutilate Yourself (ft. lil abomination, lil the thing, lil beral)
You are not a man (you are a thing) ft. transnigger, transchild, transspecies
I like to Molest Children ft. Bad Dragon
One Meter Dildo (is not enough) ft. HeSheIt, lil criminal
Anus is for Sex
I am GAY and I PISS and SHIT all over the place (ft. veiny dick girl)
Unisex Restroom and Raperoom ft. Tutmblr Whore
Donate to My Patreon to see my Prolapse (I demand respect) ft. Matty B Raps
I Was Born a Pervert
Your Little Boy Is Mine (I am an Abomination) ft. lil love kids, lil muhammad, lil loose asshole

Attached: sophie BOGGED (its okay to cry).jpg (1280x720, 42K)

These just sound like cybergrind track titles

actually cringe as fuck go outside pls



sophie is and will always be a man


wtf I love Sophie now

>imagine telling your self you are whatever you wish to be
>imagine living your life as a lie
>imagine living in your fantasy world on discord, twitter and other social networks trough your avatars
>imagine ignoring what, in over 2000 years, smartest man (philosophers) on planet said about Essence

sorry but you cannot live an Authentic life in a lie, can't even say you are living

its one of those artists who are really quite mediocre but are pushed hard by the globohomo media machine only beacause muh trannies and muh cultural marxism. you can tell leftists redditors can tell its crap but are afraid of admitting it because its not politically correct

Lmao even if you don't put a pronoun in the title of these threads the austists still crawl out of the woodworks to post
>le she

Maybe, just maybe, ordinary people are tired of having cultural marxism shoved down their throats by a sick liberal elite.

wow you guys seem really upset that someone wants to be called a woman. Maybe you should have sex more and talk to people who are different than you to actually experience real life :)

>to actually experience real life

maybe you should stop mainlaining corporate globohomo propaganda and try thinking for yourself, believe me it's great. I used to think my uneasiness around transgender issues was due to deep seated unconscious bigotry and me being a privileged hetero, but then I actually had the misfortune to meet one of ''those people'' and I can asure you they are 'cringe'. Theoretically, I might understand trannidom as a legit sexual perversion, but hey its not my fault every last one of them is completely insufferable.

>imagine thinking essence precedes existence

>maybe you should stop mainlaining corporate globohomo propaganda and try thinking for yourself, believe me it's great. I used to think my uneasiness around niggers was due to deep seated unconscious bigotry and me being a privileged white, but then I actually had the misfortune to meet one of ''those people'' and I can asure you they are 'cringe'. Theoretically, I might understand niggers as a legit disability, but hey its not my fault every last one of them is completely insufferable.

I dont get why you can't just respect someone's pronouns and their beliefs IF they're being respectful to you. If someone wants to be called "he" or "she", you call them that, no matter what they look like. It's called respect. If my birth name was John but I wanted to change it to Jason, I think it'd be pretty disrespectful to incessantly call me John when you know I go by Jason now. "But you were born a John"

can i get a quick rundown?


Based and bogpilled

Leftists are never going to respect you, regardless of how you much self flagellate and parrot the ideology, thats because their goal is to destroy you and destroy anything you have ever found meaningful. If you are a non elite white male, hell a non elite heterosexual male of any color, if you disagree, even slightly with with the madness of sjw ideology, they will see you as an enemy. This tranny stuff is not humanitarianism, it's not genuine, it's a shit test by the left, they want to see how far they can go in imposing absurd shit on people. if they get you to accpet this lunacy, it means they can control you they can get you to accept whatever madness they can come up with.better to live a single day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep....


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That comparison fails to argument anything. If you were to change name, you wouldn't be lying/pretending, and I would respect that. Real comparison here would be along the lines:
>"this dude tells me he is Batman but he doesn't even have a costume?"
ok but he's just lying to me...there's nothing to respect about that

progressives won't respect my beliefs so why should I respect theirs? most trannies are obviously just in it because its trendy and progressive, you go girl stick it to those mean white men, get showered with praise, they are really going to regret it in a couple of years.

Who dis

That's Sophie shes a transgender woman who makes good electronic music

>attention seeking retard that has nothing better to do than bait Yea Forums
no person worthy of breathing gives trannies any attention other than to spit on them
absolutely pathetic

incredibly talented artist. too bad there will never be one serious conversation about her on Yea Forums.

She was pretty hot in the music press before anyone knew she was Trans

why is xe good culturally speaking what does her music have to say to the world beyond xer identity?

fuck you john go be rethpecful somewhere else you little bitch

It sounds cool and all of the sounds (including drums) are synthesized from the ground up, which is more than most artists can say

beyond her outer identity as a grotesque cum brained agp sewer goblin very little
sheltered young people think this is novel and content farmers do fucking backflips because he affirms their silly political doctrines
it's nightcore for aging avant teens

you don't get it do you? we are at war with these people. they are our enemies, they hate us as much as we hate them.

Is your idea of aggression being asked to use a different word sometimes

the right can't meme

christ. go outside

i hate trannies but this they sound good, music is objective stop being a faggot and kill yourself

Imagine thinking transgender people are oppressing you lmao

the left is impossing a whole regime of mental atrocity upon society, and anyone who criticises it even slightly is as good as a nazi. society is being subverted at a mass scale by leftist forces, anonymous spaces are the only ones were criticism of this new ideology is still possible, it's not a surprise they'd be against it. I'm against the system, i want to be a free individual and a real human being, but if you are against me i will destroy you. it is our job to escalate the situation and accelerate the polarisation so things can come to a boiling point, we must assume a guiding position amidst the disorder and coordinate it in what it is to become, a revolution to smash the system

Take your fucking schizophrenia meds dude

I think transgender people are mentally ill and yes they are being exploited and manipulated by the system in order to oopress me. they have fallen to the system propaganda and they have been brainwashed, and its up to us to ensure they don't do the same to us and our children.

>the left is impossing a whole regime of mental atrocity upon society, and anyone who criticises it even slightly is as good as a nazi.
Not really, people just know about gay and trans people now. There aren't that many of them.

What does this have to do with worker's rights?

How are you being oppressed compared to others

still cringe bro

So I’m not allowed my opinion that this is absolute miserable shit music?
Fuck you

Sophie's music is many things but miserable definitely is not one of them

Your opinion
Mine is that it is miserable shit
What do you know? It’s like everyone has an opinion

Miserable how though? Most of it is so artificial sounding it sounds more alienating than anything else to me.

PRODUCT was great but Oil sucked and was pretty cringe

no freedom of speech for one, cant even talk about the tranny agenda outside of Yea Forums. if these people are so god then why is it we are not allowed to criticise them?

>good electronic music

Sounded like wanna-be lipgloss twins

the irony is rich with this one


Literally is transgender for fad's sake and will not stop trying to act as girly as possible at every fucking moment, because that's what girls do they always intentionally act as girly as possible

But that Oil album was seriously way way way better than it had any right to be

I feel like these people have the least sex of all and are the most mentally ill

>rips off Amnesia Scanner
>has penis
>good music

The idea of transgender people was just being gassed up in order to secure a win for Hillary in 2016 but then she lost and now all the people who hopped on the train have already fucked up their lives and bodies beyond repair because they didn’t realize they were being used, but now there is no use for them.

It's just gassed up in general, still is, Hillary has little to do with it.

too bad it's just a ripoff of this and AS' past work

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I wish
This but unironically

Sophie fucking sucks compared to the other PC music artists.

bitch got a penis

the second one is very obviously a joke because they said 'biologically'
you are dumb!

>music is objective
Are you retarded?