Got me some time and a RYM subscription...

Got me some time and a RYM subscription. Does anyone have some albums that they want to know the average track ratings on?

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not really no

That’s fine. Have a nice day anons!

IGOR and Dedicated pls!!

Sam Rivers' Contours and Suicide's self titled please

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Sparklehorse - It’s a Wonderful Life
thanks OP!

did he mean to cosplay as Akuma

To other posters: Keep it to one album per post please

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i’d also like to see Dedicated

*Removes the first one dollar*

-Problem fixed and can even wash it

Nigger joke, we're all doing that implying the food costs money so is like adding salsa to money in food form.

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Dorkcore 101 by the band Kevin and the Bikes :)


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Requesting for the "new" Jai Paul album, leak 4-13

endtroducing by dj shadow
no now by clarence clarity
thank you OP.


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Interesting, thank you! Strait out of Mumbai is definitely a jammer

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Mutual slump is an 11/10 for me

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The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute

Attila - About That Life

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Thanks user


Have One on Me by Joanna Newsom, pls and ty

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Miracle of sound, Level 6, the album itself has a pretty low rating so I wanna see the track ratings

There apparently are not yet

The Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs

boredoms - vision creation newsun

This has to be one of the worst ideas for a thread in Yea Forums history

How come?

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Voivod - Nothingface

>Julien 4.2

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thx amigo

soundtracks for the blind pls

Last one

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the ape of naples

i am grateful friendo

you guys know you can see track rating on sonemic without a subscription right?

The College Dropout pls