How do i get good at singing and scream-singing, Yea Forums?

how do i get good at singing and scream-singing, Yea Forums?

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pic unrelated btw im not into tyler the creator or rap music in general
probably shouldnt have chosen a rapper for the picture huh

bump Bump bump.

Practice in the car

Very helpful advice, thank you! I am going to form the next Beatles!

We'll call ourselves The Cars because of my practice technique!

moan like you were a girl and try saying the name of your crush until you can satisfy yourself then groan or sigh like your crush just said she'd like to have a train on her and then said she's just kidding!! and then extend that groan/sigh until your throat feels like it's bleeding

i dont want to be a mumble rapper, user.

Does no one here know how to sing does everyone just listen to music only :(


Singer here.
Practice first singing softly from the diaphragm. Absolutely basic technique to find your diaphragm is to blow through a straw.

Feel your lower stomach expanding and contracting? That's it. Sing softly from there. Volume/power shouldn't come right away. Baby steps. Once you nail this, you can basically take it anywhere, I promise

For screaming, look up how to safely do vocal fry. You WILL damage your voice unless you know diaphragmatic singing and fry techniques.

thank you this is very helpful actually

i've tried scream-singing and it hurts the fuck out of my voice so i probably already mildly fucked it up lol

Yes. If it hurts, STOP. You're not supposed to tense your vocal folds when you fry scream, because that's where you get that "raw" feeling from that you're describing. Power and volume from the diaphragm, grit and texture (safely) from the chords. Do not try to force it. If you do a bad scream you can "feel it" in your throat, which isn't what should happen. You probably felt that icy feeling in the back of your throat with a sharp scream, right?

Also, don't forget to warm up for a few minutes before trying.

nah, the screaming doesn't bother me during it normally

it just really hurts my voice afterwards and for a long period of time

>it just really hurts my voice afterwards and for a long period of time

Singing without practice or warmups can do this to you but it shouldn't hurt during it. If it is, you're doing it wrong. Projecting from your belly is a FAR more sustainable way to do it. Though I'd really encourage you to look into proper fry screaming/distortion techniques, as you're liable to damage your voice if you do it wrong.

i'm going to try to project from my belly because i haven't been doing that.

what should i be doing for my practice and warm-ups?

And a warmup vid to help. hum along with this: Then practice some other tones.

To add to this: EVERY sound you make should be coming directly from your lower belly/diapraghm. if you feel like you're not finding it, grab a straw, take a deep breathe, and blow slowly (yet "intsensly") through it. You'll feel your diaphragm tighten.

thanks, man. i really appreciate the tips. i'm going to try this out as soon as i get a chance.

Good luck buddy

Singing while laying on your back will also help you figure out how to sing from your diaphragm. Learned this as a wee lad and now do it without thinking about it. Also to bring back what I saw earlier in the thread, singing in the car is literally the best thing you can do. This also sounds dumb, but playing Rockband or something similar can help you as practice. That's what I did a lot when I was younger.

Was gonna post but I’d just be repeating this guy. I do have a bit of an anecdote though: I’ve been singing for most of my life, but I started my first band about a year ago. I tried screaming songs, screaming from my throat, and it was completely inefficient. Not only was I not projecting at a loud enough volume (ironic), I was frying my voice after about a minute. I don’t think I did serious long term damage, but once I was fried for the night, there was pretty much no chance of recovering. Now instead, I push from the stomach and stylize my voice with some rasp and it sounds much better and much louder.

This is absolutely why you need proper technique to do sustainable fry screams, as they'll destroy your voice. REALLY croak, tighten your core and move your larynx a tad. Be careful as the lowest register (fry) is what will wipe your voice the quickest.

This is the beginning to a fry scream (but not a full one):

i'm going to try singing while laying on my back too, thank you. not sure if i'm going to try playing rockband or anything like that though.

yeah, i've tried scream-singing from my throat and it sounded fucking awful. i sounded like a mentally challenged person having a breakdown. all my singing sounds like shit though lol. eager to try the diaphragm trick when i get a chance because i really want to try to get good at singing.

Ah man I shouldn't be doing this with my strep throat, lmao. But enjoy OP.

thank you so much, user. your advice has been very helpful and i appreciate it a lot.

Good luck man. I'm signing off for the night. Body is HAWT

I feel like this would be more useful if I was aiming for something like metal but I’m curious as to how I could bring it in to my own singing. Honestly now that I think about it I haven’t really had any desire to scream, I get the same emotion with a nice long push, (“heeeeeeeyyyy”) and I find I have a lot more melodic freedom that way. I sing in basically a grunge style but I’m glad you led me onto this technique because more tools in the toolbox is always better

With fry you do the basics and then add power and it sounds more raspy and clear.

Just to be clear: the scream-you’re trying to achieve is vocal fry. You can do both with practice. You got this man

doesn't grunge use a lot of screaming though?

i'm op and i wanted to try to sing in a grunge-y sort of style for the most part.


I would like to achieve this, yes, but earlier I was wrong to refer to what I was doing as a rasp. I was thinking about how I’ll tighten the throat to intensify the emotion, more like a “wail” or “moan”. Think like a blues singer. I was wrong to say that’s a scream though, but I do think emotionally, they can convey similar things.

Yes, definitely Kurt Cobain and others did. I’m more emulating singers like PJ Harvey and Layne Stayley, but I think the vocal fry technique that one user posted would be perfect for getting some of the stuff Kurt Cobain was able to pull off without destroying my throat.

ah, i see. the only grunge bands i've really listened to a lot from are nirvana, mudhoney, and soundgarden, so those are the main ones i think of when i hear 'grunge'. i guess i'm trying to go for a more cobain style.