Why is all successful music made by leftists these days?

Why is all successful music made by leftists these days?

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it already was in the 70s and 60's what are you talking about

Because right-wingers are too busy whining about how oppressed they are.

>these days

>these days

>these days

>these days

>these days

Left wing ideology is all about being oppressed. Once they have become liberated they invent another oppression fight.

cause we're better & more like-able than fascists

pnik floyd

>invent another oppression fight
Something like having $45,000 truck loan, a $250,000 mortgage, and a $16,000 boat loan, and then complaining that you can't pay your bills is because taxes are too high?

Musicians are smart people, so they're less likely to be braindead rednecks.

I don't know. But I don't really care either.
It comes to mind that parquet courts album...
They overtly spouted lots of their bullshit topics in form of gay sex moans, and I couldn't give a fuck bc of how good the music was
Does it happen to anyone else?

It isn't.

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pnik floyd

Being a neoliberal =/= Leftist

This is the american dream, don't be rude please

pnik floyd

this dude doesn't even know where he is standing.
And that's a good thing

Kanye is liberal af, he wants to vote Republican and go to church in honor of his mom, also gives him clout, publicity etc

mac milar

Leftists aren't liberal. At all.

>Musicians are smart people

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Common man, quit the autism for a second

Just listen to black metal. They've got all racists and xenophobes and angry straight white men that you trump loving faggots could ever dream of.

the machine can succ them in and spit them out faster

Just as your totally not replaceable maga country artists who are indistinguishable form each other every year...

Because leftists don't give a fuck about boundaries and are open to everything while most right wingers are religious, and are cucked to death by all these restrictions, and what they can or can't do. Not a good space for an artist. The right winger believes they need to do their duty by getting a stable job and starting a family while the leftist believes in following their heart and doing what they want when they want.

this. name 5 good auth right musician's

Lol, leftists want to get rid of musical instruments. Not very liberal!

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>implying right wingers cant into art
>implying right wingers are cucks
>implying leftist even make good music

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Music is a pretty unefficient art form when it comes to changing culture. Because they have an uphill battle, conservatism use more active art forms to get their message across better.

That being said, there’s a whole world of country music that most people on here and in major cities have very almost zero knowledge about, but it is the mainstream pop culture for conservatives and it sees huge success among those people.

uhm... burzum .... kaney west

Not even 5 and can't even spell
Go to bed conservacuck

It's not. But media only rewards leftist stuff and will sperg out at any other form of political content. So all of the political music, and political social media posts by musicians, will be leftist. centrist/rightist/independent musicians just shut up and play for the most part

This post might have made sense pre Trump. Nowadays though right wingers can’t stop bitching about how they’re all victims to the media, universities and the minorities

>once they've become liberated
He admits the oppression is real
What would Bencil Shapirino say if he heard you say that

Name a right wing musician worth listening to.

Just face the facts. The right can’t into art.

I'm a red blooded leftist and I find this silly

Because they hide their beliefs if they aren't with the hivemind

Right wing “art” almost entirely revolves around something political, they can’t seem to have anything else they can bring to the table. Whether it be comedy, music, film or just about anything, they just can’t go without injecting some sort of their ideology into it. That’s what turns people off for the most part. That and whatever they do sucks anyways.

>Right wing “art” almost entirely revolves around something political, they can’t seem to have anything else they can bring to the table.


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why'd you post a picture of lou reed
he wasn't right wing lol

they can't, it's just fucking country or shitty black metal/oi

based pink floyd poster

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What the ever living fuck are you talking about

This is a fake troll pic, right?
There's no way this can be real, they're actually in a room together, which means at the very least they kissed or something.
If he actually had sex with him I'm no longer supporting here.
The main reason I started really supporting him was because he seems so innocent and cute, like a guy that would actually not judge me and views humans as humans, a guy who would be okay with just holding hands and cuddling, idk...
this kind of ruins it for me. I've been making threads about him for years and now I feel kind of betrayed, he even said my name on instagram once in the comments cause I comment all the time.
He looks like such a sweet little guy, why do gays always have to go for black guys with golden teeth? This makes zero sense, I never imagined a guy like Kanye would like assholes.
somebody PLEASE prove it's fake, please..

Because he's pointing at all of us.

Who knows what artists are actually conservatives, 99% of music fans and buyers are liberals so that’s what they say they are.

>Because leftists don't give a fuck about boundaries and are open to everything
As we all know, communist countries were such bastions of free, individual thought and expression.

Have sex

People complain about taxes because the state uses them for useless things, not because it reduces our wages. But you are a commie, so of course you wouldn't know.

i hate americans
if all americans dropped dead tomorrow i would rejoice

Wrong. Being a musician is inherently a stupid thing to do.

Depends on the music. Hard rock, country, and metal have more right-leaning fans, alternative stuff has more left-leaning fans. This division has existed for the longest time.

yeah but when anybody says we should spend those taxes on useful things like healthcare or schooling for people or infrastructure, you all throw a fit and say "dag gum socialists taking muh guns barack hussein obama" and would rather they add more money to the military budget instead

Rock was born in the Midwest and South, most of the founding fathers like Elvis etc were pretty deeply conservative guys who'd been brought up attending church on Sunday. The shift of rock to the coasts in the 60s brought about all that leftist revolution malarky.

You should pay for your own healthcare save special cases. When you waste tax dollars because you need healthcare for being an obese cow you should be responsible for paying for it yourself.
Schooling, in this case, college education, is also a stupid thing to waste tax dollars in, as most college degrees are worthless, and the ones that aren't pay themselves, so making college education free is not only a waste of money, but a waste of human potential.
It is important to find the military because they are the ones defending us from foreign powers and domestic terrorism, and therefore our liberty and property, which we can't do for ourselves (unlike education and healthcare).


this is some n*con fox tier drivel

Cool digits

I used to hate the military spending too but we’re fscing an existential crisis where in 100-150 years it’s gonna be either us or China that’s going to take over the world- that’s what we need the military for.

It’s pretty clear what side you’d be on.

>muh china
>muh global hegemony
gtfo boomer

Nihilism isn’t cool past the age of 15

are you fucking retarded or something
the world is gonna be fucked because of climate change by that time
there will be no america or china

American isolationism is a good thing.

America will be a worthless wasteland in a few decades, China will surpass us so much technologically that we won’t even be worth them having a strong military. 5G is just the start, Trump is already alienating so many allies, we’re destined for failure. Stop being a degenerate military worshiper and accept the reality that we will be destroyed from within, and not because of some foreign power

phrase your question properly:
why all de right wing conservacuks be so stupid?

This is the same mentality of the disgusting 40 year old ex punks who hoped they were gonna die at 30 but just... kept... living...

Nothing wrong with being ready for the future

based retarded boomer

This thread is so stupid it hurts.

You guys are retarded.

If it's going to be fucked anyways then why bother fixing it? Fucking idiot.
The climate change situation has been improving compared to previous years, so it can be avoided, and therefore our relationships with China still matter.

Isolationism is an utopia.

>giving up before even trying
No wonder you guys are all suicidal.

He's right. Stupid punk boomers used to think they would live in a post-nuclear wasteland that never happened. The same thing will happen with climate change.

The US actually has some power over a lot of countries because we use that massive military budget to defend them. I agree though, we are being destroyed from within. All of those “antifa” protests mimicked the Chinese cultural revolution very closely. Plus, using cultural Marxism to get everyone focused on feels and what gives them a boner rather than producing will be our downfall.

why should we give a fuck about a country where citizens are forced to go into debt if they get sick or are financially punished if they want to educate themselves (which would help them produce, i might add)? fuck you.

Let me play out the next few post for you:
>good for the elites. Enjoy paying $7 for a carrot.
>b-but it'll create jobs.
>yeah, jobs for collections agencies
>you're wrong
>no, you're wrong
There. Saved everyone some time.

>cultural Marxism
holy fuck
this fuckin' thread

Boomers will just repeat the same old "bootstraps" nonsense. They have been forcefed cold war propaganda from birth and don't understand how lucky their economic circumstances were. They are also ignorant of the rest of the world's social systems and think any sort of social programs = communism which is retarded.

The most educated people produce the least.

Only certain kinds of metal and depending on the region.

Leftists are more likely to pursue a career that brings more personal fulfillment than guaranteed financial security.

Stay mad poorfag. Kneepads, bootstraps, elbow grease, get a clue. Welfare bum.
Greatest country in the world where blood sweat and tears gets you places, and not being a parasitic leech like in Jewrope.

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Leftists are fucking stupid? We knew that already.
Leftists don't have a clue? That's why they want to leech off hard working patriots and turn dear old Uncle Sam into their personal ATM? Well not in my America.

communism will win

im going to kill all you faggot republicans

Even China the only true communist country is seeing massive success from moving away from it.

go listen to your jimmy buffet boomer retard

>Well not in my America.
Haha. Jokes on you, sucker.

The left wishes they had good bands like Velvet Underground, Swans, Kate Bush, Neutral Milk Hotel, Tame Impala etc etc the list goes on and on

>China the only true communist country

A lot of "successful" music is just shit churned out by the industry, though. It isn't necessarily all that good (regardless of perceived/imagined political alignment).

Thanks for the reply but I'm surrounded by enough unfunny leftists to recognize their bait

Who ever said that taxpayers didn't have to pay for things they don't like? A lot of them don't like tanks. Even more don't like Congress.

China hardly even calls themselves communist anymore. Besides communism is the removal of the state class and money which obviously hasn't happened yet

Awww, is baby gonna cwy?

yea but bcuz of something else :'(

In 2020 I'm gonna vote for whichever candidate supports anit-frogposting deathsquads.

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why do you hate cute frogs?

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It's not the frogs, it's the mushmouthed autists that post them

Isolationism is fucking stupid you asswipe. America has gained far more from intervening in other nation's affairs than it would if it was all on its own.

This. Leftists create, righties complain/criticize

Almost none of the last 30 or so posts have anything to do with music.

Jimmy Buffet ain't no Republican, dude.