Who is the most fertile musician?

who is the most fertile musician?

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mark e smith

body type =/= fertility
stop this meme

women with more fat in the right places are more healthy/fertile

Hit me with a name please?

Lily Allen.

low test cuck detected

it's true though they have no substantial correlation


Attached: brapp_sniff.gif (425x326, 450K)


Angel olsen

(not true, by-the-way!)

Shabba ranks And Lizzo looks pretty fertile

how do i get a girl like this?

every gf I ever had, including my current one, is stick thin and pretty short


Hendrix or Bob Marley

You wish but thick =/= attractive

Attached: luscious_net_tumblr_o4rekyfxui1v67s7oo1_1280_1597271964.jpg (1080x1067, 103K)


nudes here


Why are Americans so fat Holy shit

eh, just a fat chick with a nice face, disappointed.

Attached: mr2.png (313x514, 424K)

why are you with her if you want someone else

She's Portuguese but why is everyone obsessed with America?

ctrl-f masha scream
yall can burn in hell

she looks so bloated, I bet when she crossed her legs like that and put that lateral pressure on her bloated stomach she let out a gigantic fart

>hey poorfag, why do you drive a toyota camry if you want a lamborghini

Obese women like that usually end up not ovulating and are far more likely to have children with congenital disorders.

This is what a real woman looks like.

i cant wait for someone to just start killing incels indiscriminately

Wouldn't you be mindful of something if it was rammed down your throat 24 hours a day, everywhere you look?

Her BMI is almost certainly at least 30, so yes she is.

Implying she doesn't clearly have cellulite and would be labeled as obese, just because her stomach isn't large doesn't mean she doesn't have parachute legs