What album has the most autistic track names?

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Bon iver 22 a million

what's wrong wih all the tracks being called Untitled?

Every Autechre album

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all aphex albums apply desu

Unironically skrillex

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they just do it to mess with the autists (you).

pretty much every pop punk album from the 2000s

any post rock album

any post-rock

Why don't people read the thread before they comment?

This aphex twin album is fine cause at least there's the pictures to describe them, syro is way worse cause it's just nonsense.

Also most of montreal albums have some ridiculously long track names I literally can never remember

I've got it lads

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>The Black Hawk War, or, How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and Still Feel Good About Yourself in the Morning, or, We Apologize for the Inconvenience but You're Going to Have to Leave Now, or, 'I Have Fought the Big Knives and Will Continue to Fight Them Until They Are Off Our Lands!'

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>implying that the greatest song name of all time is autistic

any album where the tracks are all uppercase or all lowercase.

I honestly almost didn't listen to this because of the name of the album and tracks (especially CLOUT CO13A1N)

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any Aphex Twin album
any Boars of Canada album
any Autechre album

>aphex twin

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Ghosts I-IV

One of Hiroyuki Sawano's hallmarks is strange track titles.


came here to post this

Hemophiliac - 50th Birthday Celebration Vol. 6
>\/\/\/ / /\/\/\/\ \/\/ / /\ \/\

Scary Monsters and Nice Spergs

Featuring great tracks like
>Love yiff!
>Furry Cannon
>Illegal trap
>D0 U K|/|0VV D0|/|K3\ K0|/|6?

Forgot image

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things like four tet side project

>.·.·* ́ ̈.·*:・๑ඕั

Like them but these ngl

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1. "Thaeter"
2. "This Is the New Shit"
4. "Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag"
5. "Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth"
6. "The Golden Age of Grotesque"
7. "(s)AINT"
8. "Ka-Boom Ka-Boom"
9. "Slutgarden"
10. ""
11. "Para-noir"
12. "The Bright Young Things"
13. "Better of Two Evils"
14. "Vodevil"
15. "Obsequey (The Death of Art)"
16. "Tainted Love" (Gloria Jones cover)
17. "Baboon Rape Party"
18. "Paranoiac"

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