Why do zoomers get so bent out of shape about Elvis not writing his own music LMAONAISE

Why do zoomers get so bent out of shape about Elvis not writing his own music LMAONAISE

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literally who?

Elvis Costello

Zoomers. Generation z. Not baby boomers who take care of themselves. Did you know that before people called gen z zoomers people called baby boomers who exercised zoomers hahah isn't that neat

elvis stole his music from black people

black people stole my bike so it's fair

if you don't shut your gob mate i swear i'll smack u


Holy shit are zoomers the most SJW generation of all time. Lmao who cares. Especially when it comes to niggers HAHAHA.fuck em

lame racist boomers you fucked this world up beyond repair

If niggers aren't inferior to whites, why are niggers unable to prevent white people from (allegedly) stealing from them all the time? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

it's not just zoomers, it's americans. after years of singer-songwriter bullshit, they don't know what is an interpreter anymore.

systematic oppression

Those systems were built, which means that there was a time before those systems; and yet blacks allowed the systems to be built anyways. So really, it's their own fault.

i can't believe how ignorant you are

There was a country that threw off the white shackles and made a glorious African paradise.

It was called the Kingdom of Haiti.

I can't believe you can't refute even basic bitch shitposting. Wait until you encounter actual arguments!

>chooses to stay in AMERIKKKA where they is oppressed (das rite!) instead of going back to Wakanda and building a utopia out of their homeland


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I must be really awful to live with this much hate for others

In your mind, there's two types of people. Those who flagellate themselves for being born white, fellate every black they see, and pray away their original sin at the temple of Social Justice

Or those who are "hateful and angry".

You're unable to convince of the third type of person, who makes up the vast majority of actual people. Those who don't care. I say nigger because your reaction is fucking funny, not because of any feelings around black people.

Convince yourself of that if it helps you to cope. Convince yourself that anyone who despises niggers must be fundamentally unhappy. I have a tremendous amount of love for my family, my friends, and my kids. I just hate niggers, as all decent people do.

>systematic oppression

>affirmative action
>Negro college fund
>gubbamint handouts

omg so oppressed, I wish I was that oppressed so I could get free money, education, and housing from the American government

thank God I'm not oppressed like black people, that's why I have to work harder than black people for even less, thank you O God that I am not as oppressed as the black man

nothing but edgy teenager trolls. must make your families proud.

>You're unable to convince of the third type of person, who makes up the vast majority of actual people. Those who don't care. I say nigger because your reaction is fucking funny, not because of any feelings around black people.
right wingers are 15 year olds that just discovered bill hicks and carlin

You realize like the first few albums by the rolling Stones and the Beatles were all the same shit. Stolen nigger music

yeah. they're thieves too.

No it's actually what people did in the day. How fucking stupid are zoomers? You realize that everyone used to play everyone else's music right? Think about how many versions there are of me and Bobby McGee for example. God young people are so dumb lmao

If you spend hundreds of words screeching about "muh black injustices" and why we should convert to your literal religion, why would you expect any better reception than Mormon door knockers get? They're selling the same shit you are.

is no one gonna comment on that pic? It's the depressed wojak meme taking to it's final state. Wtf even is that man?

frankly we don't want you on our side. you're on the wrong side of history. your kind will be gone soon enough.

literally zog for brown people and not a solvable problem under the current economic system
you people are working backwards

historical materialism is an analytic tool and not a religious prophecy especially when you're unwilling and unable to take even the simplest action or elect officials claiming to be sympathetic

working people and class traitors are on the "wrong side of history" because the ruling elite is about a decade or two away from just openly liquidating civilians with military buildup and private security

keep spouting platitudes and toothless bluster though I'm sure you definitely don't need all the help you can get

Try it, faggot. Pendulum is coming back.

reddit space

reddit is a darpa project commissioned by the united states air force


read my post

i did

Absolute newfag, holy shit. Why are you here? These posts would be less prevalent if you weren’t. Surely you have real life social circles that are better than all of this hate????????

he doesn't have the mental framework to understand concepts outside of his religion

i read it. why is that difficult for you to understand?


corny. please be less lonely. do it for the board.


i'm not lonely