Home Edition

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Do you think Cheng is more 林黛玉 or more 妙玉 or more 薛寶釵?

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why the fuck isn’t home on their setlist for this tour?

blackpink is the revolution i heard their song at e3

dionysus >>>>


They said that they didn't like it so they left it out
I don't know why because that song is the best side track on Persona

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tzuyu isnt pretty

I'm sure I heard Gangnam Style a few years ago.

go back to chenchen

you're right. she's fucking beautiful

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Blackpink is 4 Ariana Grande Lites, in Korean.

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brown beautiful i don't like so manlet

ugliest tranny sluguggo

Im sure most people post in both

I'm sure you're delusional

i don't post in any alternatechans because i'm not a faggot

then who is? name names!

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sana and chaeyeon

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ugly tranny

>still no chanhun teasers


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Chaeyeon > Tzuyu > Sana

it got cancelled sorry

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oh you don't know of any obscure idol i hadn't heard of and are just stupid then

do you think Exy is upset she's the least blasted member?

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What a shit song, that's what I get for giving k-pop a try I guess.

there's still a few weeks left

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you spelled chaeyoung wrong

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ugly tranny

the ugliest tranny

post pleb filters

sm is trying to spare your ears for as long as possible be grateful

meant for

omg i can see hitomi's under boob



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pretty sure he meant DIA Chaeyeon and not Cubuggo

why did they release power and lotto then

power and lotto are great idiot

blackpink are world famous

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Luda blasters are more numerous than I expected

if we go by mnet numbers, she isn't.

i am not sure who that is i only know cubbeautiful

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The bad songs generally go to NCT and sometimes RV

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kpg made me think the ranking was

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Everything about this post screams low IQ

which boy group is he in?

Attached: 1dec6a32d5549cca1fce7a229d6358af72ebe663.jpg (1920x1080, 244K) Why are the faceless dancers the fattest roasties they could find? This is very rude.


youre gay and ugly

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nice pecks desu

the darker the berry the more likely you will contract a std

it's txt beomgyu

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japanese camera's suck

Attached: 190609 아이즈원 혼다 히토미(本田仁美) 막콘 콘서트 소감+엔딩-PDhi9Hc0VsU-[02.58 (1280x720, 3M)

This is the perfect pose and anyway I'll be right back

ex wannaone

Somi soon bros


exo has some bad songs but funnily they're all japanese

lots of dancers have that kind of body desu

>license the cover version
>license official version
>license official version with video

in her birthday suit!

the real rating is that nobody gives a fuck about wjsn

idk dmumt had some boring songs

Why is YG pretending to be nice by letting Rosé go to Australia early. Very suspicious.

wording this, jp discography is really weak compared to their korean one

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but at least they weren't bad

special customer request

I want to mating press Hani

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well you're the one who said tzuyu wasn't pretty so i will take opinion with a grain of salt collected from your tears


loonashitters are esl af

seanigger is seathing

they’re actually promoting at the same time?

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tzuyu is pretty for an asian

>next news item; YG books exclusive AU venue

i think about seulgi's feet a lot

drop the real subunit name already, nerds

She went from Sohye to So....hey....

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I'll look up what mating press means.

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Incoming fanwars

>magazine subliminally telling their readers to put a bun in hani's oven.

what if that's the real name

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our girls!

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maybe she's shooting her solo MV

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i don’t think their promos will be that long so it’s not a big deal

Ok I looked it up and baste. Good luck Hani breeder

Jennie has proven unreliable so Rosé will take her role as the face and get special treatment.

i love blackpink so much i'll probably buy just dance for them

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they could at least try to be creative

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the fuck are those creatures? jesus...

they're both dropping in july and it can't be at the end of the month because they have concerts so they'll probably overlap

can't even buy an album

I hope so.

Kinda cute I want a wony chin job

bad shop

best group, best girls, best music
you might know them as blackpink

our girls!

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There should be more japs in kpop

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Fuck you off bitch

Hmmm maybe she didnt get dr kim'd

why does sm do this shit? they don't have to cram all their artists at the same time

both of their mini albums sold well why is this still a meme

cutest girls on the planet

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i'll be shocked if they don't add a bts track in the base game or as dlc

ubisoft should just release a kpop version with neither roasties nor bix noods. i'd buy an xbox just for that

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2nd cutest girl in kpop


can't even buy a ticket

i don't know, maybe they just want to drop a load of shit at once just so they can get to concerts faster

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there's literally nothing bad they can say about blackpink so they have to make stuff up

What is e3?


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Blackpink would be better without Jennie.

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Who is that? I'm going to kill him


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please rename your file. it should be 연우야, so Yeonwoo-ya. yeonwoo ends on a vocal, so there should be a y in between

you can't break up the perfect group

she doesn't even look bad there, post some actual uggocrops

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looks pretty 程瀟 to me

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they had half a year to drop shit tho


Video game conference



So it's a man.

kang mina...

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sm was probably waiting for xiumin and d.o to enlist first, they announced EP5 the moment they announced d.o's enlistment
suho might be enlisting during the tour too

Yunho(TVXQ) solo teaser

Has anyone else gone to a monsta x concert?

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That ass is a national security threat.

She adds nothing to the group other than unnecessary drama and scandals.

aren’t 90% of tvxq fans japanese?

>using a shitty motion controller or phone when i can have a kinect
for just dance, anything else is inferior.

an old Chinese man

the only anons i've seen going to kpop concerts are bts ones so far

Click clack

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she can rap and sing very well, not lisa level rap or rose/jisoo level singing but very very well
enough to balance and give them time to rest between lines

that tranny from fromis_9 is fucking funny

i know all the words to their one song


Thank you
Some day, I will mate with her

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badda bing badda boom

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What did she do?

Isn't Hani a lesbian?

which one?

name a better rap verse
you can't

Suho will be enlisting next year assuming he waits until the last possible moment like Xiumin since he's a year younger than him. I'm still shocked that Egg enlisted early but at least it means both of them will be back sooner than expected.

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they all look so fuckable here
except rose of course

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ps4 has a camera as well

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she looks like he's sad/bored all the time

he’s been traveling and hanging out with friends all year kind of like a bucket list so i still think he’s enlisting this year

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cosmic butts

let's exclude all gg's with actual rappers in them, to make the comparison equal:
my vote goes to this one:

blackpink 4 way intersection

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Mr. Worldwide as I step in the room : (

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>BP vocals

why would you be shocked that egg enlisted early when that's the most in character thing he's done

cool tzuyu

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Of course. Rosé is for marrying and raising hapa babies with.

yeah but as far as i know, the kinect is miles better. i haven't been following it recently tho, tbf

freaking best rapper

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Because when was the last time a celebrity willingly enlisted early? Everyone was thinking that Suho would be next naturally.

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literally no one expected him to enlist, that's why everyone was so shocked

im good looking and cool and my waifus are chaeyeon and sana


exo’s hyung line is hot as fuck


>goat dies in Amsterdam

Literally any basedeon rap verse

>exo's hung line

these are good

jennie has so many good lines


looks like jei

h8 fortnite

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Yea Forums here can you guys post that one cute girl i see post all the time?

actually not

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can someone post a cute girl

No problem

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it’s called the backpack dance

Sorry Once:

Rap Jennie Lisa >> Dubu Cub
Dance Lisa >> Momo
Vocals Rosé Jennie >> Nayeon Jihyo
Visual Jichu > Chewy

Twice have better personalities and memes tho. Dubros are lucky

that's the one thanks


Yea Forums again that is the one thanks



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>Visual Mina > Jichu > Chewy

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is the cute girl seulgi or yeri?

np based taste bro

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Don't forget Yixing user, he's part of hyung line too

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I agree with all of this but blackpink have better personalities too, they are humble even though they are #1
i remember when nayeon was showing off twice hitting #1 on melon and that disgusted me because blackpink have never done that


don’t samefag slugroastie she’s the ugliest shit

1/2 chewy mogs Nayeon and Jennie at the same time

that's the one thanks

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binu binu let's binu

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that song sucks you faggoids

Lisa mentioned

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>he still thinks lay is part of exo
ooga booga

think she's like the only female rapper/producer of new gen?

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Forgot pic

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looks like a portrait of a dad and his son

blackpink just can't have a song that sucks, it's impossible

izonebros we got too cocky

such a good dancer

excuse me, gotta take this call from by daughter

Very cute

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rosie with another high fashion endorsement

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jennie wins here clearly, she has a royalty look to her

First one may be true but that's about it

rose is pretty but her wide shoulders and narrow hips just totally ruin it

>those arms

Attached: 190608 러블리즈(Lovelyz) Ah-Choo (아츄) [이미주] Mijoo 직캠 Fancam (인제 DMZ P.O.P CONC (608x1080, 2.72M)

nayeon looking like a snack

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tzujoo is so freaking gross spoiler this shit


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the funny thing is that nugushitter thinks minjew mogs chewy

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Its the blink equivalent of twice's Like a Bulldozer - Like a Tank - Like a Soldier routine

Post Hani pics that I can nut to

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Not enough posting for our future soloist

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and he is right

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I don't like boombayah though

shoot your head with a rifle, nigger

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i still need to organize my files

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10 out of 10 black men agree

She should just stick to being cute. Let the j-line handle the center roles

couldnt think of a worse fate than being a blink
>surrounded by a sea of subhuman SEA screeching primates
>one comeback a year produced by Teddy
>shit b-sides
>members more interested in showing off fashion endorsements on IG than learning how to sing

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You know, like a concubine


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i guess she is kinda pretty but she has an ugly smile

>shit b-sides
it's the opposite actually

actually fucking terrifying

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damn they’re so annoying

and personality

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this show made me remember how funny kai's laugh is

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only one of those is true

blackpink are the only group that have real bsides and not filler garbage

so this crop spammer is the same guy that got fucked in the ass by an east indian and cried about not being taken seriously because he's a canadian manlet?

jennie has an ugly seamonkey look to her

bacon and pcy are the loudest in the group so it’s a given


she's cute, all of blackpink are

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where did it all go wrong

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The only bad thing about this photo is the saturation and photoshop
You'd have to be a literal troglodyte to think that's what she looks irl

comfy seat

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blackpink are literally the cutest group and on top of that they are talented and make the best music
if you hate them you actually just hate kpop and this isn't the place for you

shitty detective hour is my favorite kpg meme


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banger alert

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she needs to do shport hair again

actual new

you know whos ugly? seulgi. just kidding, shes fucking beautiful

she does it for us