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You dont
Live with it you baby

you're the chosen one. Start enjoying it

Let me help.

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Accept it. Learn to live with it. Either that or neck yourself. I have been living with tinnitus for years, once you accept it you forget about it.

listen to pink noise

trying to sleep? have a fan on

shove pencils in your ears

Living with it for 9 months.

Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse.
Keep your mind busy, go out, you'll get use to it.

Also, everyone was telling me to NOT listen to ringing and to have background noise all the time, but actually I noticed that it made me even more anxious. Then I started listening to it, getting used to the sound and that I became less nervous.
It's a pity I will probably never "hear" silence, but I try not to give a fuck. Sometimes it's hard, but I know I will forget about it when there's something to do.

Go to see a doctor
Stop using headphones
Clean your disgustings ears

>Clean your disgustings ears
how is this supposed to help

>Go to see a doctor
Sure, why not. They may send you to do MRI, but it will probably detect nothing. I visited 3 doctors including 1 with great reputation, and they are not able to help.

>Stop using headphones
If you keep your volume on reasonable level, I don't see a problem. I was afraid to use headphones after getting tinitus, but it won't damage your hearing if you don't volume up to the top (not sure if you say that in english).

>Clean your disgustings ears
It won't help, but sure - always better to keep them clean. But to do it you need to visit a doctor - don't do it by yourself, because if you use water, you may easily get infection.

It doesn't.

I've had it for 20+ years. You do get used to it for the most part. Sometimes it "flares" up though and I sleep with a fan. For the most part though, I forget about it and my life is just normal.

But mine spikes up constantly during the day

I've had it forever. White noise is your friend at night, otherwise you just gotta get used to it

Shit's there for life, bro. Enjoy :)

Wow, I never thought I’d be killing myself for something like this...

Are you experiencing dizziness or loss of balance?

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I got tinnitus and eye floaters, which makes me a two-time loser in the sensory distractions sweepstakes. Luckily, neither issue is severe as of yet. Bothersome, but tolerable.

Rarely which I think it might be related to my TMJ. It’s not Meniere’s if that’s what you’re thinking about.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I've got it.

Mine is pretty much noise induced but it can also be TMJ. I don’t know how to find out for sure.

Howd you faggots got it?

use this the noisewaves cancel each other out.

its physics. use the link.. and don't kill yourself like the other mu/chacho

fucking quad doubles

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imagine when OP finally sees the floaters in his eyes . . .

shooting that gun in the room next to your ear probs helps

Go see a doctor there are several people who have recovered

I sleep with earplugs and at first it made the ringing worse but it's really stopped in the last few years. I'm very careful with my hearing now.


I use the Debrox ear drops (even though it doesn't do anything). The final step is to rinse out your ear(s) with water via a syringe. I've yet to get an infection. Infections generally happen if you use too much force / pressure with the syringe or if you have an earwax clog and get water in between the clog and your eardrum. Because of the clog, the water has no place to run out or evaporate.

I have literally rigged up a straw to my vacuum cleaner and "sucked" out earwax clogs. But I do not recommend this method to everyone. You gotta be REALLY CAREFUL. If you suck out your eardrum, you're screwed for life. Damn earwax!

I sleep with a fan on too. 365 days a year. When you have tinnitus, silence is not your friend.

Hey, is tinnitus one of those things that's super present or is it just something that's kinda in the background
People always say it sounds like a ringing in your ears, but I don't know if it's supposed to be closer to a high pitched bell or more like TV static?
For me, there's always this high pitched electrical signal in the background, would that be tinnitus?

Try taking Magnesium pills. I don't know if it actually works, but at the very least it's a good placebo.

>grow up with cronic ear infections and get damage only fixable via surgery as a child because of them
>tfw never even realised i had tinnitus until i was around 16 or so
does music sound better or worst post-tinnitus?

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if it's mild like mine it can be kind of like a filter, or maybe that's just me rationalizing to feel better
for me it's not intrusive, it's a subtle eeeeeeee that sits just behind the immediate sound of the world.

It never goes away, get use to it or an hero

Stop firing guns so cost to your ear, that can't be helping.