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Other urls found in this thread:

Arin and Ari

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blackpink is the revolution

here are our girls, be nice

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People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

This is the ideal kpop idol. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: file.png (736x1105, 961K)

why are the cute ones always the biggest whores?

watch your mouth

Attached: 1559674369830.jpg (1493x2048, 343K)

I sabotaged Loona and now I'm sabotaging Fromis

Haggy before bed

Attached: 214292af505337ecdaedddf30900da59a26e1576.jpg (2500x1666, 356K)


did you also sabotage pristin or was that someone else

less then a week until I get to yell out and call jithoo a cunt

blonde Rosé is perfect and she should keep it that colour

Attached: 2-BLACKPINK-Rose-with-sexy-messy-hair.jpg (1080x1349, 165K)


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I was going to, but I realized they didn't need my help

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cutie corner

Attached: hayoung corner.webm (1920x1080, 749K)

Seulgi tho

cheese cutie

Attached: fromis cheese.webm (382x612, 1.97M)

ad statum absolutum

Always bet on Curry

you bet against KD?

hope you didn't need the money for anything important

closeup cutie

Attached: fromis cutie.webm (450x800, 2.92M)

idiot, that's money you could have spent on your waifu

you better not you idiot

we love lisa

rosie looks like a princess

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what does this have to do with kpop?

what are the blinks doing today

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try and stop me

Listen to Fromis_9 - Fun

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They'll probably win the series anyway dont worry

you are lucky i can't so just don't

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Jennie is shopping and the rest of the girls are working hard

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I wish I could make arin smile

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they all work really hard actually so don't say that

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i don't listen to nugus

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Rosie is filming her solo m/v

Why do most links on download blogs for old albums don't work? I disable my adblock and have to wait fucking 10 seconds every time and it doesn't work. What is the best place to download shit?

Attached: dubublow.png (675x387, 476K)

jennie pushed and worked so hard she had to leave the macau concert early

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I guess if you say so

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Playing PoE.

Attached: file.png (1580x2048, 3.22M)

Fun is the worst kpop song of all time, prove me wrong.

low IQ bitch

I did. It's very bad.

Things are looking up

Attached: lisanomake.jpg (1201x1500, 152K)

CUTE! we did hear about her going to melbourne early

i am saying so

nice friend i have never played that actually

Attached: 1531411514319.jpg (1024x901, 136K)

hey guys just a heads up registration for Lovelyz official fanclub is opened again right now here is the link to sign up if you'd like to

Attached: D8tkBOuUIAYkruL.png (1365x2047, 3.62M)

I literally can't

lots of blinks here lately

??? I don't understand... How do I download?


i like this post lisa is probably my second most favorite or tied for second

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Idk but it is certainly a terrible music video

Buenos Aires is equally bad

Stop lying.

everyone agrees
buenos aires is a fucking bop

blackshit exists

i didn't mean to imply that anyone here would like to, I know lovelyz isn't as popular as they once were but I thought that maybe someone might and so I want to help them out. You don't need to be a dick and shit on lovelyz whenever i post them, thanks have a good day friend

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Look at this dood

Attached: file.png (1500x844, 1.5M)

I don't like this pic
I feel as though she is looking through me
seeing who I really am and judging me
harshly and indifferently at the same time

Attached: 1538807037168.jpg (1080x1350, 127K)

download the torrent file and run it on whatever torrent program you use...

Meh, there's no real reason to join any kind of fanclub unless you live in korea

Worst fromis title track for sure but calling it worst of all time is just wrong

that's a dude you just posted alright

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The only fanclub kpg unanimously approves of is the Byulharang club

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I like how you swear to pretend that you're older but that just outs you as underaged.
You have to be 18 and above to access this site. Fuck off to one hallyu

It sucks.
Ayayaya is actually kino tho.

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I disapprove of this fanclub

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I joined last year because I want to support them. I have a card I carry around in my wallet that shows im a Lovelinus

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it's blackpink and they don't have a single bad song, i can not even think of one that i could say is not above average

it is not that deep friend

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nobody cares what you think twicetard

i bet Jisooposter hasn't even been to a blackpink concert lmao

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whatever happened to fancafes anyways?

How many songs will she perform before she decides she doesn't feel like doing anymore on the 13th?

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>he talked in the first person!

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i fapped to hichan today
never thought it would be like this

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i am waiting for one near my area friend

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im just a regular fan, like anyone else

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Well thanks for ruining the unanimity buzzkill


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They were slowly replaced by SNS staff accounts, but they still exist for some groups
fanclubs are just for event entry

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even if she just shows up and stands there blinks would not mind because she isn't feeling well and needs to rest

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i get kpop fans are generally young but jesus christ

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wow she looks great here when did she go blonde?

where do you live? because they have been everywhere. i doubt you'd be more than 3 hour flight away from one of their concerts unless you're in the middle east, africa or the bottom of south america

If she ruins Rosie's Australian homecoming I will be very cross.

deselect everything except blackpink, red velvet, and twice.

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what a cute woman

she'll try harder in a western country because she craves proper recognition as an artist


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northern california and it's very hot here

she would not do that, jennie is a very nice and caring girl

very close and i would have if i knew about blackpink

now this is a good suggestion

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i can't go to the melbourne show so i won't be able to see her first show but im going to the sydney one and im frothing it, i hope she likes sydney too

I'm seeing them on the 15th.
She better be fucking healthy and not rip me off otherwise I'll be pissed.
I don't understand how Blinks can tolerate this shit.

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not sure, uh she's 17 that's legal where i live (norway) i stroked it to and blasted to that pic today

Can I sync the files that end in .flac to my iPod?

reminder to appreciate your waifus youth and beauty

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why is wony so cute? she's probably the cutest woman in the game right now.


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if you really cared about jennie you would understand if she has to stop performing

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Wanna hang out before the doors open? We can stand in line together and talk about kpop. Otherwise I'm going to look like a weirdo standing alone like I did for Kcon

ask google

waka waka wony

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he's right tho

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blinkbros are probably the chaddest fans

She'll most likely get really personal and cry during her ment in the Melbourne concert

Kinda like Bangchan during his Sydney concert

i didn't ask about that shit you fucking freak no one wants to know about how you got off. i wanted to talk about her fucking hair you sicko

I don't see Lisa, Jisoo, or Rosé leaving in the middle of performances.

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yeah I wish I could be there for her emotional moment but I'll just watch it after or something, I don't want to fly down to Melbourne

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Fuck no I'm not meeting any of you losers IRL.

I'm already going with my chad raver mates.

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but if they did you would understand right? so the same should be applied to jennie because they all work equally as hard

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Fuck I wish I had cool mates to go to kpop with fuck you I hate you fucking piece of shit I don't even wanna hang out with you.

normie fuck...

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uh ok i mean i blasted pretty fast to that fuck that hint of a tiddie uh uh uh uh uh uh

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do you guys think jennie thinks she is better than the other members because she had a solo?

sana in 3 years

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>They all work equally as hard

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get a life loser stop making up lies and we aren't talking to you anymore

it doesn't feel that way, jennie seems very humble

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Yes but also because she's YG's favorite.

And other yg faoritism

apologize to whoever that is

She was bitchy before her solo so no

damn the only time a kpop star had a concert in Brisbane was with gdragon.


don't do this

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it just seems like Rose, Lisa and Jisoo are all very close and Jennie seems like the odd one out

They wouldn't because they're professionals and not a spoiled princess.

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queenslanders hate anyone that isn't white so why would they ever go there

Sorry I made you feel bad.

I'm not normie, I'm a koreaboo weeb trash that just happens to go gym and these guys are losers too, all they care about is hardstyle and pingas.

>name drops ariana grande in their song

wtf are you doing? I don't listen to kpop to be reminder of western pop stars

Attached: hayoung2.jpg (1333x2000, 636K)

is there source for this?

Hey man I take it back. Have fun at the concert yeah? Got good seats? I had to buy mine off viagogo fucking rorted me but I got a good seat I think

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>Otherwise I'm going to look like a weirdo standing alone like I did for Kcon
I know that feel, why do we have so many Sydney cunts here

hayoung looks like shit without bangs bros..

twice getting booed in chicago

Because its comfy time and we love being comfy.

yeah I don't like this style at all

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I went to Kcon alone too, it's okay
it's just a shame we'll never get it again

we know

about time, they deserve it.
i bet they don't even have a live band there do they? fucking hell what a mess

the managers had their way with her...

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How many red velvet songs are fx scraps?

they want to be like her because korean women are just the same as all the others

your fantasy was a lie

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trust me, you have not seen places like Sunnybank or Inala. It's basically asian territory and the white guys who represent that area are actual bootlickers to asian population.

Byulharangs, remember to buy your Chungha Welcome Kit tomorrow

Attached: file.png (848x232, 80K)

we should have tried harder and actually sold out the place instead of being like three quarters full

i'll always cherish the moment I screamed out soobin and annoyed the cunts sitting around me that for some reason think its shitty for me to do it when they were screaming for their boys for the last hour fucking bitches

It's kinda obvious when she gets pushed harder than at other girl. Plus the dating thing got swept under the rug.

why are blackpink so cringe

seems like a place i should move too

They aren't.

Oh finally. I hope shipping isn't too crazy


actually it's the opposite

how much clout do you think YG spent on making that go away?

The placeholder pictures show a shipping cost that I can only hope is just placeholder text

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You too bro. I managed to get general standing tickets during presale.
Who knows, you could talk to some other lonely dudes when you're lining up.

I spent way too much time on my phone

you're cringe buddy

I probably won't but hopefully there are some cuties there maybe I can talk to them.

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i wish twiceshitters had just kept dubu as a meme member in their heads and didn't try to force her here as being pretty or hot. that was always cringe.

That better be because it's more than the membership

>closeted posters
dahyunshitters, wendyfags

>based alpha chads
nakychads, bpshitters, wujus

Attached: 59832609_597101390699521_7052208929961424371_n.jpg (961x961, 121K)

YG has given up on Jennie for KTL
>Rosé has more lines
>Rosé was the face for western press interviews
>Lisa has more rap verses

Attached: 1557547054909.jpg (891x677, 70K)

its opposite actually

considering going to Korea for the Lovelyz concert in August. Fly out Thursday and fly back Monday. I don't really care about seeing Korea, I've been there before. Just go to all three concerts and come back.

goodnight dubro

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i wish i had kpop friends

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dunno about the rest of qld but Brisbane is infested with chinks. Gooks and chinks dominate Sunnybank while the vietcong fucking own Inala. Places in the vincity of these cesspools are also dominated with asians. It's actually quite amazing.

Attached: come visit.png (620x604, 25K)

>blackpink in your area
>blackpink is the revolution

lmfao no wonder jennie has mentally checked out

like i said Mimi is dead

Lisa is a better rapper anyway

>KARD's welcome kit comes with a shotglass

we like gooks here

and Jennie was a star at coachella

So you can get drunk while BM cucks you

Sydney girls who like kpop are usually pretty nerdy and not too uptight. They open up once you start talking about kpop and even anime shit.

Don't forget to shower.

that's actually not cringe to say out loud

she is but jennie can sing and rap at a high level too
jennie is well rounded while rose is the best singer and lisa is the best rapper

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wow when did Jiho become the prettiest member?

YG is probably sick of Jennie and doesn't even care about the other 3. inb4 Somi is the new YG princess


I'll shower, shave, get a haircut, wear a good jacket.
There is actually a girl at work who is into kpop and she's nice to talk to. I think she's a lot older than me though and short so she's like the opposite of my type.

Great legs, Rosie.

sleep tight

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Metal Greymon

Yuqis gonna get piped

Attached: trained.jpg (1202x1146, 668K)

SBS MTV The Show
6:00-7:30 PM KST

NCT 127
Seung Guk Lee
Weki Meki
Lee Changmin
Cherry Bullet (Official YT stream)

Attached: file.png (1200x900, 1.42M)


blackpink is a legs group and jisoo is the final boss


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He likes Rosé enough that her solo will happen. Jisoo and Lisa are absolutely never getting them.

how about a lisoo duo

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she's already been nct'd

Attached: Dk97bcuV4AAMwc_.jpg (720x469, 61K)

such a nice girl. shame she's a literal prop to distract from a child prostitution ring

>whore + 3 uggo incels
nothing will happen





Attached: 10000000_368054850490698_1496225454993_n.webm (720x1280, 2.95M)

this is fromis_9 country, and we're here to have some FUN

You can't just make that claim without posting Jisoo's legs in all their glory (now just the top half of her thighs!)

I'd actually froth that

Imagine if fromis don't even get nominated

but you have some shit instead lmao

Attached: [Comeback Stage] WJSN - Boogie Up, 우주소녀 - Boogie Up Show Music core 20190608{gd1Whl0FajI}.we (1280x720, 2.95M)

Their older songs were more fun

It's funny because this is probably true, even if Blackpink is the only thing keeping YG afloat.
He'll drop them like a bag of rocks as soon as Ella is barely old enough.

What the fuck are you talking about?

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fat piece of shit

Attached: D8ZA3KeU8AAcx7O.jpg (4096x2871, 853K)

have i ever told you guys that yeoreum is the cutest girl in kpop and deserves to be Heppi?

we do love her legs and they looked the biggest when they were in america

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>wonho's gym buddy

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Attached: 1555061117777.webm (720x1280, 689K)

fromis? never heard of them



Justice for Fromis_9

Attached: file.png (1269x709, 700K)

no need it's common knowledge

Attached: [Comeback Stage] WJSN - Oh My Summer, 우주소녀 - 눈부셔 Show Music core 20190608{1EAxmNzbtEQ} (1280x720, 2.98M)


Boogie Up

Attached: [안방1열 직캠4K] 우주소녀 연정 공식 직캠 'Boogie Up' (WJSN YEONJUNG officia (1094x1440, 2.71M)

Nomination confirmed...
Let's do it ujungs and fellow GGbros

already on it


Where is nomination?

Attached: what.webm (774x720, 2.77M)

Kyungri in the real one

boogie Boogie BOOGIE UP

Attached: [Special Clip] 우주소녀(WJSN) - Boogie Up 응원법{132588}-2.webm (346x600, 2.94M)


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This coed nugu jack swing act even has MJ "yeehees"

is there anywhere i can buy a t-shirt with his name on it to wear? he is so fucking cool.

i can't wait for my first blackpink comeback on the blackpink side

Attached: 1544286715136.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

Wujus are fucked

latte is horse?

why are you supplying perverts with pictures of her delicious legs, jisoo friend? don't you care about protecting her from weirdos like me?

Wtf is this?

I'd glad to hear it. As long as everyone knows.
I also want you to know I love her more than anything else in this world!

look at those betas protecting her from bubbles

no, all she is good for is pleasing perverts and old ceo's

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Fromisbro here, fuck it
voting on 3 accounts, go kill NCT now and don't disappoint me

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Attached: D8xQAOaUIAA3l-I.jpg (1125x1597, 150K)

didn't someone checked the numbers and wujus are getting it for certain?

Twilight is BOP

fucking based fromischads come in when they're finally needed

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that is not our intention, we were sharing them in a cute and pure way

yes i am excited and want to hear her cute lisp

jisoo is just fragile and precious

shut the hell up loser

Attached: 1552867444518.jpg (2048x1365, 257K)

>Digital (4000 points)
AB6IX (100th~) > WJSN (160th~) > Sandeul (180th~) > NCT (299th~) > fromis_9 (330th) > CLC (876th)

>Physical (1000 points)
WJSN (44000) > Fromis_9 (27000) > NCT (19000) > AB6IX (12000) > Sandeul (7700) > CLC (0 score for digital single)

>MV (2000 points)
WJSN > fromis_9 > CLC > NCT > AB6IX > Sandeul

>Prevote (500 points)
NCT > WJSN > Fromis_9 > AB6IX > CLC > Sandeul

YG runs a prostitution ring out of Seoul clubs for wealthy businessmen. The profits from Blackpink and other artists help bribe the police and keep a legitimate image. Plus their comebacks are timed to distract from any scandals

by omg or loona?

switch NCT and WJSN around, this prevote ranking is outdated I forgot


cute doggo

Guess it's a good thing the other 2 had been around a while already

no thanks

downloaded app, signed up, voted, and promptly deleted.

Attached: 1558860858634.jpg (2000x1333, 559K)

Them two being older benefits the MV score the most for sure

who's this roastie seething about wjsn

is this connected to the seungri thing? so he was just the fall guy?


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>that is not our intention, we were sharing them in a cute and pure way

oh thats okay then, please share more!
kpop like this?

it has nothing to do with yg but nice try

I wonder how much Jisoo costs for the night

cuties only

Attached: 1560222646289.jpg (1048x1310, 139K)

arin is perfect bros

You figured it all out, good for you

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Did you vote for WJSN yet?

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just listen

we are not so sure about that now

she is not for sale ever

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>Weki Meki is still promoting
I feel so bad for them

what did Dr. Kim do to our nosie

Attached: 170210_11.jpg (1000x1500, 789K)

>he only gets to see his girls for a week before they're back in the dungeon
you poor thing...

MV for the nugu group that was on The Show earlier, someone else did Kyungri's part

True honestly, it's like a better version of DNA

Attached: file.png (722x1080, 1.22M)

this actually makes sense

trotchad is great


you dont want to post anymore jisoo leg because you know she doesnt have the best legs in the group i get it user thats okay

YG is also accused of soliciting prostitution services.
>prostitutes were at dinner party, but no services were organized & any sex only happened ‘naturally’


Can we have some thicker kpop girls

Does anyone know who this goddess is?

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